ChangeLog for ndtv v0.13.3 -fixed noSuggests error by moving Suggested packages needed for vignettes (tsna, htmlwidgets, scatterplot3d) to Imports and adding used functions to NAMESPACE - updating rd documentation issues flagged by cran - updating flagged bad links v0.13.3 - clean up vignette use of suggested packages in examples ( ergm, tergm) - corrected class checking flagged in note v0.13.2 - comment tests that were failing on CRAN after testthat changes v0.13.1 - update to package citation for tergm that was breaking vignette build after tergm 4.0 update - documentation URL corrections v0.13 - refactor tergm calls for compatibility with new api - MDSJ download pointed to temporary git repo while site offline v0.12 - correction requested by CRAN to not install optional 3rd-party Java library when testing - corrections to docs for new Graphviz urls and install methods - corrections to vignette to avoid installing MDSJ v0.11 - corrections to render.d3movie to avoid errors in frames when no edges are active and vis properties are mapped to edge attributes. v0.10 - corrected test to appropriately match error when Graphviz has bad argument on systems supporting Graphviz - fixed bug when transmissionTimeline tried to plot a transmissionTree where only one vertex was reached and jitter=TRUE - development trunk transfered to github: - proximity.timeline invisibly returns its layout coordinates at accepts them as a paramter - proximity.timeline now has ability to plot vertical lines corresponding to edges connecting the vertex splines - fixed warnings from proximity.timeline about slice aggregation by setting an aggregation rule by default - plog args passed to render.d3movie via plot.par will be processed - updated htmlWidget docs to include links to Shiny template code on github - internal call to par() in render.d3movie is now conditional on existance of plot device so won't unintentionally open a device in environments that don't support them (i.e. Shiny server) - modified render.d3movie default background color (vertex.col=0) to be more consistant - modified filmstrip so that it will reset plot.par back to its original values when done v0.9 - added a jitter parameter to transmission timeline - fixed ndtv-d3 htmlwidget to correctly use a unique javascript id for the animation so that multiple animations can appear in the same Rmarkdown document - fixed warning and extra diagonal line drawn in timePrism plot when planes=TRUE and network had odd number of vertices. - updated MDSJ url to reflect changes at hosting server and correct CRAN error v0.8 - fixes to ndtv-d3 htmlwidget (correctly remove svg before reload, fixed encoding of controler options) - inclusion of ndtv-d3 htmlwidget shiny wrapper functions in NAMESPACE v0.7 - timeline plot now expands its arguments using - added a timePrism 2.5D orthagonal projection of networks in time along a z (time) axis - added a transmissionTimeline plot to illustrate a spreading tree from a network - render.d3movie now has output.mode='htmlWidget' to export animation as an htmlwidget for viewing in RStudio or Shiny app - added "special effects functions" for coloring by age of edges/vertices see ?effectFun - work-around for explicit device opening for RStudio plot device work-around - fixes to ndtvd3 HTML5 animation player (vertex.cex, play button) - when rendering a static network with render.d3movie, the layout computation can now be disabled by passing in a 'coord' argument. - fixed rendering and layout.normalize to be more tolerant of NA in coordinate matrices - various CRAN-requested tweaks and documentation fixes v0.6 - proximity.timeline has deprecated draw.inactive argument in favor of - proximity.timeline has additional args and features, and supports coloring vertex lines with vertex.col argument (slow) - added toy_epi_sim data object, example output of basic EpiModel simulation - timeline function better supports xlim() paramter for zooming in on a time range - timeline function can now specificy graphic paramters using network attributes as is done by - added render.d3movie function to export HTML5 web animation using ndtv-d3 library - added example vignette for render.d3movie() ndtv-d3 functionaltiy - java source (MDSJ) and .class files now stored in /java and /inst/java instead of /exec subdirectory - MDSJ layouts now support 1D layouts and disabling output with verbose = FALSE - updates to Graphviz layout and to be able pass through additional parameters. Now supports including edge weights v0.5 - render.animation now caches and restores original plotting 'par()' params - added parameter to render.animation for passing in initial default coordiantes - useAttribute layout now defaults to look for attributes named 'x' and 'y' if not specified. - added layout.normalize function for rescaling coordinates to (-1,1) - added support for using external Graphviz ( layouts if installed - added filmstrip function to create static small multiple plots of frames from a network animation v0.4 - added ability to specify as functions to be evaluated at each network time point - added weight.attr and weight.dist arguments to compute.animation, making it possible to use numeric edge attributes to specifiy desired distances/similarities in network layouts - fixed bug in timeline function that would sometimes draw vertex out of plot range - added a draft proximity.timeline function for creating experimental 1D timeline layouts - added a render.cache argument to render.animation which makes it possible to avoid intermediate plot generation when rendering long animations - added chain.direction option to compute.animation - added parameters to to make possible exporting vertex and edge attributes to Graphviz - removed some workarounds for fixed bugs in network - removed edge label plotting code (now supported in network) - the attribute aggregation rule element of slice.par now defaults to 'latest', where previously it defaulted to 'any', which gave the behavior of 'earliest' and produced a warning. v0.3 - features and bug fixes - resaved data objects to fix spurious namespace import problem flagged by CRAN - fixed bug when network has only single vertex - fixed undefiend plot range bug triggered by same condidtion - fixed error specifying xlim and ylim in render.animation v0.2 - minor features and bug fixes - added work-around for RStudio plotting errors - fixed jittering plots issue - improved video save quality by setting default device to png instead of jpeg - added crude timeline plot - added plot.par and ani.options arguments to render.animation - added suggests dependency on testthat package for tests - fixed to use statnetStartupMessage() instead of mkStartupMessage() in statnet.common - removed internal implementations of TEA functions and corrected to use networkDynamic - fixed and tested compatibility with networks of size 0. - added extraPlotCmds argument to render.animation for passing in more plotting commands for annotation - fix for error rendering bipartite networks - better handling of defaults for some arguments v0.1 - internal test release