Net::Whois::RIPE - implementation of RIPE Whois.

            use Net::Whois::RIPE;
            $whois = Net::Whois::RIPE->new($host);
            $whois = Net::Whois::RIPE->new($host,Timeout=>10);
            $whois = Net::Whois::RIPE->new($host,Timeout=>10,Port=>43);


            foreach $inet ($whois->query('')) {
                    print $inet->inetnum, "\n"; 


            # to minimise memory requirements on large lookups...
            $iterator = $whois->query_iterator('DNS3-AP');
            while ($obj = $iterator->next) {





            # query only


    Net::Whois::RIPE class implementing a RIPE whois client.

    new (HOST [,OPTIONS])
        This is the constructor for a new Net::Whois::RIPE object. "HOST" is
        the name of the remote host to which a whois connection is required.

        "OPTIONS" are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value
        pairs. Possible options are:

                Port - The port number to connect to on the remote machine
                Timeout - Set a timeout value in seconds (defaults to 30)
                Debug - See debug methog. 

        The constructor returns undef on failure. If debug is on then a
        message is carped about the failure.

        Sends a template request to whois host for a template of
        WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME. Results are returned in a
        *Net::Whois::RIPE::Object* object. The template is retrieved via the
        *content* method on the *Net::Whois::RIPE::Object* object.

               $t = $whois->template('all');
               $t = $whois->template('inetnum');
               $t = $whois->template('person');
               $text = $t->content;

        If WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME is undefined then the method will carp (under
        debug) and return undef.

        Like template, but sends a verbose template request to the whois
        host for WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME. Results are returned in a
        *Net::Whois::RIPE::Object* object. The verbose template is retrieved
        via the *content* method on the *Net::Whois::RIPE::Object* object.

               $vt = $whois->verbose_template('person');
               $text = $vt->content;

        If WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME is undefined then the method will carp and
        return undef.

        Formats query flag options (see below) and sends them and QUERY_TEXT
        to the server. If called in a scalar context then the first object
        returned from the server is passed back as a single
        *Net::Whois::RIPE::Object* object. In an array context, all returned
        objects returned from the server are parsed into in a list and
        returned (potentially quite large).

               $q = $whois->query('key')  # a single Query
               @q = $whois->query('key')  # an array of Queries

        If QUERY_KEY is undefined, undef is returned. Any failure will carp
        and return undef.

        If max_read_size is greater than zero then the server response will
        be abandoned when greater than max_read_size bytes have been read.
        The last object read will have warning messages set to indicate that
        the response was cut.

        Similar to *query* except that a Net::Whois::RIPE::Iterator object
        is returned. This object is used to iterate over the results of the

        This was created in response to huge results returned by whois
        queries where over 1000 objects may be returned. Query iterator
        returns an object at a time via the *next* method as opposed to
        *query* which returns an array of objects.

                $iterator = $whois->query_iterator 
                        or die "unable to create iterator";
                while ($obj = $iterator->next) {

        Sends UPDATE_TEXT directly to server. Query flag options (below) are
        not used by update. Server response is returned via
        *Net::Whois::RIPE::Object*. Use the content method on the Query
        object to via server response.

         my $q = $whois->update($message)
         print $q->content                                      

        If UPDATE_TEXT is undefined, undef is returned. Any failure will
        carp and return undef.

        If no *changed* field can be found to determine a login and domain
        the method will carp and return undef.

        If max_read_size is greater than zero then the server response will
        be abandoned when greater than max_read_size bytes have been read.

        Sets/gets debugging level on the class or an object.

                0 - no debugging
                1 - debugging on
                2 - carp on IO::Socket::INET 

        Sets/reads the maximum number of bytes that *Net::Whois::RIPE* will
        read before returning. This is to limit huge responses from the
        server overloading scripts.

        a *max_read_size* of zero indicates no limit.

    flag options
        The following flags may be set by calling the method. Their meaning
        is identical to the ripe whois client. These flags require no
        arguments, they simply set the flag on.

               Method                       Equivalent whois flag
               search_all                   -a
               fast_raw                     -F
               find_less                    -L
               find_more                    -m
               find_all_more                -M
               no_recursive                 -r
               no_referral                  -R
               no_sugar                     -S

    flag options taking values
        The following flags may be set by calling the method with a value.
        There meaning is identical to the ripe whois client.

               Method                       Equivalent whois flag
               inverse_lookup(ATTRIBUTE)    -i ATTRIBUTE
               port(PORT)                   -p PORT
               source(SOURCE)               -s SOURCE
               type(TYPE)                   -T TYPE

            Paul Gampe, <>
            Kevin Baker, <>
            Bruce Campbell, <>

    Update could be made clever enough to determine if it was been passed a
    string to update or a Net::Whois::RIPE::Object and adapt its behaviour.


            Copyright (C) 1998 Paul Gampe and APNIC Pty. Ltd.
            Copyright (C) 2000 Kevin Baker and APNIC Pty. Ltd.
            This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
            and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
            License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
            either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.
            This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
            but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            GNU General Public License for more details.
            You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
            License along with this program; if not, write to the 
            Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
            675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.