## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE,warning = FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) library(np) library(stats) library(MASS) library(kdml) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # library(devtools) # install_github("jrjthompson/R-package-kdml") # library(kdml) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- df <- data.frame( x1 = runif(100, 0, 100), x2 = factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 100, replace = TRUE)), x3 = factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 100, replace = TRUE)), x4 = rnorm(100, 10, 3), x5 = ordered(sample(c("Low", "Medium", "High"), 100, replace = TRUE), levels = c("Low", "Medium", "High")), x6 = ordered(sample(c("Low", "Medium", "High"), 100, replace = TRUE), levels = c("Low", "Medium", "High")) ) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # DKPS distance # dis_dkps <- dkps(df = df) # # # DKSS distance # dis_kdss <- kdss(df = df) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # DKPS distance # dis_dkps_np <- dkps(df = df, bw = "np") # # # DKSS distance # dis_kdss_np <- kdss(df = df, bw = "np") ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # dis_dkps_custom_kernels <- dkss(df = df, bw = "mscv", # cFUN = "c_epanechnikov", uFUN = "u_aitken", oFUN = "o_habbema") ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # MSCV bandwidth specification using the similarity function in Equation (1) # mscv.dkps(df, nstart = NULL, ckernel = "c_gaussian", # ukernel = "u_aitken", okernel = "o_wangvanryzin", verbose = TRUE) # # # MSCV bandwidth specification using the similarity function in Equation (2) # mscv.dkss(df, nstart = NULL, ckernel = "c_gaussian", # ukernel = "u_aitken", okernel = "o_wangvanryzin", verbose = TRUE)