Version 2.0.0 (2023-10-30 CRAN) o Major update to efficient parallelized CPU version of the central algorithm Pswarm. Version 1.3.0 (2023-10-30 GitHub) o Major bugfix of Quirin Stier in calcStressC.cpp and PswarmCurrentRadiusC2botsPositive: swarm allows every databot to change position by checking a new index. Priorly, databot with index 0 was frozen in the projection. o RelativeDifference can now be called silent and as a bugfix for vectors x and y optional parameter are now used Version 1.2.1 (2023-10-10 CRAN) o Moved RobustNormalization and RobustNorm_BackTrafo to DataVisualizations package available on CRAN o Corrected and extended UniquePoints o ClusteringAccuracy deleted. An improved version called ClusterAccuracy can be found in the FCPS package available on CRAN o DelaunayClassifiationError deleted. An new function with a better principle for evalaution the quality of DR methods called GabrielClassificationError can be found in the DRquality package available on CRAN. Version 1.2.0 (2023-05-29 CRAN) o GeneratePswarmVisualization reimplemented in a parallelized Cpp function, Pswarm will follow soon. Version 1.1.7 (2023-01-31 GitHub) o Bugfix in UniquePoints by Quirin Stier o DBSclustering allows now to set title and xlab if dendrogramm is plottet o Delaunay4Points changed argument Grid to LC and within the function LC is converted to Grid Version 1.1.6 (2022-11-26 CRAN) o Corrected notes of CRAN derived from documentation o Bugfixes in internal procedure of computing unique points for Delaunay4Points. Procedue is now available to the user as the function UniquePoints() o Print() replaced with message() in Pswarm() Version 1.1.5 (2020-10-28 CRAN) o Improved documentation significantly. o Pswarm now falls back to the dist function if the package parallelDist is not installed. o sESOM agorithm for the generalized Umatrix improved and is described now in the MethodsX publication of [Thrun/Ultsch, 2020]. It differs from the first publication of [Thrun, 2018]. Version 1.1.4 (2020-02-29 GitHub) o Bugfix: checkInputDistancesOrData, DBSclustering, Pswarm, setGridSize and ShortestGraphPathsC: using unname in isSymmetric to check correctly of symmetric distance matrix o checkInputDistancesOrData is now used in RobustNormalization and Pswarm correctly and indicates in which function the errors lies. o Improvement: DBSclustering now provides the same colored branches (depending on frequency) as the topographicMap visualization with default colors. This makes a direct comparison of cluster structres more evident as it is clearly presented which projected point belongs to which high-dimensional point in the dendrogram. Version 1.1.3 (2020-02-02 CRAN) o Bugfix: deleted dependcy rowr because it was taken down from CRAN. Version 1.1.2 (2019-12-06 CRAN) o Improvement: DBSclustering has now a colored dendrogram using package dendextend. o RobustNorm_BackTrafo added: transforms the Robust Normalization back. o bugfix: Delaunay4Points uses inherits instead of class to check for matrix (see Version 1.1.1 (2019-01-27 CRAN) o bugfix: RelativeDifference now stops if non finite values in either x and y expaining the error. o bugfix: RobustNormalization fixed in some special cases like non finite values. o NoLevels of GeneralizedUmatrix integrated for fast plotting. Version 1.1.0 (2018-06-26 CRAN) o Delaunay Classification Error (DCE) added. DCE evaluates projection methods unbiased. Version 1.0.7 (GitHub) o ClusteringAccuracy added. Given a prior Classification this function evaluates a clustering algorithm unbiased. o Now on GitHub. Version 1.0.6 (Local) o Bugfix: error: Cube::operator(): index out of bounds Version 1.0.5 (Local) o RelativeDifference added which calculates the difference of a positive x and y value in the range [-2,2]. Version 1.0.4 (Local) o Minor bugfixes o Vignette added Version 1.0.3 (2018-05-06 CRAN) o Added distance methods of parallelDist package