MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin::Admin - A plugin to MediaWiki::Bot providing
    admin functions

    version 3.004000

        use MediaWiki::Bot;

        my $bot = MediaWiki::Bot->new('Account');
        $bot->login('Account', 'password');
        my @pages = ('one', 'two', 'three');
        foreach my $page (@pages) {
            $bot->delete($page, 'Deleting [[:Category:Pages to delete]] en masse');

    A plugin to the MediaWiki::Bot framework to provide administrative
    functions to a bot.

    Calling import from any module will, quite simply, transfer these
    subroutines into that module's namespace. This is possible from any
    module which is compatible with MediaWiki::Bot. Typically, you will "use
    MediaWiki::Bot" and nothing else. Just use the methods, MediaWiki::Bot
    automatically imports plugins if found.

  rollback($pagename, $username[,$summary[,$markbot]])
    Uses rollback to revert to the last revision of $pagename not edited by
    the latest editor of that page. If $username is not the last editor of
    $pagename, you will get an error; that's why it is a *very good idea* to
    set this. If you do not, the latest edit(s) will be rolled back, and you
    could end up rolling back something you didn't intend to. Therefore,
    $username should be considered required. The remaining parameters are
    optional: $summary (to set a custom rollback edit summary), and $markbot
    (which marks both the rollback and the edits that were rolled back as
    bot edits).

        $bot->rollback("Linux", "Some Vandal");
        # OR
        $bot->rollback("Wikibooks:Sandbox", "Mike.lifeguard", "rvv", 1);

    Deletes the page with the specified summary. If you omit $summary, a
    generic one will be used.

        my @pages = ('Junk page 1', 'Junk page 2', 'Junk page 3');
        foreach my $page (@pages) {
            $bot->delete($page, 'Deleting junk pages');

    Undeletes $page with $summary. If you omit $summary, a generic one will
    be used.


  delete_archived_image($archivename, $summary)
    Deletes the specified revision of the image with the specified summary.
    A generic summary will be used if you omit $summary.

        # Get the archivename somehow (from iiprop)
        $bot->delete_archived_image('20080606222744!Albert_Einstein_Head.jpg', 'test');

    Blocks the user with the specified options. All options optional except
    user and length. Anononly, autoblock, blockac, blockemail and blocktalk
    are true/false. Defaults to a generic summary, with all options

            user        => 'Vandal account 2',
            length      => 'indefinite',
            summary     => '[[Project:Vandalism|Vandalism]]',
            anononly    => 1,
            autoblock   => 1,

    For backwards compatibility, you can still use this deprecated method

        $bot->block('Vandal account', 'infinite', 'Vandalism-only account', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);

    Unblocks the user with the specified summary.

        $bot->unblock('Jimbo Wales', 'Blocked in error');

  unprotect($page, $reason)
    Unprotects a page. You can also set parameters for protect() such that
    the page is unprotected.

        my @obsolete_protections = ('Main Page', 'Project:Community Portal', 'Template:Tlx');
        foreach my $page (@obsolete_protections) {
            $bot->unprotect($page, 'Removing old obsolete page protection');

  protect($page, $reason, $editlvl, $movelvl, $time, $cascade)
    Protects (or unprotects) the page. $editlvl and $movelvl may be 'all',
    'autoconfirmed', or 'sysop'. $cascade is true/false.

    Do a *transwiki* import of a page specified in the hashref.

    *   prefix must be a valid interwiki on the wiki you're importing to. It
        specifies where to import from.

    *   page is the title to import from the remote wiki, including

    *   ns is the namespace *number* to import *to*. For example, some wikis
        have a "Transwiki" namespace to import into where cleanup happens
        before pages are moved into the main namespace. This defaults to 0.

    *   history specifies whether or not to include the full page history.
        Defaults to 1. In general, you should import the full history, but
        on very large page histories, this may not be possible. In such
        cases, try disabling this, or do an XML import.

    *   templates specifies whether or not to include templates. Defaults to


    Import an XML file to the wiki. Specify the filename of an XML dump.

    Sets the user's group membership to the given list. You cannot change
    membership in *, user, or autoconfirmed, so you don't need to list them.
    There may also be other limits on which groups you can set/unset on a
    given wiki with a given account which may result in an error. In an
    error condition, it is undefined whether any group membership changes
    are made.

    The list returned is the user's new group membership.

        $bot->set_usergroups('Mike.lifeguard', ['sysop'], "He deserves it");

    Add the user to the specified usergroups:

        $bot->add_usergroups('Mike.lifeguard', ['sysop', 'editor'], "for fun");

    Returns the list of added usergroups, not the full group membership list
    like set_usergroups does.

    Revoke the user's membership in the listed groups:

        $bot->remove_usergroups('Mike.lifeguard', ['sysop', 'editor'], "Danger to himself & others");

    Returns the list of removed groups, not the full group membership list
    like set_usergroups does.

    The project homepage is

    The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive
    Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a
    CPAN site near you, or see

    The development version is on github at
    <> and may be
    cloned from

    You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web
    interface at

    *   Dan Collins <>

    *   Mike.lifeguard <>

    *   patch and bug report contributors

    This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by the MediaWiki::Bot team

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007