%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % pst-coxeter_parameter\pst-coxeterp.tex % Authors: J.-G. Luque and M. Luque % Purpose: Listing of the macros of pst-coxeterp % Created: 02/02/2008 % License: LGPL % Project: PST-Cox V1.00 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright © 2008 Jean-Gabriel Luque, Manuel Luque. % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the condition of % the Lesser GPL. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file is part of PST-Cox V1.00. % % PST-Cox V1.00 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % PST-Cox V1.00 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License % along with PST-Cox V1.00. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\fileversion{0.98 Beta} \def\filedate{2008/21/01} \message{`pst-Coxeter-parameter' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (Jean-Gabriel Luque and Manuel Luque)} \csname PstCoxeterLoaded\endcsname \let\PstCoxeter\endinput % Require PSTricks and pst-xkey \ifx\PSTnodeLoaded\endinput\else\input pstricks.tex\fi \ifx\PSTXKeyLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-xkey.tex\fi % % Catcodes changes. \edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11\relax % %define the family of parameters pst-coxeter-parameter % \pst@addfams{pst-coxeter-parameter} % % There is two parameters P and Q which encodes the angle % between the mirrors. The parameter P is used for the regular polygons % the polytopes gamma^p_n, beta^p_n, gamma^p_2 and beta^p_2 % Example: \Polygon[P=5] % \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{P}{% \edef\psk@pstCoxeter@P{#1}} % \psset{P=6} % % The parameter Q is used for starry regular polygon. % Example: \Polygon[P=5,Q=2] % \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{Q}{% \edef\psk@pstCoxeter@Q{#1}} % % \psset{Q=1} % % The dimension is used for simplices, polytopes gamma^p_n and beta^p_n % Example: \Simplex[dimension=4] % \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{dimension}{% \edef\psk@pstCoxeter@dimension{#1}} \psset{dimension=3} % % Graphical parameters % % Colors % Color of Vertices % Example: \Polygon[colorVertices=blue,P=5] \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{colorVertices}{% \pst@getcolor{#1}\pscolorVertices} % by default the color of the vertices is green \psset{colorVertices=green} % Color of centers % Example: \Polygon[colorCenters=blue,P=5] \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{colorCenters}{% \pst@getcolor{#1}\pscolorCenters} % % by default the color of the centers is red. \psset{colorCenters=red} % % % Dot styles % style of Vertices % Example: \Polygon[styleVertices=*pentagon,P=5] \def\psset@styleVertices#1{% \@ifundefined{psds@#1}% {\@pstrickserr{styleVertices `#1' not defined}\@eha}% {\edef\psk@styleVertices{#1}}} % by default the vertices are represented by a (empty) circle (styleVertices=o) \psset@styleVertices{o} % style of Centers % Example: \Polygon[styleCenters=*pentagon,P=5] \def\psset@styleCenters#1{% \@ifundefined{psds@#1}% {\@pstrickserr{styleCenters `#1' not defined}\@eha}% {\edef\psk@styleCenters{#1}}} % by default the vertices are represented by a disk (styleVertices=*) \psset@styleCenters{*} % % Dot sizes % Size of vertices % Example: \Polygon[sizeVertices=0.1,P=5] \newdimen\pssizeVertices \def\psset@sizeVertices#1{\pssetlength\pssizeVertices{#1}} \psset@sizeVertices{0.05} % Sizes of centers % Example: \Polygon[sizeCenters=0.1,P=5] \newdimen\pssizeCenters \def\psset@sizeCenters#1{\pssetlength\pssizeCenters{#1}} \psset@sizeCenters{0.05} % % Boolean parameters % % The vertices are drawn only if the value of drawvertices is true % Examples: \Polygon[drawvertices=false,P=5] \newif\ifPst@drawvertices \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{drawvertices}[true]{% \@nameuse{Pst@drawvertices#1}} % % The edges are drawn only if the value of drawedges is true % Examples: \Polygon[drawedges=false,P=5] % \newif\ifPst@drawedges \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{drawedges}[true]{% \@nameuse{Pst@drawedges#1}} % %% % The