% Copyright 2013 Thomas Koenig, Alexander Michel, Michael Baumgart
% This file is part of NumericPlots.
% NumericPlots is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% any later version.
% NumericPlots is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with NumericPlots.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


	[2013/09/19 v. 2.0.2 LaTeX package to plot numeric data]


\RequirePackage{pstricks-add} % has to be the last of the pst-packages to be loaded!
% the following seems not to work. xcolor must be included with x11names option!

% \makeatletter
% \newcommand*{\getlengthwounit}[1]{\strip@pt#1}
% \makeatother

% =======================================
% === Definition of keys and commands ===
% =======================================
% All the provided options (keys) are defined in the following section. Maybe it
% is possible to store the values of the keys somehow. We then wouldn't have to
% define all the new commands..

\RequirePackage{xkvview} % keep track of all keys that are defined


% globally needed values as newcommands










% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% | define keys for the axis style etc.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

% define some command keys
% the command keys only save the provided value in \NumDataPlot<key> for later
% use. The standard values for the command keys are set at the end of the
% package.

	{xMax, xMin,
	dx, % so far, these are always calculated and cannot be set by user
	xCoordMax, xCoordMin,
	yMax, yMin,
	dy, % so far, these are always calculated and cannot be set by user
	yCoordMax, yCoordMin





% xMin and yMin also set xO/yO. It will later be ensured that if the user
% provides a value for xO/yO, these values will be used! (in order to do so, it
% is always necessary to call the following two commands in the given order:
% \setkeys[NumericDataPlot]{Axis}{<list of keys>}
% \setrmkeys[NumericDataPlot]{AxisWait}
% where <list of keys> can contain all the keys from Axis and from AxisWait)
% same goes for DDy and DDx (Dy for labels): By default, the values of dy and dx
% will be used.
\define@cmdkeys[NumericDataPlot]{AxisWait}[NumDataPlot]{xO, yO, DDy, DDx}{}

	{NoGrid, NoTicks, NoLabel, NoTickLabel}[true]

	{NoGrid, NoTicks, NoLabel, NoTickLabel}[true]

		{AxisStyle #1 not defined. Use Boxed, Lower, Upper or None}

		{AxisStyle #1 not defined. Use Boxed, Right, Left or None}

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% | general keys
% |
% | picture width etc.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	xPicMin, yPicMin, xPicMax, yPicMax, TickLength%


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% | keys for the put commands
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



\newlength{\StdLLX}\setlength{\StdLLX}{7ex +\baselineskip+2pt}

% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || Axis (Scaling)
% ||
% ==============================================================================

	% calculate scaling:
	% (<x> - xMin) * xDataCoordRatio + xCoordMin
	% (<y> - yMin) * yDataCoordRatio + yCoordMin
	% DataCoordRatio = (CoordMax-CoordMin)/(Max-Min)
	% for logarithmic axes:
	% (log(<x>) - log(xMin)) * xDataCoordRatio + xCoordMin
	% (log(<y>) - log(yMin)) * yDataCoordRatio + yCoordMin
	% DataCoordRatio = (CoordMax-CoordMin)/(log(Max)-log(Min))
	\renewcommand{\xScaling}{\LogxAxis\space \NumDataPlotxMin\space sub
		\NumDataPlotxDataCoordRatio\space mul \NumDataPlotxCoordMin\space add}
	\renewcommand{\yScaling}{\LogyAxis\space \NumDataPlotyMin\space sub
		\NumDataPlotyDataCoordRatio\space mul \NumDataPlotyCoordMin\space add}
	\pstScalePoints(1.0, 1.0){\xScaling}{\yScaling}

% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || x-Axis
% ||
% ==============================================================================

	% set the keys. xO and yO have to be set after xMin and yMin have been set!
	% (xMin and yMin also set xO and yO but when xO and yO are set by the user,
	% these values should be overwritten.)
		[yMin, yMax, Dy, dy, yCoordMin, yCoordMax, yLog]{#1}
	\setrmkeys[NumericDataPlot]{AxisWait}[yO, DDy]
	% for logarithmic axes: calculate log(xMax), log(xMin), Dx=1, xO=ceil(xMin)
	% calculate number of ticks
	% calculate number of tick labels
	% calculate dx (distance (in coordinates) between two ticks)
	% calculate dx for labels
	% calculate coordinates of x origin

    % calculate number of ticks on right side of the origin
	% calculate number of tick labels on right side of the origin

	% calculate number of ticks on left side of the origin (number is negative!)
	% calculate number of tick labels on left side of the origin (number is
	% negative!)

% 	\FPifneg{\NumDataPlotBuffer}
% 	\else
		% plot grid line
			\psline[style=GridSt](#1, \NumDataPlotyCoordMin)(#1, \NumDataPlotyCoordMax)
		% plot tick for lower axis and upper axis - if desired
				\psline[style=TickSt](#1, \NumDataPlotyCoordMin)
					(!#1\space \NumDataPlotyCoordMin\space \xTickLength \space sub)
				\psline[style=TickSt](#1, \NumDataPlotyCoordMax)
					(!#1 \NumDataPlotyCoordMax\space \xTickLength \space add)
% 	\fi

		% plot grid line

% for logarithmic axes, LogxAxisLabel returns 10^#1. Normally it just returns
% #1.

