Changes in version 2024.6.19 - fix ubsan issue by checking if at least 1 label before getting pointer. - change citation in DESCRIPTION to JCGS year/DOI. - add CITATION file. Changes in version 2023.8.31 - reformat NEWS. - move long running example to vignette to save time in CRAN check. Changes in version 2022.2.23 - error if label start = end. - Rcpp errors contain more details about FLOPART_data() etc. Changes in version 2022.2.22 - FLOPART_interface returns segments table with 0 rows if there is infinite cost (no feasible model given label constraints). Changes in version 2022.2.15 - FLOPART_data error if missing counts. - Include compression in FLOPART_data. Changes in version 2022.1.27 - FLOPART now works if annotation column of label data table is a factor (previously only worked if it was character). Changes in version 2021.4.28 - Rcpp instead of .C for C++ interface. - export new R functions: get_label_code, FLOPART_interface, FLOPART_data, FLOPART. Changes in version 2021.4.27 - new C++ classes CostMatrix and MinimizeResult with helpful methods that make the code easier to read/understanding (especially decoding).