centers are drawn only if the value of drawcenters is true %% Examples: \Polygon[drawcenters=false,P=5] % \newif\ifPst@drawcenters \define@key[psset]{pst-coxeter-parameter}{drawcenters}[true]{% \@nameuse{Pst@drawcenters#1}} % % By default the vertices, edges and centers are drawn. % %\setkeys{psset}{drawvertices=true,drawedges=true,drawcenters=true} \psset{drawvertices=true,drawedges=true,drawcenters=true} % % All the polytopes are encoded with the same way. % For each kind of polytope, we have wrote three procedures: % /drawVertices which allows to draw the vertices of the polytope % /drawEdges which allows to draw the edges of the polytope % /drawCenter which allows to draw the centers of the edges of the polytope % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LIST OF THE POLYTOPES %% % Regular real polygons % % % It is a well known family of polytope with two parameters P and Q. % This is the set of the classical polygons whose symmetric groups are dihedral 2[p]2. % Use the macro \Polygon[P=p,Q=q] draw the polygon 2{p/q}2 in the notation of Coxeter. % The non starry real polygons are obtained when Q=1 % The starry polygon are obtained when Q do not divided P % % Example: % \Polygon[P=5] draw a pentagone % \Polygon[P=5,Q=2] draw a regular star with five vertices. \def\Polygon{\pst@object{Polygon}} \def\Polygon@i{\@ifnextchar[{\Polygon@do}{\Polygon@do[]}} \def\Polygon@do[#1]{{% \pst@killglue \setkeys{psset}{#1}% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{% %%%% macro for the colors of the vertices and the centers /pscolorVertices {\pst@usecolor\pscolorVertices currentrgbcolor} def /pscolorCenters {\pst@usecolor\pscolorCenters currentrgbcolor} def 0 0 translate %%% some usefull definition /unit \pst@number\psunit\space def % pts -> cm /Pi 180 def %%% use Pi instead of 180° /p \psk@pstCoxeter@P\space def % parameter P /q \psk@pstCoxeter@Q\space def % parameter Q /p_1 p 1 sub def % p-1 1 setlinejoin CLW setlinewidth% %%%%% List of the vertices %%%%% /TableauxPoints [ 0 1 p 1 add {% /n exch def [ 2 n Pi q mul mul mul p div cos % cos(2nqPi/p) unit mul % pts to cm 2 n Pi q mul mul mul p div sin % sin(2nPi/p) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for ] def % % %%%% Procedures % % /drawEdges: this procedure draws the edges % /drawEdges { 0 1 p { /n exch def TableauxPoints n get aload pop /YL ED /XL ED XL YL moveto % move to the point n of the array TableauxPoints n 1 add get aload pop lineto % draw a line from the point n to the point n+1 stroke } for } def \ifPst@drawedges drawEdges stroke \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % /drawVertices:this procedure draw the vertices % % /DS \pst@number\pssizeVertices\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleVertices}% /drawVertices {% /Liste exch def 0 1 p { /compteur exch def pscolorVertices Liste compteur get aload pop Dot } for } def \ifPst@drawvertices TableauxPoints drawVertices \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % /drawCenters : draw the centers of the edges % /DS \pst@number\pssizeCenters\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleCenters}% /drawCenters { 0 1 p { /n exch def TableauxPoints n get aload pop /YL ED /XL ED TableauxPoints n 1 add get aload pop /YR ED /XR ED /YM YL YR add 2 div def % YM = (YL+YR)/2 /XM XL XR add 2 div def % XM = (XL+XR)/2 pscolorCenters XM YM Dot stroke }for } def \ifPst@drawcenters drawCenters \fi }% \end@ClosedObj }} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The simplices % Simplices are the real regular polytopes whose % roots system is A_{n+1}. The reflection groups which generates % it is the symmetric group (order (n+1)!). % Simplices are auto-reciprocal polytopes. The first examples are the tetrahedral (for dimension 2), % the pentatope (in dimension 4), the sextatope in dimension 5 etc. % In general the number of cells of dimension m ($m<n$) is equal to the binomial $\left(n+1\atop m+1\right)$. % Each cell is a simplex of dimension $m$. % For example, the tetrahedral