Device::Chip::Si5351 - chip driver for Si5351


       use Device::Chip::Si5351;
       use Future::AsyncAwait;
       my $chip = Device::Chip::Si5351->new;
       await $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new );
       await $chip->init;
       await $chip->change_pll_config( "A",
          SRC   => "XTAL",
          ratio => 24,
       await $chip->change_multisynth_config( 0,
          SRC   => "PLLA",
          ratio => 50,
       await $chip->change_clk_config( 0,
          SRC => "MSn",
          PDN => 0,
          OE  => 1,
       await $chip->reset_plls;
       # CLK0 output will now be set to the crystal reference frequency
       # multiplied by 24, divided by 50. Assuming a 25.000MHz reference
       # crystal, the output will therefore be 12.000MHz.


    This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communication to a Silabs
    Si5153 chip attached to a computer via an I涎 adapter.

    The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of
    this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define
    chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to
    access them.



       await $chip->init;

    Performs initialisation setup on the chip as recommended by the
    datasheet: disables all outputs and powers down all output drivers.
    After this, individual outputs can be powered up and enabled again by


       $status = await $chip->read_status;

    Reads and returns the chip status register, as a HASH reference with
    the following keys:

       SYS_INIT  => BOOL
       LOL_A     => BOOL
       LOL_B     => BOOL
       LOS_CLKIN => BOOL
       LOS_XTAL  => BOOL
       REVID     => INT


       $config = await $chip->read_config;

    Reads and returns the overall chip configuration, as a HASH reference
    with the following keys:

       XTAL_CL      => "6pF" | "8pF" | "10pF"
       XO_FANOUT    => BOOL
       MS_FANOUT    => BOOL


       await $chip->change_config( %changes );

    Writes changes to the overall chip configuration registers. Any fields
    not specified will retain their current values.


       $config = await $chip->read_pll_config( $pll )

    Reads and returns the PLL synthesizer configuration registers for the
    given PLL unit (which should be "A" or "B"), as a HASH reference with
    the following keys:

       P1  => INT
       P2  => INT
       P3  => INT
       SRC => "XTAL" | "CLKIN"

    Additionally, the following extra fields will be inferred from the
    basic parameters, as a convenience:

       ratio_a => INT  # integral part of ratio
       ratio_b => INT  # numerator of fractional part of ratio
       ratio_c => INT  # denominator of fractional part of ratio
       ratio => NUM    # ratio expressed as a float


       await $chip->change_pll_config( $pll, %changes )

    Writes changes to the PLL synthesizer configuration registers for the
    given PLL unit. Any fields not specified will retain their current

    As a convenience, the feedback division ratio can be supplied using the
    three ratio_... parameters, rather than the raw Pn values.

    To set an integer ratio, this can alternatively be supplied directly by
    the ratio parameter. This must be an integer, however. To avoid
    floating-point inaccuracies in fractional ratios, the three ratio_...
    parameters must be used if the ratio is not a simple integer.


       await $chip->reset_plls;

    Resets the PLLs. This method should be called at the end of
    configuration to reset the PLL and divider units to begin outputting
    the configured frequencies.


       $config = await $chip->read_multisynth_config( $idx )

    Reads and returns the Multisynth frequency divider configuration
    registers for the given unit (which should be an integer 0 to 5), as a
    HASH reference with the following keys:

       P1     => INT
       P2     => INT
       P3     => INT
       DIVBY4 => BOOL
       INT    => BOOL
       SRC    => "PLLA" | "PLLB"
       PHOFF  => INT

    Note that this method returns the setting of the appropriate
    phase-offset register. Even though the datasheet names this as if it
    were related to the clock output unit, it in fact relates to the
    Multisynth divider.

    Additionally, the following extra fields will be inferred from the
    basic parameters, as a convenience:

       ratio_a => INT  # integral part of ratio
       ratio_b => INT  # numerator of fractional part of ratio
       ratio_c => INT  # denominator of fractional part of ratio
       ratio => NUM    # ratio expressed as a float

    Note that the integer-only Multisynth units 6 and 7 are not currently


       await $chip->change_multisynth_config( $pll, %changes )

    Writes changes to the Multisynth frequency divider configuration
    registers for the given unit. Any fields not specified will retain
    their current values.

    As a convenience, the division ratio can be supplied using the three
    ratio_... parameters, rather than the raw Pn values.

    To set an integer ratio, this can alternatively be supplied directly by
    the ratio parameter. This must be an integer, however. To avoid
    floating-point inaccuracies in fractional ratios, the three ratio_...
    parameters must be used if the ratio is not a simple integer.


       $config = $chip->read_clk_config( $idx )

    Reads and returns the clock output pin configuration registers for the
    given pin index (in the range 0 to 5), as a HASH reference with the
    following keys:

       IDRV => "2mA" | "4mA" | "6mA" | "8mA"
       SRC  => "XTAL" | "CLKIN" | "MS04" | "MSn"
       INV  => BOOL
       PDN  => BOOL
       DIV  => 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128
       OE   => BOOL

    Note that the OE field has positive logic; it is true when the output
    is enabled (by the OEMASK register having a 0 bit in the corresponding


       await $chip->change_clk_config( $idx, %changes );

    Writes changes to the clock output pin configuration registers for the
    given pin index. Any fields not specified will retain their current


    This module is missing support for several chip features, mostly
    because I only have the MSOP-10 version of the Si5351A chip, so I
    cannot actually test:

      * Integer-only multisynth units 6 and 7 and their associated clock
      output pins.

      * The VCXO of Si5351B.

      * The CLKIN of Si5351C.

    Additionally, lacking a spectrum analyser I cannot confirm operation

      * Spread-spectrum parameters of PLLA.


    Paul Evans <>