## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.align="center", fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4, root.dir = "vignettes" ) base_hyd1d <- "https://hyd1d.bafg.de/" ## ----captions, echo = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, include = FALSE---- # set english locale to produce english plot labels Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "en_US.utf8") # standard library path for the installed local packages options("hyd1d.datadir" = tempdir()) library(hyd1d) options("hydflood.datadir" = tempdir()) library(hydflood) library(stringr) # Determine the output format of the document outputFormat <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to") if (outputFormat == "html") { is_html <- TRUE } else { is_html <- FALSE } # Figure and Table Caption Numbering, for HTML do it manually capTabNo <- 1 capFigNo <- 1 # Function to add the Table Number capTab <- function(x){ if(outputFormat == 'html'){ x <- paste0("**Tab. ", capTabNo, "**: ", x) capTabNo <<- capTabNo + 1 } else if (outputFormat == 'latex'){ y <- str_replace_all(x, '(^.*)(\\[.*\\])(\\(.*\\))(.*$)', '\\1\\\\href{\\3}{\\2}\\4') y <- gsub("{(", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("{[", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub(")}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("]}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) x <- gsub("_", "\\_", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } return(x) } # Function to add the Figure Number capFig <- function(x){ if(outputFormat == 'html'){ x <- paste0("**Fig. ", capFigNo, "**: ", x) capFigNo <<- capFigNo + 1 } else if (outputFormat == 'latex'){ y <- str_replace_all(x, '(^.*)(\\[.*\\])(\\(.*\\))(.*$)', '\\1\\\\href{\\3}{\\2}\\4') y <- gsub("{(", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("{[", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub(")}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("]}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) x <- gsub("_", "\\_", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } return(x) } href <- function(x, y) { if (outputFormat == 'html') { x <- paste0("[", x, "](", y, ")") } else if (outputFormat == 'latex') { x <- paste0("\\href{", y, "}{", x, "}") } return(x) } bf <- function(x) { if (outputFormat == 'html') { x <- paste0("**", x, "**") } else if (outputFormat == 'latex') { x <- paste0("\\textbf{", x, "}") } return(x) } ## ----install-cran, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------- # install.packages("hydflood") ## ----install-git, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # install.packages("devtools") # library(devtools) # devtools::install_github("bafg-bund/hydflood") ## ----library-print, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE--------------------------------- # options("hydflood.datadir" = tempdir()) # library(hydflood) ## ----figure-dem, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Digital elevation model of the waterway (DEM-W, in German: Digitales Geländemodell des Wasserlaufs, DGM-W) with 1 m spatial resolution at the River Elbe near Rosslau and Dessau."), echo = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "95%", fig.pos="H", fig.align = "center"---- knitr::include_graphics('./screenshot_hydflood_dem.png') ## ----figure-cs, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Cross sections produced to gather input data for SOBEK models used in [FLYS](https://www.bafg.de/DE/5_Informiert/1_Portale_Dienste/FLYS/flys_node.html) at the River Elbe near Rosslau and Dessau."), echo = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "95%", fig.pos="H", fig.align = "center"---- knitr::include_graphics('./screenshot_hydflood_crosssections.png') ## ----figure-csa, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Cross section areas derived from the cross sections illustrated in Fig. 2 at the River Elbe near Rosslau and Dessau."), echo = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "95%", fig.pos="H", fig.align = "center"---- knitr::include_graphics('./screenshot_hydflood_crosssectionareas.png') ## ----figure-csacs, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Cross section areas illustrated in Fig. 3 overlaid by the corresponding cross sections illustrated in Fig. 2 at the River Elbe near Rosslau and Dessau."), echo = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "95%", fig.pos="H", fig.align = "center"---- knitr::include_graphics('./screenshot_hydflood_crosssectionareas_cs.png') ## ----init, eval = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------ # # import the raster data and create a raster stack # x <- hydSpatRaster(filename_dem = "data-raw/raster.dem.tif", # filename_csa = "data-raw/raster.csa.tif") ## ----seq, eval = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------- # seq <- seq(as.Date("2016-12-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"), by = "day") ## ----usage, eval = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----- # # compute a flood duration # fd <- flood3(x = x, seq = seq) # # # and plot it # plot(fd) ## ----link-flood3daily, eval = is_html, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'--------- cat('


') ## ----figure1, echo = FALSE, fig.cap = capFig(paste0("Screenshot of the ", href("flood3daily-ShinyApp", "https://shiny.bafg.de/flood3daily/"), " with the modelled flood extent computed for 2016-12-21 at the River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau, Germany.")), fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "100%"---- knitr::include_graphics('screenshot_flood3daily.png') ## ----link-waterlevelpegelonline, eval = is_html, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'---- cat('


') ## ----figure2, echo = FALSE, fig.cap = capFig(paste0("Screenshot of the ", href("flood3wms-ShinyApp", "https://shiny.bafg.de/flood3wms/"), " with the annual flood duration of 2016 at the River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau, Germany.")), fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "100%"---- knitr::include_graphics('screenshot_flood3wms.png')