    % plot ticks on right side of the origin
    % plot ticks on left side of the origin
    % plot tick at origin


	% plot gridline on right side of the origin
	% plot gridline on left side of the origin and at origin


	% plot grid, ticks and ticklabels

	% plot lower axis
			(\NumDataPlotxCoordMin, \NumDataPlotyCoordMin)%
			(\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, \NumDataPlotyCoordMin)
		% plot label
		%plot upper axis (boxed)
			% plot upper axis
		% plot upper axis (only upper axis)
			% plot upper axis
				(\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, \NumDataPlotyCoordMax)
			% plot ticklabels
		   % plot label

\newcommand{\repeatxAxis}{\plotxAxis[NoLabel, NoTickLabel]{}}

% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || y-Axis
% ||
% ==============================================================================

    % plot ticks on right side of the origin
	% plot ticks on left side of the origin
    % plot tick at origin

	% values from the x-axis must be ignored! If they weren't, the default values
	% would be set!
		[xO, xMin, xMax, xCoordMin, xCoordMax, Dx, dx, xLog]{#1}
	\setrmkeys[NumericDataPlot]{AxisWait}[xO, DDx]

%        \FPifpos{\NumDataPlotyMax} \FPmul{\NumDataPlotyMax}{\NumDataPlotyMax}{1.1} \else \FPmul{\NumDataPlotyMax}{\NumDataPlotyMax}{0.9}\fi
%        \FPifpos{\NumDataPlotyMin} \FPmul{\NumDataPlotyMin}{\NumDataPlotyMin}{0.9} \else \FPmul{\NumDataPlotyMin}{\NumDataPlotyMin}{1.1}\fi
%    \fi

	% for logarithmic axes: calculate log(xMax), log(xMin), Dy=1, xO=ceil(xMin)
	% calculate number of ticks
	% calculate number of tick labels
	% calculate dy in coord -> distance between two ticks
	% calculate dyLabels in coord -> distance between two tick labels
	% calculate coordinates of y origin
    % calculate number of ticks on right side of the origin
	% calculate number of tick labels on right side of the origin

	% calculate number of ticks on left side of the origin (number is negative!)
	% calculate number of tick labels on left side of the origin (number is
	% negative!)

	% --- scaling ---

		% plot grid line
			\psline[style=GridSt](\NumDataPlotxCoordMin, #1)(\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, #1)
		% plot tick for lower axis and upper axis - if desired
				\psline[style=TickSt](\NumDataPlotxCoordMin, #1)
					(!\NumDataPlotxCoordMin\space \yTickLength \space sub #1)
				\psline[style=TickSt](\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, #1)
					(!\NumDataPlotxCoordMax\space \yTickLength \space add #1)

	% only used by yLogSubGrid
		% plot grid line
			\psline[style=GridSt](\NumDataPlotxCoordMin, #1)(\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, #1)

	% plots the subgrid for logarithmic axes, i.e. the grid between the two lines
	% 10^x and 10^(x+1)

	% plot gridline on right side of the origin
	% plot gridline on left side of the origin

	% plot gridline on right side of the origin
	% plot gridline on left side of the origin

	% plot grid
    % plot left axis
        	(\NumDataPlotxCoordMin, \NumDataPlotyCoordMax)
        % plot right axis
            	(\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, \NumDataPlotyCoordMax)
        % --- label ---
            	(\NumDataPlotxCoordMax, \NumDataPlotyCoordMax)
            % --- label ---

% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || environment NumericDataPlot
% ||
% ==============================================================================

	\setlength{\OffsetWidth}{+\StdLLX +\StdURX}%
	\setlength{\OffsetHeight}{+\StdLLY +\StdURY}%
	% set standard values (they will be reset by setkeys if defined)
 	\psset{llx=-\StdLLX, lly=-\StdLLY, ury=\StdURY, urx=\StdURX}%
	\setlength{\CPicWidth}{#2 - \OffsetWidth}%
	\setlength{\CPicHeight}{#3 - \OffsetHeight}%
	% calculate length of the yTicks:
	% PicCoordWidth (=GxPicMax-GxPicMin) -> PicWidth (=#2)
	% Length -> 1mm * yTickLength
	% yTickLength must be negative
 	% calculate length of the xTicks
		[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=gray, xAxis=false, yAxis=false]%
		(\NumDataPlotGxPicMin, \NumDataPlotGyPicMin)(\NumDataPlotGxPicMin, \NumDataPlotGyPicMin)(\NumDataPlotGxPicMax, \NumDataPlotGyPicMax)%
	\pstScalePoints(1.0, 1.0){0 add}{0 add}%
\psset{xunit=1mm, yunit=1mm, xAxisLabel={}, yAxisLabel={}}%

% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || legend
% ||
% ==============================================================================


% ============================================================================
% ||
% ||  Definition of styles
% ||
% ============================================================================


% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || commands...
% ||
% ==============================================================================


% ==============================================================================
% ||
% || package options ...
% ||
% ==============================================================================


% \ProcessOptions

% ===========================================================================
% ||
% || set standard values for keys
% ||
% ===========================================================================
	xMax=100, xMin=0, Dx=10,
	xCoordMax=\NumDataPlotGxPicMax,	xCoordMin=\NumDataPlotGxPicMin,
	yMax=100, yMin=0, Dy=10,
	yCoordMax=\NumDataPlotGyPicMax, yCoordMin=\NumDataPlotGyPicMin,
	NoGrid=false, NoTicks=false, NoLabel=false, NoTickLabel=false
	NoGrid=false, NoTicks=false, NoLabel=false, NoTickLabel=false
% if xO/yO are not set they'll be set to xMin/yMin
	xO=\NumDataPlotxMin, yO=\NumDataPlotyMin,%
	DDx=\NumDataPlotDx, DDy=\NumDataPlotDy%

	xPicMin=0, yPicMin=0, xPicMax=1000, yPicMax=1000, TickLength=2}{}%
