## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # vignette("paleoTS_functionality") ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(StratPal) library(admtools) ## ----fig.alt="plot of a random walk"------------------------------------------ seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) |> # times of simulation in Myr. Simulate over 1 Myr years with 10 kyr resolution random_walk(sigma = 1, mu = 3) |> # simulate random walk with increasing trait values plot(type = "l", # plot results xlab = "Time [Myr]", ylab = "Trait value") ## ----figures-side, fig.show="hold", out.width="50%", fig.alt = "2 plots of age-depth models, one 2 km from shore and one 12 km from shore"---- adm_2km = tp_to_adm(t = scenarioA$t_myr, # 2 km from shore h = scenarioA$h_m[,"2km"], T_unit = "Myr", L_unit = "m") adm_12km = tp_to_adm(t = scenarioA$t_myr, # 12 km from shore h = scenarioA$h_m[,"12km"], T_unit = "Myr", L_unit = "m") plot(adm_2km, # plot age-depth model 2 km from shore lwd_acc = 2, # plot thicker lines for intervals with sediment accumulation (lwd = line width) lty_destr = 0) # don't plot destructive intervals/gaps (lty = line type) T_axis_lab() # add time axis label L_axis_lab() # add length axis label title("Age-depth model 2 km from shore") plot(adm_12km, # plot age-depth model 12 km from shore lwd_acc = 2, lty_destr = 0) T_axis_lab() L_axis_lab() title("Age-depth model 12 km from shore") ## ----fig.alt="plot of the stratigraphic experssion of a random walk 2 km from shore."---- seq(from = min_time(adm_2km), to = max_time(adm_2km), by = 0.01) |> # sample every 10 kyr over the interval covered by the adm random_walk(sigma = 1, mu = 3) |> # simulate random walk time_to_strat(adm_2km, destructive = FALSE) |> # transform data from time to strat domain plot(type = "l", # plot orientation = "lr", xlab = paste0("Stratigraphic height [", get_L_unit(adm_2km), "]"), ylab = "Trait value", main = "Trait evolution 2 km from shore") ## ----fig.alt="plot of the stratigraphic expression of a random walk 12 km from shore."---- seq(from = min_time(adm_12km), to = max_time(adm_12km), by = 0.01) |> # sample every 10 kyr over the interval covered by the adm random_walk(sigma = 1, mu = 3) |> # simulate random walk time_to_strat(adm_12km, destructive = FALSE) |> # transform data from time to strat domain plot(type = "l", # plot results orientation = "lr", xlab = paste0("Stratigraphic height [", get_L_unit(adm_12km), "]"), ylab = "Trait value", main = "Trait evolution 12 km from shore") ## ----fig.alt = "plot of the stratigraphic expression of a random walk 2 km from shore, sampled every 2 km."---- dist_between_samples_m = 2 sampling_loc_m = seq(from = 0.5 * dist_between_samples_m, to = max_height(adm_2km), by = dist_between_samples_m) sampling_loc_m |> # sampling locations strat_to_time(adm_2km) |> # determine times where lineage is sampled random_walk(sigma = 1, mu = 3) |> # simulate trait values at these times time_to_strat(adm_2km, destructive = FALSE) |> # transform trait values to stratigraphic domain plot(orientation = "lr", # plot stratigraphic data type = "l", ylab = "Trait Value", xlab = paste0("Stratigraphic height [", get_L_unit(adm_2km), "]"), main = "Trait evolution 2 km from shore") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # vignette("paleoTS_functionality") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # vignette("event_data") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # vignette("advanced_functionality")