diff -rc perl-5.8.0/patchlevel.h perl-5.8.0.patched/patchlevel.h
*** perl-5.8.0/patchlevel.h	Fri Jul 19 00:08:27 2002
--- perl-5.8.0.patched/patchlevel.h	Thu Nov 15 17:18:17 2007
*** 82 ****
! 	,NULL
--- 82,83 ----
! 	,"REGEXP0 - fix for UTF-8 recoding in regexps - CVE-2007-5116"
! 	,NULL
diff -rc perl-5.8.0/regcomp.c perl-5.8.0.patched/regcomp.c
*** perl-5.8.0/regcomp.c	Mon Jul  8 21:10:49 2002
--- perl-5.8.0.patched/regcomp.c	Thu Nov 15 17:18:17 2007
*** 125,131 ****
      I32		extralen;
      I32		seen_zerolen;
      I32		seen_evals;
!     I32		utf8;
      char 	*starttry;		/* -Dr: where regtry was called. */
  #define RExC_starttry	(pRExC_state->starttry)
--- 125,134 ----
      I32		extralen;
      I32		seen_zerolen;
      I32		seen_evals;
!     I32		utf8;		/* whether the pattern is utf8 or not */
!     I32		orig_utf8;	/* whether the pattern was originally in utf8 */
! 				/* XXX use this for future optimisation of case
! 				 * where pattern must be upgraded to utf8. */
      char 	*starttry;		/* -Dr: where regtry was called. */
  #define RExC_starttry	(pRExC_state->starttry)
*** 151,156 ****
--- 154,160 ----
  #define RExC_seen_zerolen	(pRExC_state->seen_zerolen)
  #define RExC_seen_evals	(pRExC_state->seen_evals)
  #define RExC_utf8	(pRExC_state->utf8)
+ #define RExC_orig_utf8	(pRExC_state->orig_utf8)
  #define	ISMULT1(c)	((c) == '*' || (c) == '+' || (c) == '?')
  #define	ISMULT2(s)	((*s) == '*' || (*s) == '+' || (*s) == '?' || \
*** 1737,1751 ****
      if (exp == NULL)
  	FAIL("NULL regexp argument");
!     RExC_utf8 = pm->op_pmdynflags & PMdf_CMP_UTF8;
-     RExC_precomp = exp;
  	 if (!PL_colorset) reginitcolors();
  	 PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%sCompiling REx%s `%s%*s%s'\n",
! 		       (int)(xend - exp), RExC_precomp, PL_colors[1]);
      RExC_flags = pm->op_pmflags;
      RExC_sawback = 0;
--- 1741,1757 ----
      if (exp == NULL)
  	FAIL("NULL regexp argument");
!     RExC_utf8 = RExC_orig_utf8 = pm->op_pmdynflags & PMdf_CMP_UTF8;
  	 if (!PL_colorset) reginitcolors();
  	 PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%sCompiling REx%s `%s%*s%s'\n",
! 		       (int)(xend - exp), exp, PL_colors[1]);
+ redo_first_pass:
+     RExC_precomp = exp;
      RExC_flags = pm->op_pmflags;
      RExC_sawback = 0;
*** 1770,1775 ****
--- 1776,1800 ----
      if (reg(pRExC_state, 0, &flags) == NULL) {
  	RExC_precomp = Nullch;
+     }
+     if (RExC_utf8 && !RExC_orig_utf8) {
+         /* It's possible to write a regexp in ascii that represents unicode
+         codepoints outside of the byte range, such as via \x{100}. If we
+         detect such a sequence we have to convert the entire pattern to utf8
+         and then recompile, as our sizing calculation will have been based
+         on 1 byte == 1 character, but we will need to use utf8 to encode
+         at least some part of the pattern, and therefore must convert the whole
+         thing.
+         XXX: somehow figure out how to make this less expensive...
+         -- dmq */
+         STRLEN len = xend-exp;
+         DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,
+ 	    "UTF8 mismatch! Converting to utf8 for resizing and compile\n"));
+         exp = (char*)Perl_bytes_to_utf8(aTHX_ (U8*)exp, &len);
+         xend = exp + len;
+         RExC_orig_utf8 = RExC_utf8;
+         SAVEFREEPV(exp);
+         goto redo_first_pass;
      DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "size %"IVdf" ", (IV)RExC_size));
diff -rc perl-5.8.0/t/op/pat.t perl-5.8.0.patched/t/op/pat.t
*** perl-5.8.0/t/op/pat.t	Mon Jul  1 15:42:19 2002
--- perl-5.8.0.patched/t/op/pat.t	Thu Nov 15 17:19:14 2007
*** 6,12 ****
  $| = 1;
! print "1..922\n";
      chdir 't' if -d 't';
--- 6,12 ----
  $| = 1;
! print "1..924\n";
      chdir 't' if -d 't';
*** 2900,2904 ****
--- 2900,2913 ----
+ {
+     use warnings;
+     my @w;
+     local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{push @w,"@_"};
+     my $c=qq(\x{DF}); 
+     ok($c=~/${c}|\x{100}/, "ASCII pattern that really is utf8");
+     ok(@w==0, "No warnings");
+ }    
  $test = 923;