NAME Magrathea::API - Easier access to the Magrathea NTS API VERSION Version 1.3.1 Please note that this software is currently beta. SYNOPSIS use Magrathea::API; my $mt = new Magrathea::API; my $number = $mt->allocate('01792'); $mt->deactivate($number); my @list = $mt->list('01792'); my @numbers = $mt->block_allocate('01792', 10); $mt->fax2email($numbers[2], ''); $mt->divert($number[3], '+5716027171'); $emerg = $mt->emergency_info; DESCRIPTION This module implements most of the Magrathea NTS API < PI-Instructions.pdf> in a simple format. EXPORT Nothing Exported. MAIN API METHODS Constructor new This will create a new Magrathea object and open at telnet session to the server. If authorisation fails, it will croak. my $mt = new Magrathea::API( username => 'myuser', password => 'mypass', ); Parameters: username password The username and password allocated by Magrathea. host Defaults to ** but could be overridden. port Defaults to *777*. timeout In seconds. Defaults to *10*. debug If set to a true value, this will output the conversation between the API and Magrathea's server. Be careful as this will also echo the username and password. Allocation Methods In all cases where $number is passed, this may be a string containing a number in National format (*020 1234 5678*) or in International format (*+44 20 1234 5678*). Spaces are ignored. Also, Phone::Number objects may be passed. When a number is returned, it will always be in the for of a Phone::Number object. allocate Passed a prefix, this will allocate and activate a number. You do not need to add the "_" characters. If a number can be found, this routine will return a Phone::Number object. If no match is found, this routine will return "undef". It will croak on any other error from Magrathea. deactivate Passed a number as a string or a Phone::Number, this deactivates the number. reactivate Reactivates a number that has previously been deactivated. list This should be passed a prefix and possibly a quantity (defaulting to 10. It will return a sorted random list of available numbers matching the prefix. These are returned as an array (or an arrayref) of Phone::Number. None of the numbers is allocated by this method. If none are available, the method will return an empty array. Block Methods block_allocate This should be passed a prefix (without any "_" characters) and an optional block size (defaulting to 10). It will attempt to allocate and activate a block of numbers. If a block can be found, this routine should return an array or arrayref of Phone::Number objects. Under odd circumstances, it is possible that fewer than the requested quantity of numbers will be returned; If no range is found is found, this routine will return "undef" in scalar context or an empty array in list context. It will croak on any other error from Magrathea. block_info This should be passed a number (string or Phone::Number) to check whether that number is part of a block. If it is, the size of the block will be returned in scalar context; In list context, the response will be an array of all the numbers in that block. If it is not a block, this will return "undef" or an empty array. block_deactivate This should be passed the first number in a block. It will deactivate and return the block of numbers. block_reactivate This should be passed the first number in a block. It will reactivate the block and return the size of the block in scalar context or an array of the numbers in list context. If the block is not available, this method will croak. In testing, this method has never worked correctly. Service Methods fax2email Sets a number as a fax to email. $mt->fax2email($number, $email_address); voice2email Sets a number as a voice to email. $mt->voice2email($number, $email_address); sip $mt->sip($number, $host, [$username, [$inband]]); Passed a number and a host, will set an inbound sip link to the international number (minus leading +) @ the host. If username is defined, it will be used instead of the number. If inband is true, it will force inband DTMF. The default is RFC2833 DTMF. divert $mt->divert($number, $to_number); status Returns the status for a given number. my $status = $mt->status($number); my @status = $mt->status($number); In scalar context, returns the first (and usually only) status as a Magrathea::API::Status object. In list context, returns up to three statuses representing the three possible setups created with ORDE. If the number is not allocated to us and activated, this routine returns "undef" in scalar context and an empty list in list context. The Magrathea::API::Status object has the following calls: "$status->number" A Phone::Number object representing the number to which this status refers. "$status->active" Boolean. "$status->expiry" The date this number expires in the form "YYYY-MM-DD". "$status->type" One of sip, fax2email, voice2email, divert or unallocated. "$status->target" The target email or phone number for this number; "$status->entry" The entry number (1, 2 or 3) for this status; In addition, it overloads '""' to provide as tring comprising the type and the target, separated by a space. Emergency Methods emergency_info Passed a phone number, this method returns a Magrathea::API::Emergency object with the current 999 information. Low Level Methods All the Magrathea low level calls are available. These are simply passed an array of strings which are joined to create the command string. They return the raw response on success (minus the leading 0) and die on failure. $@ will contain the error. See the Magrathea documentation < I-Instructions.pdf>. The functions are: auth This is called by "new" and should not be called directly. $mt->auth('username', 'password'); quit This is called automatically upon the Magrathea::API object going out of scope and should not be called directly. allo $mt->allo('0201235___'); acti $mt->acti('02012345678'); deac $mt->deac('02012345678'); reac $mt->reac('02012345678'); stat $mt->stat('02012345678'); set $mt->set('02012345678 1 441189999999'); $mt->set('02012345678 1'); $mt->set('02012345678 1'); $mt->set('02012345678 1'); $mt->set('02012345678 1'); spin $mt->set('02012345678 [pin]'); feat $mt->feat('02012345678 D'); $mt->feat('02012345678 J'); orde $mt->orde('02012345678 1 0000'); info $mt->info('02012345678 GEN Magrathea, 14 Shute End, RG40 1BJ'); It will not usually be necessary to call these functions directly. AUTHOR Cliff Stanford, <> ISSUES Please open any issues with this code on the Github Issues Page <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 by Cliff Stanford This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.