has $4$ vertices, $6$ edges and $4$ faces; the pentatope has $5$ vertices, $10$ edges, % $10$ faces and $5$ cells of dimension $3$. % % Use the macro \Simplex to draw the projection of a simplex. % Use the parameter dimension to choose the dimension of the simplex. % % Example: \Simplex[dimension=5] % \def\Simplex{\pst@object{Simplex}} \def\Simplex@i{\@ifnextchar[{\Simplex@do}{\Simplex@do[]}} \def\Simplex@do[#1]{{% \pst@killglue \setkeys{psset}{#1}% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{% % Some usefull definitions /pscolorVertices {\pst@usecolor\pscolorVertices currentrgbcolor} def /pscolorCenters {\pst@usecolor\pscolorCenters currentrgbcolor} def 0 0 translate /unit \pst@number\psunit\space def % pts -> cm /Pi 180 def /p \psk@pstCoxeter@dimension\space 1 add def % dimension of the space plus 1 /p_1 p 1 sub def % dimension of the space 1 setlinejoin CLW setlinewidth% %%%% Computation if the array of the Vertices /TableauxPoints [ 0 1 p 1 add {% for n from 0 to p+1 /n exch def 1 1 p 1 sub{ % for m from 1 to p+1 /m exch def [ 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos % cos(2nPi/p) unit mul % pts to cm 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin % sin(2nPi/p) unit mul % pts to cm ] [ 2 n m add Pi mul mul p div cos % cos(2nPi/p) unit mul % pts to cm 2 n m add Pi mul mul p div sin % sin(2nPi/p) unit mul % pts to cm ] }for } for ] def % %%%%%% Procedure % /drawEdges : draw the edges of the simplex % One use the array TableauxPoints /drawEdges { 0 1 p p mul { % for n from 0 to p^2 /n exch def TableauxPoints n 2 mul get aload pop % the point 2n of the array /YL ED /XL ED XL YL moveto TableauxPoints n 2 mul 1 add get aload pop % the point 2n+1 of the array lineto stroke } for } def \ifPst@drawedges drawEdges stroke \fi % % /drawVertices : draw the vertices of the simplex % /DS \pst@number\pssizeVertices\space def% define the size of the dots \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleVertices}% style of the dots /drawVertices {% /Liste exch def 0 1 p p mul { % for compteur from 0 to p^2 /compteur exch def pscolorVertices % color of the parameters colorVertices Liste compteur get aload pop Dot % draw a dot } for } def \ifPst@drawvertices TableauxPoints drawVertices % apply drawVertices to TableauxPoints \fi % % /drawCenters : draw the centers of the simplex % /DS \pst@number\pssizeCenters\space def % define the size of the dots \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleCenters}% style of the dots /drawCenters { 0 1 p p mul { % from n from 0 to p^2 /n exch def TableauxPoints n 2 mul get aload pop % point $2n$ of TableauxPoints /YL ED /XL ED TableauxPoints n 2 mul 1 add get aload pop % point $2n+1$ of TableauxPoints /YR ED /XR ED /YM YL YR add 2 div def % YM:=(YL+YZ)/2 /XM XL XR add 2 div def % XM:=(XY+XZ)/2 pscolorCenters XM YM Dot stroke }for } def \ifPst@drawcenters drawCenters \fi } \end@ClosedObj }} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The polytopes $\gamma^p_n$ % These polytopes are complex polytopes $p\{4\}2\{3\}2\dots 2\{3\}2$ in the notation of Coxeter. % This means that their symmetric group is a $n!p$ order group generated by $n$ reflections % with relations $R_1^p=R_2^2=\dots R_n^2=Id$ % $R_1R_2R_1R_2=R_2R_1R_2R_1$, $R_iR_{i+1}R_i=R_{i+1}R_i$ if i>1, $R_iR_j=R_jR_i$ if $|i-j|>1$. % Such a complex polytope has $\left(n\atop m\right)p^n$ cells of dimension $m$ ($m<n$) which are % complex polytopes $\gamma^p_m$. % When $p=2$, the polytope $\gamma^2_n$ is an hypercube. % When $p>2$, the polytope is not a real polytope since $R_1^2\neq Id$. % In this case, the edges are regular polygons with $p$ vertices. % When $n=2$, the projection is not convenient since the projection of some vertices are the same. % For an other projection, use the macro \gammaptwo described below. % % The two parameters are the dimension and $p$. % % Use the macro \gammapn[dimension=...,P=...] to draw the projection of a polytope $\gamma^p_n$. % % Example : \gammapn[dimension=5,P=4] % \def\gammapn{\pst@object{gammapn}} \def\gammapn@i{\@ifnextchar[{\gammapn@do}{\gammapn@do[]}} \def\gammapn@do[#1]{{% \pst@killglue \setkeys{psset}{#1}% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{% %%% Some usefull definitions /pscolorVertices {\pst@usecolor\pscolorVertices currentrgbcolor} def /pscolorCenters {\pst@usecolor\pscolorCenters currentrgbcolor} def 0 0 translate /unit \pst@number\psunit\space def % pts -> cm /Pi 180 def /p \psk@pstCoxeter@P\space def % parameter p %/p 3 def /n \psk@pstCoxeter@dimension\space def% dimension /n_1 n 1 sub def % n-1 /p_1 p 1 sub def % p-1 1 setlinejoin CLW setlinewidth% % % % The procedures % % /drawEdges : draw the edges of the polytopes /drawEdges { /pow2 1 def 1 1 n_1 {/pop %for from 1 to n-1 /pow2 pow2 p mul def% } for % compute p^{n-1} % 1 1 n {% for i from 1 to n /i exch def 0 1 pow2 1 sub { % for j from 0 to p^{n-1}-1 /j exch def /num j def % num := j /s1 0 def % s1 := 0 /s2 0 def % s2 := 0 1 1 i 1 sub {% for k from 1 to i-1 /k exch def /c unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul def% c := cos( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul def% s := sin( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s1 s1 c add def %s1 := s1+c /s2 s2 s add def %s2 := s2+s /num num p idiv def % num := num/p } for i 1 add 1 n {% for k from i+1 to n /k exch def /c unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul def% c := cos( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul def% s := sin( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s1 s1 c add def %s1 := s1+c /s2 s2 s add def %s2 := s2+s /num num p idiv def % num := num/p } for /x unit i 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul s1 add def %x := s1+unit*cos(2*i*Pi/p/n) /y unit i 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul s2 add def %y := s2+unit*sin(2*i*Pi/n) x y moveto % 0 1 p { % from jj from 0 to p /jj exch def /x unit i jj n mul add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul s1 add def %x := s1+unit*cos((i+jj*n)*Pi*2/p/n) /y unit i jj n mul add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul s2 add def %y := s2+unit*sin((i+jj*n)*Pi*2/p/n) x y lineto } for stroke }for } for stroke } def \ifPst@drawedges drawEdges stroke \fi % % \drawVertices : draw the vertices of the polytopes % % Almost the same procedure than \drawEdges /DS \pst@number\pssizeVertices\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleVertices}% /drawVertices {% /pow2 1 def 1 1 n_1 {/pop /pow2 pow2 p mul def% } for % 1 1 n {% /i exch def 0 1 pow2 1 sub { % for j from 0 to p^{n-1}-1 /j exch def /num j def /s1 0 def /s2 0 def 1 1 i 1 sub {% for k from 1 to i-1 /k exch def /c unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul def% cos( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul def% sin( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s1 s1 c add def %s1=s1+c /s2 s2 s add def %s2=s2+s /num num p idiv def % num:=num/p } for i 1 add 1 n {% for k from i+1 to n /k exch def /c unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul def% cos( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul def% sin( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s1 s1 c add def %s1=s1+c /s2 s2 s add def %s2=s2+s /num num p idiv def % num:=num/p } for /x unit i 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul s1 add def %x:=s1+unit*cos(2*i*Pi/p/n) /y unit i 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul s2 add def pscolorVertices x y Dot 0 1 p { % for jj from 0 to p /jj exch def /x unit i jj n mul add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul s1 add def%x:=s1+unit*cos((i+jj*n)*Pi*2/p/n) /y unit i jj n mul add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul s2 add def pscolorVertices x y Dot } for stroke }for } for stroke } def \ifPst@drawvertices %Tableaaux drawVertices \fi % % \drawCenters : draw the centers of the edges of the polytopes % % Almost the same procedure than \drawEdges /DS \pst@number\pssizeCenters\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleCenters}% /drawCenters { /pow2 1 def 1 