CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.3-2 OVERVIEW o Tweaks to documentation. o Minor improvements. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rSSI New argument 'verbose' specifies whether to print progress reports when nsim > 1. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.3-1 OVERVIEW o Internal changes to satisfy CRAN package checker. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.3-0 OVERVIEW o We thank Abdollah Jalilian for contributions. o Now depends on 'spatstat.univar' o Some functions have been removed. o Bug fix in Gaussian random field simulation. PACKAGE DEPENDENCE o spatstat.random now depends on the new package 'spatstat.univar' SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o indefinteg This function has been moved to the new package 'spatstat.univar'. BUG FIXES o rLGCP The underlying simulation of the random field was incorrect if the pixel raster dimensions were not equal (i.e. number of columns not equal to number of rows). [Spotted by Abdollah Jalilian.] Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.2-3 OVERVIEW o Slightly accelerated. o Minor bug fixes. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o spatstat.random Some computations are slightly accelerated. BUG FIXES o rLGCP In certain special cases, an error message about incompatible images was issued, and in the resulting point pattern object X, the driving intensity image attr(X,"Lambda") had incorrect dimensions or spatial coordinates. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.2-2 OVERVIEW o Internal changes to appease the package checker. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.2-1 OVERVIEW o Minor changes to appease the package checker. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.2-0 OVERVIEW o We thank Tilman Davies and David Bryant for contributions. o spatstat.random no longer uses 'maptools' or 'RandomFields'. o Minor internal improvements and bug fixes. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Package dependence spatstat.random no longer suggests the packages 'maptools', 'RandomFields' and 'RandomFieldsUtils'. o rLGCP This function has been re-implemented without using 'RandomFields'. The implementation currently supports only the 'exponential', 'gaussian', 'stable', 'gencauchy' and 'matern' covariance functions. BUG FIXES o rpoislinetess Results were incorrect unless the window was centred at the origin. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.1-6 OVERVIEW o Conditional simulation for Matern cluster process. o Improvements to runifpoint and rpoispp. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rMatClust Can now perform conditional simulation given a fixed number of points. New arguments n.cond and w.cond. o runifpoint Argument 'win' can be a tessellation. The specified number of points n will be randomly generated in each tile of the tessellation. o rpoispp New argument 'forcewin'. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.1-5 OVERVIEW o Minor improvements. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rLGCP Now recognises argument 'rule.eps' passed to 'as.mask'. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.1-4 OVERVIEW o spatstat.random now suggests the package 'gsl'. o Generate truncated Poisson random variables. o reciprocal moment of Poisson variable conditioned to be positive. o Internal improvements. NEW FUNCTIONS o rpoisnonzero Generate Poisson random variables conditioned to be positive. o rpoistrunc Generate 'truncated' Poisson random variables, conditioned to be greater than or equal to a specified minimum value. o recipEnzpois Calculate the first reciprocal moment of nonzero Poisson variable SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rVarGamma, rclusterBKBC Suppressed some irrelevant warnings about numerical error. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.1-3 OVERVIEW o We thank Bethany Macdonald for contributions. o Bug fixes and internal improvements. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.1-2 OVERVIEW o We thank Ya-Mei Chang for substantial contributions. o Faster algorithms for simulating cluster processes. o Bug fixes and internal improvements. NEW FUNCTIONS o rclusterBKBC (Advanced use) Internal algorithm to simulate any Neyman-Scott cluster process using either the naive, Brix-Kendall, or Baddeley-Chang algorithm. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rCauchy, rThomas, rMatClust, rVarGamma These algorithms have been accelerated by several orders of magnitude in the case where the cluster radius is large. o rCauchy, rThomas, rMatClust, rVarGamma These functions now offer a choice of simulation algorithms. o rCauchy, rThomas, rMatClust, rVarGamma, rNeymanScott Formal arguments have changed. o rNeymanScott Argument 'lmax' has been replaced by 'kappamax'. New argument 'mumax'. o rPoissonCluster Argument 'lmax' has been replaced by 'kappamax'. BUG FIXES o rThomas, rMatClust, rCauchy, rVarGamma If the model was very close to a Poisson process, and if saveLambda=TRUE was selected, the attribute "Lambda" was incorrectly labelled "lambda". Fixed. o clusterradius Crashed sometimes with message about infinite values of the integrand. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.1-0 OVERVIEW o Internal improvements. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.0-2 OVERVIEW o Pakes distribution. NEW FUNCTIONS o dpakes, ppakes, qpakes, rpakes Density, cumulative probability, quantiles, and random generator for the Pakes distribution. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.0-1 OVERVIEW o Tweaks to placate package checker. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 3.0-0 OVERVIEW o We thank Liu Yijia for contributions. o spatstat.random now suggests the new packages 'spatstat.explore' and 'spatstat.model' rather than the old 'spatstat.core'. o Bug fixes and internal improvements. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Package dependence 'spatstat.random' now suggests the new packages 'spatstat.explore' and 'spatstat.model' rather than the old 'spatstat.core'. o random generators Random generators now accept 'nsim=0', and return a zero-length list. o random generators Code in the case 'nsim > 1' has been accelerated. BUG FIXES o rmpoint Crashed if 'f' was a pixel image. [Spotted by Liu Yijia.] Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 2.2-0 OVERVIEW o Bug fixes and internal improvements. BUG FIXES o Internal code Fix a bug in internal code that causes bug in spatstat.core::kppm CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 2.1-0 OVERVIEW o Indefinite integral. o Internal repairs, code acceleration, and improvements. NEW FUNCTIONS o indefinteg Numerically computes the indefinite integral of a function. CHANGES IN spatstat.random VERSION 2.0-0 OVERVIEW o We thank Dominic Schuhmacher for contributions. o This is a new package containing code removed from spatstat.core o Bug fixes in rmh visual debugger. o Minor improvements SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o spatstat.random The 'spatstat.core' package has been divided into two packages, called 'spatstat.random' and 'spatstat.core'. The new 'spatstat.random' package consists of functions for generating random point patterns, and other random spatial data, that were originally in 'spatstat.core'. o rMatClust, rThomas, rCauchy, rVarGamma New argument 'nonempty' BUG FIXES o rmh The visual debugger did not display accepted births and deaths correctly. [Spotted by Dominic Schuhmacher.] Fixed. o rmh The visual debugger exited prematurely sometimes, if the current state was the empty point pattern. [Spotted by Dominic Schuhmacher.] Fixed.