\centerline{\bf Another \BbiBTeX\ feature} \medskip \noindent Oren Patashnik has finally finished his dissertation and is now working on \BibTeX\ 1.0. Although he does not want to be deluged with requests for new features, he is concerned that he may have missed some things that are important to European users of \BibTeX. He is also interested in hearing about any bugs that may still be present in the code. If anyone has anything to say about either concern, I am preparing a summary of the things already mentioned in UK\TeX, TEX-NL and GUT (Oren already watches \TeXhax) to send to him, and will be happy to include other information. Or you could send your comments directly to him: \begintt opbibtex@Neon.Stanford.EDU \endtt \rightline{\sl Barbara Beeton}