## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(paleoTS) set.seed(10) # to make example replicatable x <- sim.GRW(ns = 20, ms = 0.5, vs = 0.1) plot(x) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print(str(x)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- x.sub <- sub.paleoTS(x, ok = 10:15) # select only populations 10 through 15 plot(x, add.label = FALSE) plot(x.sub, add = TRUE, add.label = FALSE, col = "red") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(mnormt) # should omit this later w.grw <- fitSimple(x, model = "GRW") print(w.grw$parameters) # look at estimated parameters ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(x, modelFit = w.grw) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- w.urw <- fitSimple(x, model = "URW") compareModels(w.grw, w.urw) # convenient table comparing model support ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- w.punc <- fitGpunc(x, ng = 2) # ng is the number of segments (= number of punctuations + 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(x, modelFit = w.punc) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- compareModels(w.grw, w.urw, w.punc) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fit3models(x) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(dorsal.spines) ok1 <- dorsal.spines$nn > 0 # levels without measured fossils ok2 <- dorsal.spines$tt > 4.4 # levels before the new species invades ds.sub <- sub.paleoTS(dorsal.spines, ok = ok1 & ok2, reset.time = TRUE) # subsample ds.sub.pool <- pool.var(ds.sub, minN = 5, ret.paleoTS = TRUE) # replace some pooled variance w.ou <- fitSimple(ds.sub.pool, pool = FALSE, model = "OU") plot(ds.sub.pool, modelFit = w.ou) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(90) y <- sim.GRW(ns = 40, ms = 0.2, vs = 0.1, vp = 4) # high vp gives broader error bars plot(y) fit3models(y, method = "Joint") # GRW clearly wins fit3models(y, method = "AD") # GRW only barely beats URW