## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(insight) x <- iris[1:3, c(1, 2, 5)] # the table as "readable" output export_table(x) # see the underlying string unclass(export_table(x)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # a simple caption export_table(x, caption = "Title") # we use a new object, so "x" has no attributes yet out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- "Another title" export_table(out) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A red caption export_table(x, caption = c("# Title", "red")) # same for attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") export_table(out) ## ----echo=FALSE, out.width="50%"---------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("export_table.png", dpi = 72) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # colored caption, simple footer export_table( x, caption = c("# Title", "red"), footer = "Footer line" ) # as attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") attr(out, "table_footer") <- "A simple footer" export_table(out) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # colored caption and footer export_table( x, caption = c("# Title", "red"), footer = c("Footer line in blue", "blue") ) # as attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") attr(out, "table_footer") <- c("Footer line in blue", "blue") export_table(out) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # colored caption, subtitle and footer export_table( x, caption = c("# Title", "red"), subtitle = c("\n A subtitle in yellow", "yellow"), footer = c("Footer line in blue", "blue") ) # as attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") attr(out, "table_subtitle") <- c("\nA yellow subtitle", "yellow") attr(out, "table_footer") <- c("Footer line in blue", "blue") export_table(out) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- list( data.frame(iris[1:3, c(1, 2, 5)]), data.frame(iris[51:53, c(1, 3, 5)]), data.frame(iris[111:113, c(1, 4, 5)]) ) # three different tables export_table(x) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # one caption for each table export_table(x, caption = list("Table 1", "Table 2", "Table 3")) # add attribute to *each* data frame out <- x for (i in seq_along(out)) { attr(out[[i]], "table_caption") <- paste("Table", i) } export_table(out) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add captions and footers for each table export_table( x, caption = list("Table 1", "Table 2", "Table 3"), footer = list("Footer 1\n\n", "Footer 2\n\n", "Footer 3\n\n") ) out <- x for (i in seq_along(out)) { attr(out[[i]], "table_caption") <- paste("Table", i) attr(out[[i]], "table_footer") <- paste("Footer", i, "\n\n") } export_table(out) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Colored table captions and multiple footers per table export_table( x, caption = list( c("Red Table 1", "red"), c("Blue Table 2", "bue"), c("Green Table 3", "green") ), footer = list( list(c("Footer line 1\n", "green"), c("Second line\n\n", "red")), list(c("Footer line A\n", "blue"), c("Second line\n\n", "green")), list(c("Footer line I\n", "yellow"), c("Second line\n\n", "blue")) ) )