NAME OPM::Repository - parse OPM repositories' framework.xml files to search for add ons VERSION version 1.0.0 SYNOPSIS use OPM::Repository; my $repo = OPM::Repository->new( sources => [qw! !], ); my ($url) = $repo->find( name => 'ITSMCore', framework => '3.3', ); print $url; BUILDARGS ATTRIBUTES * sources METHODS new new has only one mandatory parameter: sources. This has to be an array reference of URLs for repositories' framework.xml files. my $repo = OPM::Repository->new( sources => [qw! !], ); find Search for an add on for a given OPM version in those repositories. It returns a list of urls if the add on was found, undef otherwise. my @urls = $repo->find( name => 'ITSMCore', framework => '3.3', ); Find a specific version my @urls = $repo->find( name => 'ITSMCore', framework => '3.3', version => '1.4.8', ); list List all addons found in the repositories my @addons = $repo->list; say $_ for @addons; You can also define the OPM version my @addons = $repo->list( framework => '5.0.x' ); say $_ for @addons; Both snippets print a simple list of addon names. If you want to to create a list with more information, you can use my @addons = $repo->list( framework => '5.0.x', details => 1, ); say sprintf "%s (%s) on %s\n", $_->{name}, $_->{version}, $_->{url} for @addons; AUTHOR Renee Baecker <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)