NAME MooX::Object::Pluggable - Moo eXtension to inject plugins to exist objects as a role VERSION version 0.0.4 SYNOPSIS In your package: package MyPackage; use Moo; use namespace::clean; with 'MooX::Object::Pluggable'; 1 Define your plugin package: package MyPackage::Plugin::Foo; use Moo::Role; use namespace::clean; sub foo { 'foo' } Then in your script: #!perl use MyPackage; my $object = MyPackage->new; $object->load_plugins('Foo'); Or "new" with pluggable options: use MyPackage; MyPackage->new( pluggable_options => { search_path => 'MyPackage::Plugin' }, # optional load_plugins => [ "Foo", qr/::Bar$/ ] ); Or use MooX with this: use MooX 'Object::Pluggable' => { ... }; DESCRIPTION "MooX::Object::Pluggable" for moo is designed to perform like "MooseX::Object::Pluggable" for Moose staff. Mainly it use Moo::Role's "apply_roles_to_object" to load plugins at runtime, but with the ability to choose plugins with package Module::Pluggable::Object. METHODS load_plugins In most situation, your need only call the fuction "load_plugins" on an object. The parameters support String, Regexp, or Array or ArrayRef of them. eg. $o->load_plugins("Foo", "Bar", qr/^Class::Plugin::(Abc|N)[0-9]/, [ qw/Other Way/ ]); And there's another syntax sugar, when you just want to load a specific role: $o->load_plugins("+MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role"); # Notice that the '+' sign does not support Regexp, use whole package name with it. plugins The method "plugins" returns a array of plugins, defaultly in the namespace "Your::Package::Plugin::". You can manage it by implement the "_build_pluggable_options" in your package and given the avaliable options' HashRef. package MyPackage; use Moo; with 'MooX::Object::Pluggable'; sub _build_pluggable_options { { search_path => __PACKAGE__.'::Funtionals' } } All the avaliable options will be found in tutorial of package Module::Pluggable. loaded_plugins This will list all loaded plugins of current object for you. DESIGN Considering not import any new attributes to the consumers, I'm using a private variable for help to maintain Module::Pluggable::Object objects so that it only create once for each package, and could provide private configuration for specific objects that use diffent pluggable options in "new". There's two way to configure user defined pluggable options. new(pluggable_options => {}, load_plugins => []) User could directly use there specific options for plugin. And create objects with some plugins after "BUILD" step. _build_pluggable_options Implement this build function in your package, and "MooX::Object::Pluggable" will apply the options for you. And you still could change default options in "new" method. MooX A MooX-compatible interface like this: package MyPackage::Hello; use Moo::Role; sub hello { 'hello' } ... package MyPackage; use MooX::Object::Pluggable -pluggable_options => { search_path => ["MyPackage"] }, -load_plugins => ['Hello']; Or: use MooX 'Object::Pluggable' => { -pluggable_options => { search_path => ["MyPackage"] }, -load_plugins => ['Hello'] }; SEE ALSO Module::Pluggable, MooseX::Object::Pluggable AUTHOR Huo Linhe <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Berry Genomics. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.