******************************************************** **** CHANGES IN LAM PACKAGE VERSIONS **** ******************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some Latent Variable Models (LAM) A. Robitzsch __ ______ __ __ /\ \ /\ __ \ /\ "-./ \ \ \ \____ \ \ __ \ \ \ \-./\ \ \ \_____\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ mailto: ------- Alexander Robitzsch robitzsch@ipn.uni-kiel.de For reporting a bug, please always provide a reproducible R script and (if necessary) a corresponding dataset. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.7 | 2024-07-15 | Last: LAM 0.7-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE * fixed CRAN warning with Rd \link{} targets missing package anchors DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.6 | 2022-05-17 | Last: LAM 0.6-19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE * new release on CRAN because LAM was removed due to the removal of the dependent CDM package from CRAN DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.5 | 2020-05-09 | Last: LAM 0.5-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE * changed computation of standard errors in pmle(). Now included just the likelihood part. NOTE * changed Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in amh() for handling boundary constraints DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.4 | 2019-05-06 | Last: LAM 0.4-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE * changed default optimizer in pmle() to "nlminb" ADDED * added function clpm_to_ctm() for transformation of path coefficients to different time intervals for cross-lagged panel model (due to a discussion with Steffani Sass) DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: clpm_to_ctm (1,2,3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.3 | 2018-06-06 | Last: LAM 0.3-48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDED * included Rcpp implementations for loglike_mvnorm() and loglike_mvnorm_NA_pattern() functions NOTE * optimization function stats::nlminb() can be used in the pmle() function as an alternative to stats::optim() NOTE * added 'numDeriv' package to the list of imported packages NOTE * included argument 'proposal_equal' in amh() NOTE * set the argument 'prior=NULL' as the default in pmle() ADDED * included argument 'model_grad' in pmle() which allows the specification of the gradient of the log-likelihood function DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: amh (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.2 | 2018-03-20 | Last: LAM 0.2-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDED * included function suff_stat_NA_pattern() which computes sufficient statistics for a given dataset with missing response patterns ADDED * included function loglike_mvnorm_NA_pattern() which computed the multivariate normal log-likelihood for data with missing response patterns NOTE * fixed a problem with only one phase for tuning proposal distribution DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: suff_stat_NA_pattern (1), loglike_mvnorm (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.1 | 2017-11-24 | Last: LAM 0.1-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE * added Example 3 in amh() which was transferred from the 'STARTS' package to the 'LAM' package DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: amh (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS LAM 0.0 | 2017-05-11 | Last: LAM 0.0-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDED * moved amh(), loglike_mvnorm(), mlnormal() and pmle() functions from 'sirt' package to 'LAM' package NOTE * included value acceptance_rates_history() in amh() containing acceptance rates of parameters during burn-in phase DATA * included/modified datasets: --- EXAMP * included/modified examples: ---