## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE---------------------------------- library(DrugUtilisation) cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation(numberIndividual = 200) cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::glimpse() ## ----message = FALSE, warning = FALSE----------------------------------------- drugConcepts <- CodelistGenerator::getDrugIngredientCodes(cdm = cdm, name = c("acetaminophen", "simvastatin")) ## ----message = FALSE, warning = FALSE----------------------------------------- cohort <- addNumberExposures( cohort = cdm$cohort1, # cohort with the population of interest conceptSet = drugConcepts, # concepts of the drugs of interest indexDate = "cohort_start_date", censorDate = "cohort_end_date", restrictIncident = TRUE, nameStyle = "number_exposures_{concept_name}", name = NULL ) cohort |> dplyr::glimpse() ## ----message = FALSE, warning = FALSE----------------------------------------- cohort <- addNumberEras( cohort = cdm$cohort1, # cohort with the population of interest conceptSet = drugConcepts, # concepts of the drugs of interest indexDate = "cohort_start_date", censorDate = "cohort_end_date", gapEra = 3, restrictIncident = TRUE, nameStyle = "{concept_name}", name = NULL ) cohort |> dplyr::glimpse() ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # addDrugUtilisation( # cohort, # indexDate = "cohort_start_date", # censorDate = "cohort_end_date", # ingredientConceptId = NULL, # conceptSet = NULL, # restrictIncident = TRUE, # gapEra = 1, # numberExposures = TRUE, # numberEras = TRUE, # exposedTime = TRUE, # timeToExposure = TRUE, # initialQuantity = TRUE, # cumulativeQuantity = TRUE, # initialDailyDose = TRUE, # cumulativeDose = TRUE, # nameStyle = "{value}_{concept_name}_{ingredient}", # name = NULL # ) ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- cdm$drug_utilisation_example <- cdm$cohort1 |> # add end of current observation date with the package PatientProfiels PatientProfiles::addFutureObservation(futureObservationType = "date") |> # add the targeted drug utilisation measures addDrugUtilisation( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", censorDate = "future_observation", ingredientConceptId = c(1125315, 1503297), conceptSet = NULL, restrictIncident = TRUE, gapEra = 7, numberExposures = FALSE, numberEras = FALSE, exposedTime = FALSE, timeToExposure = FALSE, initialQuantity = TRUE, cumulativeQuantity = TRUE, initialDailyDose = TRUE, cumulativeDose = TRUE, nameStyle = "{value}_{concept_name}_{ingredient}", name = "drug_utilisation_example" ) cdm$drug_utilisation_example |> dplyr::glimpse() ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- duResults <- summariseDrugUtilisation( cohort = cdm$cohort1, strata = list(), estimates = c( "q25", "median", "q75", "mean", "sd", "count_missing", "percentage_missing" ), indexDate = "cohort_start_date", censorDate = "cohort_end_date", ingredientConceptId = c(1125315, 1503297), conceptSet = NULL, restrictIncident = TRUE, gapEra = 7, numberExposures = TRUE, numberEras = TRUE, exposedTime = TRUE, timeToExposure = TRUE, initialQuantity = TRUE, cumulativeQuantity = TRUE, initialDailyDose = TRUE, cumulativeDose = TRUE ) duResults |> dplyr::glimpse() ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- duResults <- cdm$cohort1 |> # add age and sex PatientProfiles::addDemographics( age = TRUE, ageGroup = list("<=50" = c(0, 50), ">50" = c(51, 150)), sex = TRUE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) |> # drug utilisation summariseDrugUtilisation( strata = list("age_group", "sex", c("age_group", "sex")), estimates = c("mean", "sd", "count_missing", "percentage_missing"), indexDate = "cohort_start_date", censorDate = "cohort_end_date", ingredientConceptId = c(1125315, 1503297), conceptSet = NULL, restrictIncident = TRUE, gapEra = 7, numberExposures = TRUE, numberEras = TRUE, exposedTime = TRUE, timeToExposure = TRUE, initialQuantity = TRUE, cumulativeQuantity = TRUE, initialDailyDose = TRUE, cumulativeDose = TRUE ) duResults |> dplyr::glimpse() ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- tableDrugUtilisation(duResults) ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- tableDrugUtilisation( duResults, header = c("group", "estimate"), splitStrata = FALSE, cohortName = TRUE, cdmName = FALSE, conceptSet = TRUE, ingredient = TRUE, groupColumn = list("Strata" = c("strata_name", "strata_level")), type = "flextable", formatEstimateName = c( `Missing, N (%)` = " ( %)", N = "", `Non-missing, Mean (SD)` = " ()" ) )