tidytransit 1.7.0
can now read locations.geojson
files according to the updated specifications #214
- tidytransit 1.7.0 needs
1.2.0 as it uses json
reading capabilities from gtfsio::import_gtfs()
- Internally, the automatically parsed specifications from
https://gtfs.org/documentation/schedule/reference/ are now used
- The example feed
has been
modified and renamed to nyc_subway.zip
tidytransit 1.6.1
- fix: Add
to fare_products
spec.R #207
- compare values, ignore attributes for sf object tests #211
- Fix tests for CRAN and update contributors #212
tidytransit 1.6.0
- update raptor() and travel_times(), add interpolate_stop_times() #204
- depend on dplyr >= 1.1.1 #205
tidytransit 1.5.1
- Improve duplicated primary key check #203
tidytransit 1.5.0
- introduce
and primary key check #198
inherits list class #202
- Use
for empty arrival/departure time strings #196
- pass on
argument in read_gtfs
- Fix for dplyr 1.1.1 #197
- depend on gtfsio >= 1.1.0 #201
- update raptor doc #200
tidytransit 1.4.1
- optional transfers in filter_stop_times #188
- Suppress multiple match warning (dplyr 1.1) #191
- Use expect_no_warning, remove httr dependency #194
tidytransit 1.4.0
- remove transitfeeds API and dataset, add mobilitydata.org to
vignette #184
- update URLs #185
- increase test coverage and update doc #186
tidytransit 1.3.1
- optimize filter_stop_times #183
tidytransit 1.3.0
- fix set_dates_services for feeds only using calendar_dates #178
- only keep transfers where both stops match filter #180
- stop distance analysis and stop_name clustering #181
- functions to convert empty strings to NA and vice versa #182
tidytransit 1.2.0
- Trim dependencies #171
- restore get_route_frequency and vignette #173
- fix github actions #174
- fix ggplot warnings in vignette
- use “tidygtfs” in summary
- files parameter is now passed on to gtfsio::import_gtfs
tidytransit 1.1.0
- added filter_feed_by functions #168
- write_gtfs now correctly converts sf objects to gtfs csv tables (via
sf_as_tbl) #168
- added gtfs_transform which runs sf::st_transform on shapes and stops
- added trolleybus and monorail to route_types
- update documentation and deployment
tidytransit 1.0.0