%OZT%&frtex / This is a TeX code to test if french words are well hyphenated
% tstcoup.tex                     Copyright Bernard Gaulle as in french_doc.pdf
% This code was developped for MlTeX and TeX V3                --bg 03/27/92
% with CMR or EC fonts.
%                                                          last mods 2005/03/08
%%      checksum        = "32747 135 375 5425"
% Here are included LaTeX compatible definitions.               
\ifx\@gobble\undefined\let\@gobble#1{}\fi% .......................... \@gobble
%For testing purposes ........................................  \CheckSevenBits
\def\STOP{}% non stop...
\gdef\newwrite{\alloc@7\write\chardef\sixt@@n}% not an outer def
\gdef\newread{\alloc@6\read\chardef\sixt@@n}% not an outer def
\long\gdef\@ifundefined#1#2#3{\expandafter\ifx\csname%......... \@ifundefined 
\typeout{^^J Test de validite des cesures sur le jeu de plus de 500 mots}
%\hyphenchar\font='177 % for tests of DC v1.2 
\message{Le caract\`ere de c\'esure (hyphen char) est \string'\LeHC}
% creation fichier .idx
\def\cleanit#1#2/{\ifx #2\empty#1\else #1#2\fi}%
\def\IeC#1{\cleanit #1/}% remove any superfluous {}
\immediate\openout\@mainidx\jobname.idx %
\expandafter\def\csname OT\string 1\string\oe\endcsname% for 2e
                     {\string\oe\space\string{\string}}% for 2e
\expandafter\def\csname T\string 1\string\oe\endcsname% No better follow. way?
                     {\string ^^f7\@gobble}% go back to original char.
% (i've not found a correct way for reverse engeneering)
\edef\mots{\@@input TSIv5n4 %}
Jeu reduit : (voir page suivante)\vfill\eject
\@@input \jobname.idx\vfill\eject
% Relecture et comparaison
\immediate\openin\@lidx \jobname.idx %
\def\@MSG#1#2{\typeout{^^J /\the\NB/ Le mot #1 (\site)
                           devrait etre coupe #2\space!}}
                 \immediate\read\@lidx to\Mustbe%
    \def\Tobe##1 /{\edef\mustbe{##1}}\expandafter\Tobe\Mustbe /%
    \ifx \site \mustbe \else\def-{\string-}\ifnewhyph\def^^7f{\string-}\fi%
                            \global\advance\NB by 1
             \bgroup\def\accent ##1 ##2{##2}\@MSG{.\ENTIER.}{.\mustbe.}\egroup%
% A adapter eventuellement a votre site :
          \long\def[]    []#1 \par{\ATsite#1/}   % for TeX V3 
%OZT         \long\def[]      #1 \par{\ATsite#1/}   %OZT for OzTeX 3.0
%STD          \long\def[]    []#1 \par{\ATsite#1/}   %STD for TeX V3 
%%%          \long\def\ATsitE#1 #2/{\ATsite{}#2/}
%%%          \long\def[]#1/10 #2 \par{\ATsitE#2/}\fi% for NFSS
\ifx\documentclass\undefined\else% for LaTeX2e
           \long\def\ATsitE##1 ##2/{\ATsite{}##2/}}%
          \long\def[]#1/10 #2 \par{\ATsite{}#2/}% 
%%%%%%%%%% 7bits defs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\ifnewhyph% `127 is the hyphenchar
\@@input myhyph.log }% log previously produced
}% otherwise msg: end occured inside a group at level 1
\typeout{^^J             ******************}
\typeout{^^J F I N\space\space du\space\space T E S T}
\typeout{^^J (\the\NB\space mots en erreur)}
\typeout{^^J             ******************}
\typeout{^^J }