## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 7 ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(digiRhythm) data <- digiRhythm::df691b_1 data <- resample_dgm(data, 15) data <- remove_activity_outliers(data) activity <- names(data)[3] head(activity) ## ----lsp---------------------------------------------------------------------- df <- data[1:672, c("datetime", activity)] my_lsp <- lomb_scargle_periodogram(df, alpha = 0.01, plot = TRUE) ## ----dfc_hp------------------------------------------------------------------- my_dfc <- dfc(data, # The dataset activity = activity, # the name of the activity column sampling = 15, # the sampling frequency of my dataset is 15 alpha = 0, 5, # significance level harm_cutoff = 12, # up till the harmonic 24/12 which is two hours plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) # Setting plot to TRUE will visualize all the LSP plots (like the one above) # during each sliding window. Rather used for deeper investigation and # debugging. print(my_dfc) ## ----type_dfc----------------------------------------------------------------- class(my_dfc) ## ----return_data-------------------------------------------------------------- head(my_dfc$data) ## ----og_plot------------------------------------------------------------------ print(my_dfc) ## ----change_aes--------------------------------------------------------------- library(ggplot2) new_plot <- my_dfc + theme( text = element_text(family = "Times", size = 14), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15, colour = "black") ) print(new_plot)