MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin::Steward - A plugin to MediaWiki::Bot providing
    steward functions

    version 0.0003

        use MediaWiki::Bot;
        my $bot = MediaWiki::Bot->new({
            operator    => 'Mike.lifeguard',
            assert      => 'bot',
            protocol    => 'https',
            host        => '',
            path        => 'wikipedia/meta/w',
            login_data  => { username => "Mike.lifeguard", password => $pass },
            ip => '',
            ao => 0,
            summary => 'bloody vandals...',

    A plugin to the MediaWiki::Bot framework to provide steward functions to
    a bot.

    Calling import from any module will, quite simply, transfer these
    subroutines into that module's namespace. This is possible from any
    module which is compatible with MediaWiki::Bot.

    This places a global block on an IP or IP range. You can provide either
    CIDR or classful ranges. To easily place a vandalism block, pass just
    the IP.

    *   ip - the IP or IP range to block. Use a single IP, CIDR range, or
        classful range.

    *   ao - whether to block anon-only; default is true.

    *   reason - the log summary. Default is 'cross-wiki abuse'.

    *   expiry - the expiry setting. Default is 31 hours.

            ip     => '',
            ao     => 0,
            reason => 'silly vandals',
            expiry => '1 week',

        # Or, use defaults

    Remove the global block affecting an IP or range. The hashref is:

    *   ip - the IP or range to unblock. You don't need to convert your
        range into a CIDR, just pass in your range in format and let this method do the

    *   reason - the log reason. Default is 'Removing obsolete block'.

    If you pass only the IP, a generic reason will be used.

            ip      => '',
            reason  => 'oops',
        # Or

    Locks and hides a user with CentralAuth. $data is a hash:

    *   user - the user to target

    *   lock - whether to lock or unlock the account - default is lock
        (0=unlocked, 1=locked)

    *   hide - how hard to hide the account - default is not at all (0=none,
        1=lists, 2=oversight)

    *   reason - default is 'cross-wiki abuse'

    If you pass in only a username, the account will be locked but not
    hidden, and the default reason will be used:

        # Or, the more complete call:
            user    => "Mike.lifeguard",
            reason  => "test",

    Same parameters as ca_lock(), but with the default setting for lock
    reversed (ie, default is *unlock*).

    *   Mike.lifeguard <>

    *   patch and bug report contributors

    This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by the MediaWiki::Bot team

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007