This module is designed to extract n-grams from texts and list them
according to frequency and/or T-Score.

To elaborate, the purpose of Lingu::EN::Ngram is to: 1) pull out all of
the ngrams (multi-word phrases) in a given text, and 2) list these
phrases according to their frequency. Using this module is it possible
to create lists of the most common phrases in a text as well as order
them by their probable occurance, thus implying significance. This
process is useful for the purposes of textual analysis and "distant

The two-word phrases (bigrams) are also listable by their T-Score. The
T-Score, as well as a number of the module's other methods, is
calculated as per Nugues, P. M. (2006). An introduction to language
processing with Perl and Prolog: An outline of theories, implementation,
and application with special consideration of English, French, and
German. Cognitive technologies. Berlin: Springer.

Finally, the intersection method enables the developer to find ngrams
common in an arbitrary number of texts. Use this to look for common
themes across a corpus.

Eric Lease Morgan <>
September 12, 2010