The \LaTeX\ application reads in your \glsterm{source} and creates the typeset document, the \gls*{output}. This book assumes that you will be using the version of \LaTeX\ that produces PDF files (PDF\LaTeX). If you are using TeXWorks (see \chapterref{ch:tex2pdf}), you need to select the \mbox{\dq{PDFLaTeX}} item from the drop-down list. If you are using TeXnicCenter, select the \mbox{\dq{LaTeX\TO PDF}} build profile. If you are using WinEdt, when you want to build your document click on the button marked \dq{PDFLaTeX} rather than the one marked \dq{LaTeX}. If you are using a terminal or command prompt, use the command \texttt{pdflatex} rather than \texttt{latex}. (TeXnicCenter, WinEdt and using the terminal or command prompt approach are described in the \suppmaterial[.)]{supplemental material}