LOG of the CHANGES in the package tensorBSS Version 0.3.9: * Fixed a bug in "tPCAaug" which might have caused problems when using the quantile method to estimate the noise variance. * Updated some references. Version 0.3.8: * Added the option "normalize" to functions mModeCovariance and mModeAutoCovariance that allows bypassing the normalization with the product of auxiliary mode sizes. * Added the function "mFlatten". * Added function "tPCAaug" and the corresponding printing function. * Udpated some references. * Una Radojicic became a contributor. * Added the function "ggtaugplot". * Added the arguments "position" and "scales" to the function "ggtladleplot". Version 0.3.7: * Made the use of the suggested package stochvol conditional in the examples of plot.tbss.Rd and tGFOBI.Rd. * Added the package fICA as a suggested package. Version 0.3.6: * Removed from the list of suggested packages the now-deprecated package ElemStatLearn, in which the data set zip.train used in several of the package examples could be found * Added the data sets zip.train and zip.test (originally in ElemStatLearn) to the package * Added the function zip2image (originally in ElemStatLearn) to the package Version 0.3.5: * Added the functions tTUCKER(), tPCAladle(), tensorTransform2(), tensorBoot(), print.tladle() and ggtladleplot() * Added Christoph Koesner as an author * Changed list initialization from list() to vector("list", r) * Added a remark to tensorVectorize.Rd that it returns a "transposed" data matrix * Modified tensorCentering() and tensorStandardizing() to accept also user-specified location and scatters to be used for standardization Version 0.3.4: * Added tPP() for running tensorial projection pursuit * Added the option k = 0 to k_tJADE() for not unmixing a mode at all * Changed the maintainer email address * Updated references Version 0.3.3: * Added k_tJADE() for computing the faster "k"-version of TJADE * Updated references * Updated the examples of tFOBI(), tJADE(), tSOBI(), tgFOBI() and tgJADE() to use tMD() Version 0.3.2: * Added tSIR() for computing sliced inverse regression estimators for tensor data Version 0.3.1: * Added an option to use a normed TFOBI matrix to tFOBI() * Added a function tMD() for computing the MD-index of a Kronecker product of unmixing/mixing matrices * Updated the example of tNSS.SD() * Updated references Version 0.3: * Added the functions tNSS.SD(), tNSS.JD() and tNSS.TD.JD() * Added the parameter k to the function tJADERotate() to be ready for the inclusion of tkJADE in a later update Version 0.2: * Added the function tPCA() Version 0.1: * First version submitted to CRAN