SYNOPSIS use RDF::Trine::Namespace qw(rdf rdfs); my $one_triple = "<test/classA> <${rdfs}domain> <test/ClassB> ."; my $reasoner = RDF::TrineX::RuleEngine::Jena->new; my $model_inferred = $reasoner->apply_rules( input => \ $one_triple, rules => 'rdfs-fb', purge_schemas => ':all', ); print $model_inferred->size; # 7 my $serializer = RDF::Trine::Serializer->new('turtle' , namespaces => { rdf => $rdf, rdfs => $rdfs }); print $serializer->serialize_model_to_string( $model_inferred ); # <test/ClassB> rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource, <test/ClassB> ; # a rdfs:Class . # <test/classA> rdfs:domain <test/ClassB> ; # a rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource . DESCRIPTION This module is a convenience wrapper around a call to Jena's ` jena.RuleMap ' command line rule-engine interface. It transparently handles serialization and creation of temporary files, but it relies on a working Java installation and knowledge of the location of the Jena framework. Finding Jena When building this module, the Jena framework can be downloaded or a path to an existing Jena installation can be specified. This path is stored in a shared file. If you can't or don't want to specify it at build time, you can set the JENAROOT environment variable to the location of the extracted Jena download. Finally you can pass the path to it at runtime to the constructor. RDF::Trine vs. Jena Format names Trine | Jena ---------+---------------------------- ntriples | N-TRIPLE turtle | TURTLE rdxml | RDF/XML, RDF/XML-ABBREV n3 | N3-PP, N3-PLAIN, N3-TRIPLE ATTRIBUTES JENAROOT A Path::Class::Dir object of the Jena directory. JENA_VERSION The Version of Jena used, determined from the `jena-X.X.X-sources.jar' file. JENA_SOURCES_JAR Archive::Zip object for the `jena-X.X.X-sources.jar' file. Contains the predefined rulesets. JENA_CLASSPATH Array reference holding the paths to all the `<jar'> files required for Jena to run. METHODS new Returns a new RDF::TrineX::RuleEngine::Jena object. Before The optional `JENAROOT' argument holds the path to the extracted Jena source. If not set, `JENAROOT' is determined as described in JENAROOT. apply_rules Applies a set of Jena rules to RDF input and adds the inferred statements to the output model. `input => $input_data' required `$input_data' is serialized, written to a temporary file and fed to exec_jena_rulemap as the `filename_input' argument. Currently, the following data types are handled: * RDF::Trine::Model. my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model; RDF::Trine::Parser->new('turtle')->parse_file_into_model('my_file.ttl'); $reasoner->apply_rules( input => $model, rules => ..., ); * String: Treated as the path to a file containing a serialized RDF graph. $reasoner->apply_rules( input => 'my_file.nt', rules => ..., ); * Scalar reference: Treated as a reference to a serialized RDF graph. my $input_ttl = <'EOF'; @prefix rdfs: . <Tiny> rdfs:subClassOf <Small> . EOF $reasoner-apply_rules( input => \ $input_ttl, input_format => 'TURTLE', rules => ..., ); `rules => $rules_data' required `$rules_data' can be any of the following: * String matching one of the available_rulesets: The appropriate rules file is loaded from JENA_SOURCES_JAR. $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => 'rdfs', ); * Scalar reference: The dereferenced value is treated as a string of rules. my $rules = "[dummy: (?a ?b ?c) -> (?a rdfs:label "This is stupid") ]"; $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => \ $rules, ); * Any other string: Treat `$rules_data' as a filename and load rules from there. $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => '/path/to/my/ruleset.rules', ); `output => ($model|":fh"|":filename"|":string"|$string)' If specified, inferred statements are written to this model, otherwise a temporary model is created. If you set output to the same value as input, inferred statements are added to the original model. * `$model': The statements are added to this RDF::Trine::Model. Setting this to the same model as in `input' will cause all rule-based statement removals to be ignored since there currently is no way of tracking which statements *were* by applying the rules. * `":fh"': If this special string (case-insensitive) is supplied, a readable filehandle to the raw output of jena.RuleMap is returned. `purge_schemas' is ignored. my $fh = $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => ..., output => ':FH', ); while (<$fh>) { my ($s, $p, $o ) = $_ =~ m/^\s*<([^>]+>\s+<([^>]+>\s+<([^>]+>\s*.$/; } * `":filename"': If this special string (case-insensitive) is supplied, the filename of the temporary file containing the raw output of jena.rulemap is returned . `purge_schemas' is ignored. use File::Slurp; my $fname = $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => ..., output => ':filename', ); my $contents = read_file $fname; * `":string"': If this special string (case-insensitive) is supplied, the complete raw output of jena.RuleMap is returned. `purge_schemas' is ignored. my $serialized = $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => ..., output => ':sTRing', ); * `$string': Any other string is treated as a filename to write the raw output of jena.RuleMap to. `purge_schemas' is ignored. my $serialized = $reasoner->apply_rules( input => 'data.nt', rules => ..., output => 'data_inferred.nt', ); `purge_schemas => (\@list_of_schemanames|":all")' Jena's rule engine adds lots and lots of schema statements about rdf, rdfs, owl, xsd plus some internals. You can tell RDF::TrineX::RuleEngine::Jena to purge those statements by supplying an array ref of schema names to purge_schemas. Specifying `:all' removes all schema statements, RDF::TrineX::RuleEngine::Jena knows about. $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => ..., purge_schemas => ':all', ); is equivalent to $reasoner->apply_rules( input => ..., rules => ..., purge_schemas => [qw( rdf rdfs daml xsd owl jena )], ); exec_jena_rulemap Sets and resets CLASSPATH and runs `java jena.RuleMap ...' using a system call. This is all this function does, capturing STDIN and STDERR and parsing/serializing happens in apply_rules. Arguments: filename_rules Filename of the `.rules' file filename_input File name of the file containing the assertions. input format The format of the input file, in Jena notation (i.e. 'N-TRIPLE', 'TURTLE', 'RDF/XML'...) output_format Format of the result printed to STDOUT, again in Jena notation. additions_only When this flag is set, Jena will only return deduced and schema statements, as opposed to the original model with added and removed statements when the flag is not set. _model_difference Given two models A and B, remove all statements from A that are also in B. _remove_tautologies Remove all statements of the form `X owl:equivalentProperty X'. available_rulesets Lists the available predefined rulesets shipped with Jena that aren't broken. Currently, these are: * daml-micro * owl-fb * owl-fb-micro * owl-fb-mini * rdfs * rdfs-b * rdfs-b-tuned * rdfs-fb * rdfs-fb-lp-expt * rdfs-fb-tgc * rdfs-fb-tgc-noresource * rdfs-noresource get_ruleset_filename Get the filename of a predefined ruleset within JENA_SOURCES_JAR. AUTHOR Konstantin Baierer <> SEE ALSO gh-arq-command-line