## ----set_options-------------------------------------------------------------- report_render_start_time <- Sys.time() library(knitr) library(magrittr) requireNamespace("kableExtra") opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", tidy = FALSE ) ## ----project_values----------------------------------------------------------- library(REDCapR) # Load the package into the current R session. uri <- "https://bbmc.ouhsc.edu/redcap/api/" token <- "9A81268476645C4E5F03428B8AC3AA7B" # `UnitTestPhiFree` user and simple project (pid 153) ## ----return_all--------------------------------------------------------------- # Return all records and all variables. ds_all_rows_all_fields <- redcap_read(redcap_uri = uri, token = token)$data ds_all_rows_all_fields # Inspect the returned dataset ## ----read_row_subset---------------------------------------------------------- # Return only records with IDs of 1 and 3 desired_records <- c(1, 3) ds_some_rows_v1 <- redcap_read( redcap_uri = uri, token = token, records = desired_records )$data ## ----read_field_subset-------------------------------------------------------- # Return only the fields record_id, name_first, and age desired_fields <- c("record_id", "name_first", "age") ds_some_fields <- redcap_read( redcap_uri = uri, token = token, fields = desired_fields )$data ## ----read_record_field_subset------------------------------------------------- ###### ## Step 1: First call to REDCap desired_fields_v3 <- c("record_id", "dob", "weight") ds_some_fields_v3 <- redcap_read( redcap_uri = uri, token = token, fields = desired_fields_v3 )$data ds_some_fields_v3 #Examine the these three variables. ###### ## Step 2: identify desired records, based on age & weight before_1960 <- (ds_some_fields_v3$dob <= as.Date("1960-01-01")) heavier_than_70_kg <- (ds_some_fields_v3$weight > 70) desired_records_v3 <- ds_some_fields_v3[before_1960 & heavier_than_70_kg, ]$record_id desired_records_v3 #Peek at IDs of the identified records ###### ## Step 3: second call to REDCap #Return only records that met the age & weight criteria. ds_some_rows_v3 <- redcap_read( redcap_uri = uri, token = token, records = desired_records_v3 )$data ds_some_rows_v3 #Examine the results. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Return only the fields record_id, name_first, and age all_information <- redcap_read( redcap_uri = uri, token = token, fields = desired_fields ) all_information #Inspect the additional information ## ----session-info, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- if (requireNamespace("sessioninfo", quietly = TRUE)) { sessioninfo::session_info() } else { sessionInfo() } ## ----session-duration, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------- report_render_duration <- round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), report_render_start_time, units = "secs")))