--- title: rice output: html_vignette: toc: true toc_depth: 3 number_sections: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{rice} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- # Introduction Radiocarbon dating requires a range of calculations, for example calibration[^1][^2][^3][^4], translations between pMC, F14C, C14 age and D14C, and assessing the impacts of contamination. This package provides functions to do so in R. # Installation On first usage of the package, it has to be installed: ```{r, eval=FALSE} install.packages('rice') ``` The companion data package 'rintcal' which has the radiocarbon calibration curves will be installed if it isn't already. New versions of R packages appear regularly, so please re-issue the above command regularly to remain up-to-date, or use: ```{r, eval=FALSE} update.packages() ``` To obtain access to the calibration curves, first the package has to be loaded: ```{r} library(rice) ``` # Calibration curves ## Plots Calibration curves can be plotted: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} draw.ccurve() ``` Or, comparing two calibration curves: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} draw.ccurve(1000, 2020, BCAD=TRUE, cc2='marine20', add.yaxis=TRUE) ``` Or zooming in to between AD 1600 and 2000 (using the BCAD scale): ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} draw.ccurve(1600, 1950, BCAD=TRUE) ``` Interesting things happened after 1950, as can be seen by adding a postbomb curve: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} draw.ccurve(1600, 2020, BCAD=TRUE, cc2='nh1') ``` The postbomb curve dwarfs the IntCal20 curve, so we could also plot both on separate vertical axes: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} draw.ccurve(1600, 2020, BCAD=TRUE, cc2='nh1', add.yaxis=TRUE) ``` # Calculations This package also provides functions related to radiocarbon calibration. First there are two functions to calculate radiocarbon ages from pMC values (in this case of a postbomb date): ```{r} pMC.age(150, 1) ``` and the other way round: ```{r} age.pMC(-2300, 40) ``` The same for calculations in the F^14^C realm: ```{r} F14C.age(.150, .01) ``` and the other way round: ```{r} age.F14C(-2300, 40) ``` To transfer $\Delta^{14}C$ (a proxy for atmospheric ^14^C concentration at t cal BP) to F^14^C, and the other way around: ```{r} F14C.D14C(0.71, t=4000) D14C.F14C(152, 4000) ``` These functions can be used to investigate $\Delta^{14}C$ over time: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} cc <- rintcal::ccurve() cc.Fmin <- age.F14C(cc[,2]+cc[,3]) cc.Fmax <- age.F14C(cc[,2]-cc[,3]) cc.D14Cmin <- F14C.D14C(cc.Fmin, cc[,1]) cc.D14Cmax <- F14C.D14C(cc.Fmax, cc[,1]) par(mar=c(4,3,1,3), bty="l") plot(cc[,1]/1e3, cc.D14Cmax, type="l", xlab="kcal BP", ylab="") mtext(expression(paste(Delta, ""^{14}, "C")), 2, 1.7) lines(cc[,1]/1e3, cc.D14Cmin) par(new=TRUE) plot(cc[,1]/1e3, (cc[,2]+cc[,3])/1e3, type="l", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=4, xlab="", ylab="") lines(cc[,1]/1e3, (cc[,2]-cc[,3])/1e3, col=4) axis(4, col=4, col.axis=4) mtext(expression(paste(""^{14}, "C kBP")), 4, 2, col=4) ``` ## Contamination The above functions can be used to calculate the effect of contamination on radiocarbon ages, e.g. what age would be observed if material with a "true" radiocarbon age of 5000 +- 20 ^14^C BP would be contaminated with 1% of modern carbon (F^14^C=1)? ```{r} contaminate(5000, 20, .01, 1) ``` The effect of different levels of contamination can also be visualised: ```{r, fig.width=6, fig.asp=.8} real.14C <- seq(0, 50e3, length=200) contam <- seq(0, .1, length=101) # 0 to 10% contamination contam.col <- rainbow(length(contam)) plot(0, type="n", xlim=c(0, 55e3), xlab="real 14C age", ylim=range(real.14C), ylab="observed 14C age") for(i in 1:length(contam)) lines(real.14C, contaminate(real.14C, c(), contam[i], 1, decimals=5), col=contam.col[i]) contam.legend <- seq(0, .1, length=6) contam.col <- rainbow(length(contam.legend)-1) text(50e3, contaminate(50e3, c(), contam.legend, 1), labels=contam.legend, col=contam.col, cex=.7, offset=0, adj=c(0,.8)) ``` If that is too much code for you, try this function instead: ```{r, fig.width=6, fig.asp=.8} draw.contamination() ``` ## Calibration details Now on to calibration. We can obtain the calibrated probability distributions from radiocarbon dates, e.g., one of 130 +- 10 C14 BP: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} calib.130 <- caldist(130, 10, BCAD=TRUE) plot(calib.130, type="l") ``` For reporting purposes, calibrated dates are often reduced to their 95% highest posterior density (hpd) ranges (please report all, not just your favourite one!): ```{r} hpd(calib.130) ``` Additionally, calibrated dates are often reduced to single point estimates. Note however how poor representations they are of the entire calibrated distribution! ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=.8} calib.2450 <- caldist(2450, 20) plot(calib.2450, type="l") points.2450 <- point.estimates(calib.2450) points.2450 abline(v=points.2450, col=1:4, lty=2) ``` Want a plot of the radiocarbon and calibrated distributions, together with their hpd ranges? ```{r, fig.width=5, fig.asp=1} calibrate(130,10) ``` ## Multiple calibrations You can also draw one or more calibrated distributions: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1} set.seed(123) dates <- sort(sample(500:2500,5)) errors <- .05*dates depths <- 1:length(dates) my.labels <- c("my", "very", "own", "simulated", "dates") draw.dates(dates, errors, depths, BCAD=TRUE, labels=my.labels, age.lim=c(0, 1800)) ``` or add them to an existing plot: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1} plot(300*1:5, 1:5, xlim=c(0, 1800), ylim=c(5,0), xlab="AD", ylab="dates") draw.dates(dates, errors, depths, BCAD=TRUE, add=TRUE, labels=my.labels, mirror=FALSE) ``` or get creative (inspired by Jocelyn Bell Burnell[^5], Joy Division[^6] and the Hallstatt Plateau[^7]): ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1} par(bg="black", mar=rep(1, 4)) n <- 50; set.seed(1) draw.dates(rnorm(n, 2450, 30), rep(25, n), n:1, mirror=FALSE, draw.base=FALSE, draw.hpd=FALSE, col="white", threshold=1e-28, age.lim=c(2250, 2800), ex=.8) ``` [^1]: Stuiver, R., Polach, H.A., 1977. Discussion: reporting of 14C data. Radiocarbon 19, 355-363. doi:10.1017/S0033822200003672 [^2]: Reimer, P.J., Brown, T.A., Reimer, R.W., 2004. Discussion: reporting and calibration of post-bomb 14C Data. *Radiocarbon* 46, 1299-1304. doi:10.1017/S0033822200033154 [^3]: Millard, R., 2014. Conventions for reporting radiocarbon determinations. Radiocarbon 56, 555-559. doi:10.2458/56.17455 [^4]: Reimer, P.J., et al., 2020. The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere radiocarbon age calibration curve (0-55 cal kBP). *Radiocarbon* 62, 725-757 [^5]: https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/journeysofdiscovery-pulsars [^6]: https://www.radiox.co.uk/artists/joy-division/cover-joy-division-unknown-pleasures-meaning/ [^7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallstatt_plateau