\def\nl{\hfill\break} % BEST OF TEXHAX notes for TeXline % by Sebastian Rahtz % Malcolm - i am unused to plain TeX, and have quickly hacked together % some macros. please feel free to redo at will. wish I was back in % LaTeX..... %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % program quoting macros % \def\UncatcodeSpecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials} {\begingroup\obeyspaces\catcode`\ =13\endgroup} % \def\SetupVerbatim{\tt\def\par{\leavevmode\endgraf}\catcode`\`=\active \obeylines\UncatcodeSpecials \obeyspaces\catcode`\ =13} {\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}} % \def\program{\begingroup\parindent=0em\par \SetupVerbatim\xprogram} \begingroup \catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12 |obeylines|gdef|xprogram#1\endprogram{#1|endgroup|vskip 10pt|parindent=0em|par} |endgroup % % miscellaneous \def\and{\item{$\bullet$}} \def\sq{\smallskip\begingroup\leftskip=3em\noindent \sf\parindent=0em\parskip=2pt} \def\eq{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip \parindent=1em\parskip=0pt\leftskip=0em\endgroup} \def\bs{$\backslash$} % % names \font\sf=cmss10 %------------------------------------------- \centerline{\bf Bits of \hax, Summer 87} \medskip\noindent Those readers of \TeX line who are not daily users of electronic mail, and/or use \TeX\ primarily on micros, may not be aware of the existence of the \hax\ mailing list, which exists to share information around the international \TeX\ community. It is distributed from the University of Stanford under the editorship of Malcolm Brown, and uses a digest format; Malcolm stores incoming mail (requests for information, news of new products, replies to other questions, `official' communications from TUG in advance of TUGboat) until it reaches critical mass, then bundles it together with a list of contents and sends it to everyone on the \hax\ list. Typically, this happens two or three times a week, and each issue contains about a dozen contributions, which means that a vast amount of \TeX -related material is flitting across the networks all the time. The purpose of this article is to describe the range of \TeX ery covered in \hax, and to highlight some of the more interesting topics. Readers who wish to join in this activity (be prepared for a lot of browsing of mail messages!) must have an account on their local mainframe or mini with access to network mail (consult your local guru); send mail to |texhax-request%uk.ac.ucl.cs| and ask that your name be put on the list to receive \hax\ (don't forget to tell them your own mail address). As things stand at the moment, this international mail will not cost you anything, as one copy is sent to London and forwarded to you from there. \hax\ is read by a very large number of people, to judge by contributions, from America, Canada, Britain, Europe, Japan, Australia etc. Leslie Lamport is a regular contributor with answers to \LaTeX\ problems, Barbara Beeton monitors it for TUG, and even Donald Knuth adds the occasional note. It is a good place to send an esoteric question, as usually someone with an unpronounceable name from an institution you have never heard of will send in an answer. If you want a more local answer (`who has got a copy of xxx in Britain?'), there is a UK version of \hax, recently set up by Peter Abbott at Aston, to bring together specifically UK \TeX ies --- mail to {\tt tex-info@uk.ac.aston.mail} to get on that list. For the purpose of this article, I have looked at the 36 issues of \hax\ that reached me between May 22nd and September 6th (an average of about two a week). There were approximately 480 contributions dealing with every sort of \TeX\ arcana; just searching the subject fields (not necessarily a proper reflection of contents), I found 129 pieces relating to \LaTeX\ (including 22 sets of \LaTeX\ Notes from Leslie Lamport), 14 pieces on \BibTeX, 11 on \MF, 6 on \SliTeX, and just 1 on \AmSTeX. My subjective impression is that \LaTeX\ matters are an even higher proportion of \hax\ even than appears from these figures. In general, contributions vary from the questions about hardware (usually printers), to the private life of \TeX\ macros, as evinced in the following two excerpts: {\narrower\noindent My order for the IBM 4250 font tapes just came back with ``I no longer have a font tape for the 4250 printer. The person who supplied it to me originally has not made another one for version 2 of TeX." Where can I get one of these tapes? What's the difference between V1.01 and 2? Will they still work? \smallskip} \noindent and {\narrower\noindent Subject: TeX eats l's after fil \noindent If an `l' or and `L' follows a unit of glue such as `fil', even separated by spaces, it is aparently parsed as part of the name of the unit. This leads to some fairly strange behavior. For example, the following script will put a `K' and a `M' in the dvi file, but no `L'!\nl |\def\q#1{\hskip 0 pt plus 0 fil #1}|\nl |\q{K}\q{L}\q{M}|\nl \%\% barbara beeton responds:\nl the ``l"-gobbling you've encountered is legitimate, and easily explained. the full syntax of \bs hskip is\nl |\hskip plus minus|\nl since your example didn't include a ``minus'', tex keeps looking. since ``fil'' is a ``pseudo-dimension'' it can continue, up to 3 ``l"s (if your data had been ``llama'', all you would have gotten in the output would have been ``ama''). similarly, if the data had started with the word ``minus'', not followed by a proper $<$dimen$>$, minus would have been gobbled and you probably would have gotten a nasty message to the effect that a $<$dimen$>$ was expected, and 0pt will be assumed. the best way to avoid this is to put |\relax| after your skip expression. this is covered explicitly in the texbook; look it up in the index (page 469): ``l after fil''. \smallskip} Sometimes \hax\ gets onto a general issue---there have been discussions over the last year on such questions as: {\narrower \and Can University authorities be persuaded to drop their `double-spaced Courier' thesis requirements for students who have access to a proper typesetting system like \TeX? \and What freedom should \LaTeX\ users have to tinker with the layout? Leslie Lamport feels strongly that only experienced document designers should be able to alter even the font used in a running head. \and Can a consistent set of standards for dvi drivers be put together? What facilities should they have? How do you handle \bs specials? This question was addressed in detail at the TUG meeting in August, and a committee was set up to look into it. \and What is the relationship of \PS\ to \TeX? Lamport suggested \TeX\ be changed to output pure \PS, others defend their LN03s to the death. \smallskip } One common feature of \hax\ is the swapping of style files for \LaTeX. For those who are not aware of it, there is a large collection of these style files held at Rochester. The `latest' list is given elsewhere in \TeX line. All of these files are obtainable over {\it email}. Rather than have to tangle with the absurdities of {\it email\/} addressing, is possible to obtain them over the |uk-tex| distribution as well. To obtain these style files from Aston, you could try the following, VAX VMS command (assuming you have a VAX, or a friend with a VAX, and that it is connected over Janet):\nl |transfer -|\nl \hbox{|aston.kirk::[public.latexstyle]000index.list-|} |latex_index.txt|\nl |/user=public,public|\nl This will put the index file in your own directory as |latex_index.txt|. It should look something like the list given in the next article. If you cannot gain access to Janet, you can also obtain the files on floppy. See the next article. \hax\ is quite a fascinating compilation of the fascinating, obvious, apparent, useless, arcane, obscure, informative and (sometimes) rude! \rightline{\sl Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton University}