## ----setup,include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ library(osum) ## ----populate----------------------------------------------------------------- a <- month.name b <- sample(c("FALSE", "TRUE"), size = 5, replace = TRUE) cars <- mtcars .hidden <- -1L .secret <- "Shhht!" x1 <- rnorm(n = 10) x2 <- runif(n = 20) x3 <- rbinom(n = 30, size = 10, prob = 0.5) lst <- list(first = x1, second = x2, third = x3) fun <- function(x) {sqrt(x)} ## ----defaul------------------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary() ## ----hidden------------------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary(all.objects = TRUE) ## ----inside.function---------------------------------------------------------- # shows an empty list because inside myfunc no variables are defined myfunc <- function() {objects.summary()} myfunc() # define a local variable inside myfunc myfunc <- function() {y <- 1; objects.summary()} myfunc() ## ----pattern------------------------------------------------------------------ objects.summary(pattern = "^x") objects.summary(names = c("a", "b")) ## ----where-------------------------------------------------------------------- idx <- grep("package:graphics", search()) objects.summary(idx, pattern = "^plot") objects.summary("package:graphics", pattern = "^plot") ## ----environment-------------------------------------------------------------- e <- new.env() e$a <- 1:10 e$b <- rnorm(25) e$df <- iris e$arr <- iris3 objects.summary(e) ## ----clean.environment,include=FALSE------------------------------------------ rm(e, myfunc) ## ----package------------------------------------------------------------------ # check if the package foreign is attached length(grep("package:foreign", search())) > 0L objects.summary("package:foreign", pattern = "^write") # check if the package foreign is attached length(grep("package:foreign", search())) > 0L ## ----what--------------------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary(what = c("data.class", "storage.mode", "extent", "object.size")) objects.summary(what = c("data", "stor", "ext", "obj")) ## ----what.order--------------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary(what = c("m", "s", "t", "o", "d", "e")) ## ----filter------------------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary("package:datasets", pattern = "^[sU]", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), data.class = c("data.frame", "matrix")) ## ----filter.all.classes------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), data.class = "array") objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), all.classes = TRUE, data.class = "array") ## ----filter.expression-------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary("package:grDevices", filter = mode != "function") ## ----filter.expression2------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary("package:datasets", filter = mode != storage.mode)[1:10, ] ## ----filter.expression3------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary("package:datasets", all.classes = TRUE, filter = sapply(data.class, length) > 2L) ## ----sort--------------------------------------------------------------------- # filter on 'mode' and sort on 'data.class' objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), mode = "numeric", order = data.class)[1:10, ] # filter on 'mode' and sort (descending) on 'object.size' objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), mode = "numeric", order = (-object.size))[1:10, ] objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), order = c(data.class, -object.size))[1:10, ] ## ----sort.extent-------------------------------------------------------------- # get all two-dimensional objects of from the datasets package, with more than 7 columns, # sorted by number on columns (ascending) and then on number of rows (descending) objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), filter = sapply(extent, length) == 2L & sapply(extent, "[", 2L) > 7L, order = c(sapply(extent, "[", 2L), -sapply(extent, "[", 1L))) ## ----sort.reverse------------------------------------------------------------- # get five biggest objects from package datasets objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj"), reverse=TRUE)[1:10, ] ## ----sort.cols---------------------------------------------------------------- objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext"), pattern = "st", filter = mode %in% c("list", "numeric"), order = object.size) ## ----print-------------------------------------------------------------------- os <- objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "ext", "obj"), all.classes = TRUE, order = object.size, reverse = TRUE) print(os, data.class.width = 25, max.rows = 12) multi_class_objects <- row.names(objects.summary("package:datasets", all.classes = TRUE, filter = sapply(data.class, length) > 1L)) os <- objects.summary("package:datasets", names = multi_class_objects, all.classes = TRUE, what = c("dat", "ext", "obj")) print(os, data.class.width = 32, max.rows = 12) ## ----print.extent------------------------------------------------------------- multi_dim_objects <- row.names(objects.summary("package:datasets", all.classes = TRUE, data.class = c("array", "table"))) os <- objects.summary("package:datasets", names = multi_dim_objects, what = c("dat", "ext", "obj")) print(os[rev(order(sapply(os$extent, length))), ], format.extent = TRUE, max.rows = 12) # default print(os[rev(order(sapply(os$extent, length))), ], format.extent = FALSE, max.rows = 12) ## ----print.pass.down---------------------------------------------------------- print(objects.summary("package:datasets", what = c("dat", "typ", "ext", "obj")), format.extent = TRUE, max.rows = 12, right = FALSE, quote = TRUE) ## ----summary------------------------------------------------------------------ os <- objects.summary("package:datasets", all.classes = TRUE, what = c("dat", "ext", "obj"), filter = sapply(data.class, length) > 1L) summary(os, data.class.width = 32, format.extent = FALSE) ## ----summary.pass.down-------------------------------------------------------- summary(os, data.class.width = 32, maxsum = 10, quantile.type = 5) ## ----options------------------------------------------------------------------ # see all current options osum.options() ## ----options.set-------------------------------------------------------------- # set some values old_opt <- osum.options(osum.data.class.width = 12, osum.max.rows = 25) # previous values of the changed 'osum' options old_opt ## ----options.info------------------------------------------------------------- # set which attributes are retrieved by default osum.options(osum.information = c("dat", "mod", "ext", "obj")) # get the current value of the option osum.options("osum.information") # if the argument 'what' is not specified, the new default values are used objects.summary("package:base", filter = data.class != "function")