1 n_1 {/pop /pow2 pow2 p mul def% } for % 1 1 n {% /i exch def 0 1 pow2 1 sub { % for j from 0 to p^{n-1}-1 /j exch def /num j def /s1 0 def /s2 0 def 1 1 i 1 sub {% for k from 1 to i-1 /k exch def /c unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul def% cos( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul def% sin( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s1 s1 c add def %s1=s1+c /s2 s2 s add def %s2=s2+s /num num p idiv def % num:=num/p } for i 1 add 1 n {% for k from i+1 à n /k exch def /c unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul def% cos( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s unit k n num mul add 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul def% sin( (p*num+k)*2*Pi/p/n)*unit /s1 s1 c add def %s1=s1+c /s2 s2 s add def %s2=s2+s /num num p idiv def % num:=num/p } for /x unit i 2 Pi mul mul p div n div cos mul s1 add def %x:=s1+unit*cos(2*i*Pi/p/n) /y unit i 2 Pi mul mul p div n div sin mul s2 add def 1 1 p 1 sub { % for jj from 1 to p-1 /jj exch def /x unit i jj n mul add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul s1 add x add def%x:=s1+unit*cos((i+jj*n)*Pi*2/p/n) /y unit i jj n mul add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul s2 add y add def } for /x x p 0 add div def /y y p 0 add div def pscolorCenters x y Dot stroke }for } for stroke } def \ifPst@drawcenters drawCenters \fi } \end@ClosedObj }} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The polytopes $\beta^p_n$ % These polytopes are complex polytopes $2\{3\}2\{3\}2\dots 2\{4\}p$ in the notation of Coxeter. % They are the reciprocal polytopes of $\gamma^p_n$ % When $p=2$, the polytope $\beta^2_n$ is an hyperoctaedre. % When $n=2$, the projection is not convenient since the projection of some vertices are the same. % For an other projection, use the macro \betaptwo described below. % % The two parameters are the dimension and $p$. % % Use the macro \betapn[dimension=...,P=...] to draw the projection of a polytope $\beta^p_n$. % % Example : \betapn[dimension=5,P=4] %% % % \def\betapn{\pst@object{betapn}} \def\betapn@i{\@ifnextchar[{\betapn@do}{\betapn@do[]}} \def\betapn@do[#1]{{% \pst@killglue \setkeys{psset}{#1}% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{% % Some useful definitions /pscolorVertices {\pst@usecolor\pscolorVertices currentrgbcolor} def /pscolorCenters {\pst@usecolor\pscolorCenters currentrgbcolor} def 0 0 translate /unit \pst@number\psunit\space def % pts -> cm /Pi 180 def /p \psk@pstCoxeter@P\space def % parameter %/p 3 def /n \psk@pstCoxeter@dimension\space def% dimension /n_1 n 1 sub def % n-1 /p_1 p 1 sub def % p-1 1 setlinejoin CLW setlinewidth% /TableauxPoints [ ] def % %%%%% The procedures % % /drawEdges : draw the edges of the polytopes /drawEdges { 0 1 n { % for k from 0 to n /k exch def k 1 add 1 n{ % for l from k+1 to n /l exch def 0 1 p { % for i from 0 to p /i exch def 0 1 p { % for j from 0 to p /j exch def /s1 unit n i mul k add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul def % s1 := unit*cos(2*Pi*(n*i)+k)/n/p) /s2 unit n i mul k add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul def % s2 := unit*sin(2*Pi*(n*i)+k)/n/p) /s3 unit n j mul 1 k add add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul def % s3 := unit*cos(2*Pi*(n*j)+k)/n/p) /s4 unit n j mul 1 k add add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul def % s4 := unit*sin(2*Pi*(n*j)+k)/n/p) s1 s2 moveto s3 s4 lineto stroke }for }for } for }for } def \ifPst@drawedges drawEdges stroke \fi % % \drawVertices : draw the vertices of the polytopes % % Almost the same procedure than \drawEdges /DS \pst@number\pssizeVertices\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleVertices}% /drawVertices {% 0 1 n { /k exch def k 1 add 1 n{ /l exch def 0 1 p 0 sub { /i exch def 0 1 p 0 sub { /j exch def /s1 unit n i mul k add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul def /s2 unit n i mul k add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul def /s3 unit n j mul 1 k add