A segment of code may be \glsd[hyper=false]{group} by placing it within \gls{leftbracechar} and \gls{rightbracechar} (curly braces). Most \glspl{command} that occur within a group will be local to that group. For example, \glsi{bfseries} changes the font weight to bold, so the following segment of code: \begin{code} Here is some text. \marg{This text \glsi{bfseries} is in a group.} Here is some more text. \end{code}% will appear in the typeset document looking like: \begin{resultS}[grouping.html] Here is some text. {This text \bfseries is in a group.} Here is some more text. \end{resultS} As can be seen, the font change only stays in effect until it reaches the end of the group (signified by the closing curly brace \glsni{rightbracechar}.) For a command to be in the same \keywordfmt{scope} as another command, both commands must be within the same group. For example, in the following, \glsi{bfseries} and \glsi{itshape} are in the same scope: \begin{codeS} \marg{\glsi{bfseries} Some bold \glsi{itshape} and italic text} \end{codeS} But below, they are in different scopes: \begin{codeS} \marg{\glsni{bfseries} Some bold text} \marg{\glsni{itshape} and some italic text} \end{codeS} \Glsplural{environment} form an implicit scope.