# NAME AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard - observation and hook pasteboard changing. # SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard; my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; my $pb_watcher = AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard->new( interval => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5], # see following key specify description. on_change => sub { my $pb_content = shift; print "change pasteboard content: $pb_content\n"; }, on_unchange => sub { # ...some code... }, on_error => sub { my $error = shift; print "Error occured."; die $error; }, ); $cv->recv; # DESCRIPTION This module is observation and hook Mac OS X pasteboard changing. # METHODS ## AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard->new( ... ) my $pb_watcher = AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard->new( ... ); This object runs at recv'ing AnyEvent->condver. new gives key value pairs as argument. - interval => POSITIVE\_DIGIT or ARRAYREF having POSITIVE\_DIGITS Specify pasteboard observation interval. interval => 2, # per 2 seconds. or # 1st 0.5 second, 2nd 0.5 too, 3rd, 1 second, ... # and last per 5 seconds interval. interval => [0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], This key is optional. Default interval is defined by $AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard::DEFAULT\_INTERVAL. perl -MAnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard -E 'say $AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard::DEFAULT_INTERVAL;' - on\_change => CALLBACK on_change => sub { my $pb_content = shift; print qq(Run on_change. pasteboard content is "$pb_content"\n); }, While this module observates per specified interval, if it detects pasteboard changing at per observation, then call this "on\_change" callback. This callback gives changed new pasteboard content at 1st argument. - on\_unchagnge => CALLBACK on_unchange => sub { my $pb_content = shift; print "Run on_unchange.\n" if DEBUG; }, The converse of "on\_change" callback. This callback may be using at DEBUG. - on\_error => CALLBACK This callback "on\_error" is called at error occuring. However this callback is **BETA STATUS**, so it may be obsoluted at future release. - multibyte => BOOL It seems Mac::Pasteboard#pbpaste() (given pasteboard content subroutine) is broken multibyte UTF-8 characters. Because this AnyEvent::Mac::Pasteboard is used low cost Mac::Pasteboard#pbpate() as observation, high cost external command call \`pbpaste\` as picking up content. If you use only single byte UTF-8 characters (ASCII only), then it is no problem this flag is false. However if you use multibyte UTF-8 character, then let this flag true for safety. Default is false. # SEE ALSO [Mac::Pasteboard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mac::Pasteboard), man 1 pbpaste # AUTHOR OGATA Tetsuji, <tetsuji.ogata {at} gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 by OGATA Tetsuji This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.