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\setbox\caption=\vbox{ \hsize=3in \tolerance=2000 \leftline{{\bf Portrait of the author on a windy day}} \medskip \noindent The picture at left originates from the following PostScript fragment. It is 6 inches square.\par \medskip {\tt\frenchspacing\parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt\obeyspaces \def\pc{\char"25}\def\lb{\char"7B}\def\rb{\char"7D}\obeylines % \pc\pc BoundingBox: 72 216 504 648 72 72 scale /picstr 64 string def /imageshow \lb image showpage\rb def 1 3 translate 6 6 scale 128 128 8 [128 0 0 128 0 0] \lb currentfile picstr readhexstring pop\rb imageshow 967B8D9AA3A7B9B9B9B077614B343027 27303D42463D3D343434343434302C2C \pc\ 1020 lines of hex digits omitted 534B5358585358585353585861535861 5858615C5C535C585C61655C5C61615C }} \count0=4 \font\sc=cmcsc10 %\psdraft \def\PS{{\sc PostScript}} \def\PSF{{\it psfig\/}} \def\Special{{\tt\char"5C special}} \def\Vbox{{\tt\char"5C vbox}} \def\input{{\tt\char"5C input}} \def\Psfig{{\tt\char"5C psfig}} \def\LaTeX{{\sc L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{a}\kern-.15em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \def\bslash{\char"5C} \def\blob{$\star$} \def\lb{\char"7B} \def\rb{\char"7D} \hrule height 0pt \botpic{\hbox to \pagewidth {\vbox to 3 in {\vss}\hss \vbox to 3in {\vss\box\caption\vss}}} \begindoublecolumns \centerline{{\bf \TeX\ and graphics --- the {\it psfig\/} package}} \medskip \noindent How do you include figures and diagrams in \TeX\ documents? In traditional publishing you'd probably reserve some space with a \Vbox\ and paste in a carefully hand\-drawn, photo\-reduced, cropped illustration. But this is 1988 and Desktop Publishing is all the rage, so you want to do everything electronically. And you can't help feeling rather envious of those people with {\it Pagemaker\/} and its friends who seem to be able to do this sort of thing at the click of a mouse button. After all, aren't we \TeX\ users supposed to be at the leading edge of electronic publishing? How come the Macintosh people can do it and we can't? Well, the simple answer is just one word --- \PS. (Wake up, Malcolm!) If you have a \PS\ device all the software you need for scaling, translating, and clipping your graphics is actually present in the printer --- all you have to do is to invoke these functions with the right parameters. This is what the \PSF\ package achieves automatically. If you don't have a \PS\ printer or typesetter for your \TeX\ output --- get one! \PSF\ originates from the University of Pennsylvania and was advertised in \TeX hax early last year. It consists of a set of \TeX\ macros that you can \input\ at the start of a Plain \TeX\ job or declare as a \LaTeX\ style option. \PSF\ assumes that your diagrams exist as separate \PS\ files on the system you use for \TeX ing. This lets you prepare your figures using whatever software you might care to use, provided that the end result is a file of \PS. At Daresbury there is widespread use of the {\sc ghost-}{\oldstyle 80} graphics package from {\sc ukaea} Culham, and also {\sc sas}-graph, which can both generate \PS, and there are tricks for capturing \PS\ output from {\it MacDraw\/} and other graphics programs running on PCs. \PSF\ also likes your \PS\ file to have a ``bounding box'' comment near the beginning. This tells \PSF\ the `natural' size of the \PS\ figure --- i.e. the coordinates of the bottom left and upper right corners of the figure in the initial \PS\ coordinate frame. If the software used to create the figure does not generate a suitable bounding box comment you can edit one in by hand or supply the information when you tell \TeX\ to place the figure. Suppose you have an picture in the file {\tt mypic.ps} and you want it centred horizontally and scaled to be just 3 inches high. A simple way to achieve this is to say \vskip 0.2ex \centerline{\tt\bslash centerline\lb\bslash psfig\lb figure=mypic.ps,% height=3in\rb\rb} \vskip 0.2ex \noindent The \Psfig\ macro reads and parses the lines of the {\tt mypic.ps} file looking for its bounding box comment. This enables it to compute the desired width of the figure (keeping its aspect ratio constant) and to reserve a \Vbox\ of exactly the right size. Within the \Vbox\ \PSF\ inserts \Special\ control sequences which propagate scaling information and the name of the included \PS\ file to the {\tt dvi} file. More sophisticated effects can be achieved with further arguments in the \Psfig\ call. These include:\par {\parindent=1em\parskip=0pt \item{\blob}overriding the figure's bounding box comment; \item{\blob}anamorphic scaling of the figure by giving both a {\tt width=} and a {\tt height=} argument; \item{\blob}specifying explicitly the size of the \Vbox\ that \TeX\ reserves for the figure. This can be used to overlap figures and text, for example; \item{\blob}clipping the figure to an explicit bounding box. This could be used to extract just a part of a larger figure; \item{\blob}a draft mode where space is reserved for figures but the figures are suppressed from the output; \item{\blob}inclusion of a \PS\ prologue file such as the notorious {\it LaserPrep\/} procedures needed for the correct interpretation of {\it MacDraw}, {\it MacChart}, etc., output. \par} \PSF\ requires surprisingly little support from a {\tt dvi} to \PS\ device driver. Essentially just two \Special s are needed: one assumes that its argument is a fragment of \PS\ to be propagated unchanged to the output, and the second assumes that its argument is the name of a file of \PS\ which is to be included, also unmodified, in the output. The first type of \Special\ is used to establish the \PS\ environment (principally the current transformation matrix) in which the \PS\ included by the second \Special\ is executed. The work of transforming the original figure is done by the graphic transformation machinery in the %\PS\ printer when the output is printed. This is in distinct contrast to the code needed in, say, a {\tt dvi} to LN03 device driver to achieve the same effect, and exemplifies the power and generality of the \PS\ language. To sum up, the \PSF\ package is a practical way of integrating figures with \TeX\ documents. Figures can be originated using any software package that can output \PS. It requires only elementary device driver support for \Special s. We have found it quite adequate for scientific papers and technical manuals requiring, for example, graphs of experimental data or schematic diagrams. It's tolerably simple to use and works quite nicely with the \LaTeX\ {\tt figure} environment. Of course, \PSF\ is firmly in the \PS\ world. The \LaTeX\ {\tt picture} environment and the Pic\TeX\ package are device independent but the former supports only a limited range of vector orientations and circle diameters and the latter, though general, is restricted to relatively simple line graphics if \TeX's memory capacity is not to be exceeded. Under {\sc unix}, {\tt tpic} does for \TeX\ what {\tt pic} and its friends do for {\tt troff}, but appears to be available only to licencees of {\sc at\&t'}s {\tt ditroff} typesetting software. The \TeX tyl system avoids overloading \TeX\ by passing graphics primitives transparently in {\tt\bslash special}s and relying on a {\tt dvi} postprocessor to expand them into a (large) {\tt\bslash special}-free {\tt dvi} file. But for my money \PS\ is really the only choice today if you must have integrated text and graphics.\par %(Sorry, Malcolm!) \rightline{\sl David Brightly} %\leftline{Daresbury Laboratory, SERC} %\leftline{Warrington, WA4 4AD} %\leftline{0925 603574} %\leftline{Janet: {\tt brightly @ daresbury}} \enddoublecolumns \toppic{\vbox{\centerline{\vbox to 4.7 in {\vss}}\medskip \centerline{\bf Mapping the original picture {\it(left)\/} into the \TeX\ page {\it(right)\/}}}} \end