% Documentation for Tib reference formatting programs --- version 2.2 % Plain TeX file August, 1986 % Last revision November, 1989 % Copyright (C) 1986, 1989 James C. Alexander % \def\TDOCDIR{AAAAA}%directory for Tib documentation \def\TMACDIR{BBBBB}%directory for Tib macros \def\TCOMMON{CCCCC}%name of Tib file of common words \def\DIRSEP{/}%directory separator in path names \def\OPTCH{-}%option character on program call \def\leftheadline{\rightheadline}% one-sided printing %\def\leftheadline{\bf folio\ \ --- \it\firstmark\hss\bfTib}%two-sided printing \baselineskip 1.2\normalbaselineskip \nopagenumbers\voffset=2\baselineskip \headline{\ifnum\pageno=1\hfill \else{\ifodd\pageno\rightheadline\else\leftheadline\fi}\fi} \def\rightheadline{\bfTib\hss\it\firstmark\ ---\ \ \bf\folio} \outer\def\beginsection#1#2\par{\vskip0pt plus#1\vsize\penalty-250 \vskip0pt plus-#1\vsize\bigskip\vskip\parskip\message{#2} \leftline{\kern-4pt\llap{$\bullet$\ }\bf#2\hfill}\mark{#2} \nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \outer\def\beginsubsection#1#2\par{\vskip0pt plus#1\vsize\penalty-250 \vskip0pt plus-#1\vsize\medskip\vskip\parskip \leftline{\bf\ \ #2}\nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \def\Tib{{\rm T\kern-.1667em\sevenrm I\rm b}} \def\bfTib{{\bf T\kern-.2em\sevenbf I\bf b}} \def\itTib{{\it T\kern-.2em\seveni I\it b}} \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sevenrm A}\kern-.15em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \def\itLaTeX{{\it L\kern-.3em\raise.3ex\hbox{\seveni A}\kern-.15em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \def\AmSTeX{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em S$-\TeX} \def\\{\begingroup\catcode`\\=12\tt\char"5C\endgroup} \def\{{\begingroup\catcode`\{=12\tt\char"7B\endgroup} \def\}{\begingroup\catcode`\}=12\tt\char"7D\endgroup} \def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle${\it#1\/}$\rangle$}} \def\[#1]{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt[#1]}} \def\({\/\rm(}\def\){\/\rm)} \newdimen\tableindent\newdimen\leftbox \def\tableset{\tableindent=\leftbox\advance\tableindent by 20pt \leftskip\tableindent\rightskip10pt\parindent=0pt} \def\tableentry#1{% \setbox0\hbox{{\tt\tablemark#1}\hss}\wd0=\leftbox \item{\box0}} \def\listitem{\tt\obeylines\obeyspaces\parindent20pt} \immediate\write16{ **** Documentation for Tib ****} \indent\par \vglue-.5in \centerline{\bfTib\footnote{$^*$}{Version 2.2. \copyright 1986, 1989 James C. Alexander. \Tib{} may be distributed whole, but not sold.}} \bigskip \centerline{A \TeX{} bibliographic preprocessor} \bigskip {\baselineskip10pt \centerline{J. C. Alexander ({\tt jca@lakisis.umd.edu})} \smallskip \centerline{Department of Mathematics} \centerline{University of Maryland} \centerline{College Park, MD 20742}} \bigskip\hfill\hbox{\vbox{\baselineskip10pt \hbox{\it Small have continual plodders ever won,} \hbox{\it Save base authority from others{\rm'} books.} \smallskip \hbox{\ \ W. Shakespeare, \it Love{\rm'}s Labour{\rm'}s Lost}}} \beginsection{.3} 0. General \Tib{} is a package of four programs for making citations and reference lists in \TeX{} documents. The main program, \Tib, operates on a \TeX{} file with incomplete or keyed citations, looks up the reference in a database, makes the complete citation and on command, makes a list of the references. The citations in the source document are enclosed in (non-\TeX) escape characters which \Tib{} recognizes. The output of \Tib{} is another \TeX{} file with complete citations and reference list formatted with a number of \TeX{} control sequences and with definitions for these control sequences, ready to be processed by plain \TeX, \LaTeX, or another \TeX. With