SNMP-Persist - The SNMP pass_persist threaded backend COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2006 Anna Wiejak This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. INTRODUCTION The SNMP-Persist module is a backend for pass_persist feature of net-snmp. It simplifies the process of sharing user-specified data via SNMP and development of persistent net-snmp applications controlling a chosen MIB subtree. It is particularly useful if data gathering process takes too long. The responder is a separate thread, which is not influenced by updates of MIB subtree data. The answer to a snmp request is fast and doesn't rely on potentially slow source of data. QUICK START 1) Decide on what values and data will be stored in snmp subtree Example: There are 5 applications running on the box, each outputing a new line to its own log file every 60 seconds. The aim is to: * get the recent number of threads, database connections and total memory every 300 seconds * serve the listed values via snmp in an organized way 2) Organize the data into sets of data pairs (OID data type + value). Example: Each application gets its own number. The following data pairs are set: * aplication number (INTEGER), * application name (STRING), * number of threads (INTEGER), * database connections (INTEGER * total memory (Counter32) Additionally each data set gets its own sequence number. 3) Write perl script which does the following: * gets the required data * according to the data structure described in 2) creates a hash of arrays, where: * a hash key is: <data set sequence number> . "." . <application number> * hash value is: an array of corresponding data pairs (data type, value) 4) Add calls to SNMP::Persist functions as specified in the manual and loop the data mining function (see: EXAMPLE) 5) Attach to snmpd.conf config file pass_persist . <user script location> EXAMPLE use SNMP::Persist qw(&define_oid &start_persister &define_subtree); use strict; use warnings; #define base oid to host the subtree define_oid("."); #start the thread serving answers start_persister(); #set first application number my $index=1; #loop forever to update the values while(1) { my %subtree; my $gameName; foreach $gameName ("game1", "game2") { #for each application $subtree{"1." . $index}=["INTEGER",$index]; #set game index data pair $subtree{"2." . $index}=["STRING",$gameName]; #set game name data pair $subtree{"3." . $index}=["Counter32", 344.2 ]; #set total memory data pair $index++; next application } #new values have arrived - notify the subtree controller define_subtree(\%subtree); #don't update for next 5 minutes sleep(300); } INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc SNMP::Persist You can also look for information at: Search CPAN CPAN Request Tracker: AnnoCPAN, annotated CPAN documentation: CPAN Ratings: