## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # library(intSDM) # library(USAboundaries) # ## ----get data----------------------------------------------------------------- # # data("SetophagaData") # BBA <- SetophagaData$BBA # BBA$Species_name <- paste0('Setophaga_', BBA$Species_name) # BBS <- SetophagaData$BBS # BBS$Species_name <- paste0('Setophaga_', BBS$Species_name) # ## ----startWorkflow------------------------------------------------------------ # # workflow <- startWorkflow(Richness = FALSE, # Projection = "+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=km", # Species = c("Setophaga_caerulescens"), # #"Setophaga_fusca", "Setophaga_magnolia"), # saveOptions = list(projectName = 'Setophaga'), Save = FALSE # ) # ## ----addArea------------------------------------------------------------------ # # workflow$addArea(Object = USAboundaries::us_states(states = "Pennsylvania")) # ## ----download Data------------------------------------------------------------ # # workflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'eBird', datasetType = 'PO', limit = 5000, # datasetKey = '4fa7b334-ce0d-4e88-aaae-2e0c138d049e', # year = '2005,2009') # # workflow$addStructured(dataStructured = BBS, datasetType = 'Counts', # responseName = 'Counts', # speciesName = 'Species_name') # # workflow$addStructured(dataStructured = BBA, datasetType = 'PA', # responseName = 'NPres', # speciesName = 'Species_name') # # workflow$plot(Species = TRUE) # ## ----addCovariates------------------------------------------------------------ # # covariates <- scale(terra::rast(system.file('extdata/SetophagaCovariates.tif', # package = "PointedSDMs"))) # names(covariates) <- c('elevation', 'canopy') # # workflow$addCovariates(Object = covariates) # # workflow$plot(Covariates = TRUE) # ## ----biasFields--------------------------------------------------------------- # # workflow$addMesh(cutoff = 0.2 * 5, # max.edge = c(0.1, 0.24) * 120, # offset = c(0.1, 0.4) * 100) # # workflow$plot(Mesh = TRUE) # ## ----speciyRandom------------------------------------------------------------- # # ##Use a correlative structure to share information across the datasets if the standard model does not produce results that we want # # workflow$specifySpatial(prior.range = c(15, 0.1), # prior.sigma = c(1, 0.1)) # # workflow$biasFields(datasetName = 'eBird', # prior.range = c(15, 0.1), # prior.sigma = c(1, 0.1)) # # workflow$specifyPriors(effectNames = 'Intercept', # Mean = 0, # Precision = 1) # ## ----outcomes----------------------------------------------------------------- # # workflow$workflowOutput(c('Model', 'Cross-validation')) # # workflow$crossValidation(Method = 'spatialBlock', # blockOptions = list(k = 4, # rows_cols = c(20, 20), # plot = TRUE, seed = 123), # blockCVType = "Predict") # ## ----sdmWorkflow-------------------------------------------------------------- # # Model <- sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow, # inlaOptions = list(control.inla=list(int.strategy = 'eb', # diagonal = 0.1, # cmin = 0), # safe = TRUE, # verbose = TRUE, # inla.mode = 'experimental')) # ## ----plot int----------------------------------------------------------------- # # Model[[1]]$Model # ## ----plot bias---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Model[[1]]$spatialBlock #