add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul def /s4 unit n j mul 1 k add add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul def pscolorVertices s1 s2 %radiusVertices 0 360 arc Dot %0 1 0 setrgbcolor % green %pscolorVertices % fill s3 s4 %radiusVertices 0 360 arc Dot %0 1 0 setrgbcolor % green %pscolorVertices %fill stroke }for }for } for }for } def \ifPst@drawvertices drawVertices \fi % % \drawCenters : draw the vertices of the polytopes % % Almost the same procedure than \drawCenters /DS \pst@number\pssizeCenters\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleCenters}% /drawCenters { 0 1 n { /k exch def k 1 add 1 n{ /l exch def 0 1 p 0 sub { /i exch def 0 1 p 0 sub { /j exch def /s1 unit n i mul k add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul def /s2 unit n i mul k add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul def /s3 unit n j mul 1 k add add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div cos mul def /s4 unit n j mul 1 k add add 2 Pi mul mul n div p div sin mul def pscolorCenters %newpath s1 s3 add 2 div s2 s4 add 2 div %1.5 0 360 arc %closepath Dot %1 0 0 setrgbcolor % red stroke }for }for } for }for } def \ifPst@drawcenters drawCenters \fi }% \end@ClosedObj }} % % %%%%% Polygon $\gamma^p_2$ % A special projection for polytopes $\gamma^p_2$. % \def\gammaptwo{\pst@object{gammaptwo}} \def\gammaptwo@i{\@ifnextchar[{\gammaptwo@do}{\gammaptwo@do[]}} \def\gammaptwo@do[#1]{{% \pst@killglue \setkeys{psset}{#1}% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{% /pscolorVertices {\pst@usecolor\pscolorVertices currentrgbcolor} def /pscolorCenters {\pst@usecolor\pscolorCenters currentrgbcolor} def 0 0 translate /unit \pst@number\psunit\space def % pts -> cm /Pi 180 def /p \psk@pstCoxeter@P\space def % parameter /p_1 p 1 add def % p+1 1 setlinejoin CLW setlinewidth % list of the vertices /TableauxPointsL [ 0 1 p_1 {% for n from 0 to p-1 /n exch def 0 1 p { % for n from 0 to p /i exch def [ 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul % cos(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul add % +sin(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 i Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul sub % -cos(2iPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 i Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul sub % -sin(2iPi/p)cos(Pi/24) % unit mul % pts to cm 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul % cos(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 i Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul add % +cos(2iPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 i Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2iPi/p)sin(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for } for ] def % /TableauxPointsR [ 0 1 p_1 {%for n from 0 to p-1 /n exch def 0 1 p {% for i from 0 to p /i exch def [ 2 i Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul % cos(2iPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 i Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul add % +sin(2iPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul sub % -cos(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm % 2 i Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul % cos(2iPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 i Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2iPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul add % +cos(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for } for ] def %%%% The procedures % % / drawEdges draw the edges of the polygon /drawEdges { /Liste exch def newpath Liste 0 get aload pop moveto 0 1 p_1 p mul { /compteur exch def Liste compteur get aload pop lineto } for closepath stroke } def \ifPst@drawedges TableauxPointsL drawEdges TableauxPointsR drawEdges \fi % % / drawVertices draw the vertices of the polygon /DS \pst@number\pssizeVertices\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleVertices}% /drawVertices {% /Liste exch def 0 1 p_1 p mul { /compteur exch def pscolorVertices Liste