Fame Perl Extension 2.1



Fameperl contains FAME extensions for Perl 5.  FAME is a registered
trademark of FAME Information Services Inc.  Neither this program nor
its author are associated with Fame Information Services Inc, nor does
the author guarantee this software in any way.  This license does
not in any way grant you rights to use the FAME software.  You must
already have a FAME license which authorizes the use of CHLI.

This software requires Perl version 5.003 or above.  A simpler, public
domain version for perl 4.036 is available from the author This program
also requires FAME 7.6 (see FAME 7.5 section below if you are using
that version).  Extension for TCL and Java (Netscape and Internet
Explorer) are also available from the author.



1. Set the FAME environment variable.

2. Check Makefile.PL to make sure directories are correct.  If you want
   to use the FRB extensions available at the Federal Reserve, add a
   "-DFRB" to the "DEFINES" section. See DEFINES below for more options. 
   Making changes to the defines may require manually adding or
   removing entries to the @EXPORTS array in file Fame.pm.  Also look
   at the Makefile.PL file in the LANG, DB, and HLI directories.

3. Extract the Makefile by running "perl Makefile.PL".

4. Run "make".

5. If everything builds OK, run "make test" to perform rudimentary

   a) IMPORTANT:  If you have problems running the test, particularly if
      you get an "Illegal Instruction" or "Bus Error" message, then you
      may have to patch the Perl executable to remove a name ("Errors")
      which conflicts with the Fame library.  Run "make patchperl" and
      try "make test" again.  This patch should not affect the 
      functionality of perl or any extensions.

      SOLARIS: "Error" does not have a "_" in front of it.  You will have
      to run "make patchsolaris".

   b) If you still have problems, you may be patching the wrong perl
      executable.  Make sure that both the installed perl and the one
      in the "build" directory are the patched version by looking at
      the time/date of the files.

6. To install everything into production, you may run "make install".


     FRB        Include FRB extensions.
     HLILIB     Include $FAME/demo/hli/chlilib.c support which
                includes various utilities to get text representations
                for errors, frequencies, etc.
     HLI75      Include support for new Fame 7.5 functions.
     HLI76      Include support for new Fame 7.6 functions.
     UNSUP      Include undocumented and unsupported functions.


"Fame.pod" contains the current manual.  There is also a file
"Paper.doc" which contains an introductory paper about the perl 4
interface, but not any of the new object-oriented features added to
the perl 5 interface. "HLI/usage.doc" contains a summary of the HLI
package functions.


7.5 : To use FAME 7.5 you may have to modify some of the files during
the make process.  After step 4 ("make"), you will probably get an error
such as "famecons.i: syntax error at or near word 'extern'."  You will
have to find the line where the error occurred, which will probably be
in a "case" statement, and remove it.  Then type "make" again.

7.7 : The file $FAME/demo/hli/chlilib.c has more symbols than are
given in $FAME/hli/hli.h.  You must remove all the "case" entries
in chlilib.c which deal with FlexLm errors (they begin with "HFLX"),
or not set HLILIB in HLI/Makefile.PL.

This package has been built on SunOS and Solaris with FAME versions 7.0
to 7.7 with minor changes.  Contact the author for specifics if you
are having trouble.  This package has also been built for Windows NT and


This software is being enhanced all the time in order to fix bugs,
keep up with FAME and perl changes, or add new features.  If you use
this software, please let the author know, so he can help keep you
up-to-date.  The author also provides installation assistance,
classes, and contract programming (please ask for information about
these services specifically).  Also, the author keeps an older version
of this software for TCL.


hli.ph is obsolete and may not be supported in future releases of this
software.  It is provided now for compatability with older versions of

If you wish to maintain hli.ph in a different directory than the
original perl libraries, you may do one of two things:
1) You may wish to modify the perl 5 config.h file.  First, run
"Configure" and "make depend".  Then, assuming a directory of
/usr/local/lib/perl for your perl libraries, and
/usr/local/lib/fameperl for you fameperl specific files such as
hli.ph.  Modify the line which would read:
 #define PRIVLIB "/usr/local/lib/perl5"
to read:
 #define PRIVLIB "/usr/local/lib/perl5:/usr/local/lib/fameperl"
2) You may also use the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variable.


Part 2: 7) Database Interfaces (see also Data Types)

Fame           bdcO  FAME database and language                   TRIAS

Part 4: 1)   Information / Contact Reference Details

  TRIAS  Fernando Trias <ftrias@bigfoot.com>