XML::Parser Version 2.24

Copyright (c) 1998 Larry Wall and Clark Cooper.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. 

This is a Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat.
It requires at least version 5.004 of perl. The documentation for this
extension can be found in pod format at the end of the files Parser.pm
and Expat/Expat.pm. The perldoc program, provided with the perl distribution,
can be used to view this documentation. The expat distribution is included in
full in this distribution in the directory Expat/expat.

This was modified from the original XML::Parser created by Larry Wall.

To configure this module, cd to the directory that contains this README file
and type the following:

	perl Makefile.PL

Alternatively, if you plan to install XML::Parser somewhere other than
your system's perl library directory. You can type something like this:

	perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/me/perl INSTALLDIRS=perl

Then to build you run make.


You can then test the module by typing:

	make test

There are some sample utilities in the samples directory along with an
xml form of the XML specification to test them on. You may need to change
the '#!' line at the top of these utilities to what is appropriate for
your system. If you're going to play around with them prior to installing
the module, you would need to add the blib paths to your perl search
path, like this (assuming your current directory is samples):

    perl -I../blib/lib -I../blib/arch xmlcomments REC-xml-19980210.xml

or set your PERLLIB environment variable.

If you have write access to the installation directories, you may then
install by typing:

	make install

Differences from Version 2.23

The major change is reading of the external subset and expansion of parameter
entities when the ParseParamEnt option is set to a true value. This is
possible due to a new version of expat (Version 19990626 with local patches)
provided by James Clark. The way is now clear for the addition of a validating
mode, which I hope to add in the near future.

The setHandler methods now return lists that consist of type, handler pairs
that correspond to their input, but the handlers returned are the ones that
were in effect prior to the call. This allows stacked handler managment.
This was requested by Ben Holzman <bholzman@earthlink.net>.

A EUC-KR encoding map provided by KangChan Lee <dolphin@comeng.chungnam.ac.kr>
is now included in the distribution.

A few bugs were also fixed.

Clark Cooper