compteur get aload pop Dot pscolorVertices fill } for } def \ifPst@drawvertices TableauxPointsL drawVertices TableauxPointsR drawVertices \fi %% List of the centers /TableauMilieuxL[ 0 1 p 1 sub {% for n from 0 to p-1 /n exch def [ 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul % cos(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul add % +sin(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul % cos(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for ] def % /TableauMilieuxR[ 0 1 p 1 sub {% for n from 0 to p-1 /n exch def [ 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul neg % -cos(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul % cos(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for ] def % % / drawEdges draw the edges of the polygon /DS \pst@number\pssizeCenters\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleCenters}% /drawCenters {% /Liste exch def 0 1 p 1 sub {% /compteur exch def pscolorCenters Liste compteur get aload pop Dot stroke } for } def \ifPst@drawcenters TableauMilieuxL drawCenters TableauMilieuxR drawCenters \fi }% \end@ClosedObj }} % % % %%%%% Polygon $\gamma^p_2$ % A special projection for polytopes $\gamma^p_2$. % % \def\betaptwo{\pst@object{betaptwo}} \def\betaptwo@i{\@ifnextchar[{\betaptwo@do}{\betaptwo@do[]}} \def\betaptwo@do[#1]{{% \pst@killglue \setkeys{psset}{#1}% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{% /pscolorVertices {\pst@usecolor\pscolorVertices currentrgbcolor} def /pscolorCenters {\pst@usecolor\pscolorCenters currentrgbcolor} def 0 0 translate /unit \pst@number\psunit\space def % pts -> cm /Pi 180 def /p \psk@pstCoxeter@P\space def % parameter /p_1 p 1 sub def % p-1 1 setlinejoin CLW setlinewidth % List of the vertices /TableauxPointsL24p [ 0 1 p_1 {% for n from 0 to p-1 /n exch def [ 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul % cos(2nPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul add % +sin(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm 2 n Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul % cos(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 n Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2nPi/p)cos(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for ] def % /TableauxPointsR24p [ 0 1 p_1 {% for m from 0 to p-1 /m exch def [ 2 m Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 sin mul neg % cos(2mPi/p)sin(Pi/24) 2 m Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 cos mul sub % -sin(2mPi/p)cos(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm 2 m Pi mul mul p div cos 7.5 cos mul % cos(2mPi/p)cos(Pi/24) 2 m Pi mul mul p div sin 7.5 sin mul sub % -sin(2mPi/p)sin(Pi/24) unit mul % pts to cm ] } for ] def %%%% The procedures % % / drawEdges draw the edges of the polygon /drawEdges { 0 1 p_1 { % /n exch def TableauxPointsL24p n get aload pop /YL ED /XL ED 0 1 p_1 { /m ED XL YL moveto TableauxPointsR24p m get aload pop lineto % 0 0 1 setrgbcolor stroke } for } for } def \ifPst@drawedges drawEdges stroke \fi % / drawVertices draw the vertices of the polygon /DS \pst@number\pssizeVertices\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleVertices}% /drawVertices {% /Liste exch def 0 1 p_1 { /compteur exch def % newpath pscolorVertices Liste compteur get aload pop Dot% radiusVertices 0 360 arc %closepath %0 1 0 setrgbcolor % green %pscolorVertices % fill } for } def % \ifPst@drawvertices TableauxPointsL24p drawVertices TableauxPointsR24p drawVertices \fi % / drawCenters draw the centers of the edges of the polygon /DS \pst@number\pssizeCenters\space def \@nameuse{psds@\psk@styleCenters}% /drawCenters { 0 1 p_1 { /n exch def TableauxPointsL24p n get aload pop /YL ED /XL ED 0 1 p_1 { /m ED TableauxPointsR24p m get aload pop /YR ED /XR ED /YM YL YR add 2 div def /XM XL XR add 2 div def pscolorCenters %newpath XM YM %1.5 0 360 arc Dot %closepath %1 0 0 setrgbcolor % red stroke } for } for } def \ifPst@drawcenters drawCenters \fi } \end@ClosedObj }} % % %\catcode`\@=\PstAtCode\relax \endinput % %% %% END: pst-coxeter.tex