appropriate options in \Tib{} and definitions of the control sequences, set by flags in the call to \Tib{} or as environment variables, the citations and references can be formatted in any of a large variety of styles, and in particular, in the styles of various journals. It is intended that \Tib{} be easy to use as is and yet also allow custom citation and reference formats to be created and implemented without undue effort. \Tib is a preprocessor in the style of {\it refer\/}, a similar preprocessor for the {\it nroff{\rm/}troff\/} textsetters. Indeed \Tib{} originally was to be a minor modification of the {\it nroff{\rm/}troff\/} preprocessor {\it bib\/} written by T. A. Budd (which was inspired by {\it refer\/}), but with \TeX{} output; however it has grown and changed considerably. The philosophy, though, is that of {\it refer\/} and {\it bib\/} (especially of {\it bib\/} in regard to modularity of the formatting files), and some of the code and subroutines from {\it bib\/} remain. The source code of \Tib{} is in the language C. The sections of this document are: \medskip \halign{\indent\indent\hfil#&\quad{\it#}\hfill\cr 1.&Demonstration\cr 2.&Program calls\cr 3.&Available styles\cr 4.&The input document\cr 5.&Styles and files\cr 6.&The reference file\cr 7.&{\tt\\input} files\cr 8.&Error and warning messages\cr &Disclaimer\cr A1.&Appendix: the example document\cr A2.&Appendix: local changes\/ {\rm(if any)}\cr } \medskip\noindent Section~1 is for first-time users. Indeed, probably the best course is to use the demonstration files as models and use the remainder of this documentation as reference when needed. The escape characters of \Tib{} do not interfere with \TeX{} processing. If \TeX{} is applied to the original pre-\Tib{} document, the escape characters and incomplete citations will appear as written. Thus it is suggested that a \TeX{} document be debugged before applying \Tib. When the \TeX{} bugs are eliminated, \Tib{} can be used for the final one or two runs. \beginsection{.3} 1. Demonstration {\leftskip3pc\parindent0pt\it \item{\rm1.} Copy the file\/ {\rm\TDOCDIR\DIRSEP test.tex} {\rm(}see appendix\/{\rm)} into a directory. This is a sample\/ \TeX{} document ready for \itTib. \item{\rm2.} Copy the file\/ {\rm\TDOCDIR\DIRSEP test.ref} into the same directory. This is a sample bibliographic database. \item{\rm3.} Apply the program \itTib dex to\/ {\rm test.ref\/} \smallskip\par\hskip40pt{\tt tibdex test} \hskip1em (the {\tt .ref} is appended automatically)\smallskip \par This creates an inverted index\/ {\rm INDEX\/} in the directory. \item{\rm4.} Apply \itTib{} to\/ {\rm test.tex\/}. \smallskip\par\hskip40pt{\tt tib test.tex} \par or \par\hskip40pt{\tt tib test}\smallskip \par {\rm(}the extension\/ {\rm .tex\/} need not be part of the call\/{\rm)}. The output is the file\/ {\rm test-t.tex}, which is ready for\/ \TeX. \item{\rm4.L.} For \itLaTeX, follow the instructions in\/ {\rm test.tex\/} before performing step 4. \item{\rm5.} Process\/ {\rm test-t.tex\/} with \TeX{} or \itLaTeX{} as usual. \bigskip}\noindent This call sets default options. A large variety of formatting options is available. Some of them are: other fonts (old English, boldface ...), alphabetizing and other sorts of sorts, replacing successive listings of identical author(s) by underlines, other citation styles (3 letter codes from authors' names, authors' names and date, superscripts), reversing and/or abbreviating authors' names, caps-small caps for names, hyphenating strings of references in citations, footnotes instead of endnotes, other listing formats. Any combination of these (and others) can be packaged in a format file and called with the \OPTCH s~\