\input cap \let\IdentifierColor=\Black \let\KeywordColor=\MidnightBlue \let\SpecialColor=\Black \let\SymbolColor=\Black \let\CommentColor=\Gray \let\TextColor=\ForestGreen \let\DirectiveColor=\Tan \SpaceSkip=1.3ex % Just for fun, you can use a cyrillic font for identifiers % Of course, any font can be changed just like in the non-color % version of cap. %\font\cirm=wncyi10\let\IdentifierFont=\cirm A short program in C. It was inserted directly into the \TeX\ source file. \medskip \BeginC #include void main() { a=~a; printf("Hello, world!\n"); // printf("Hello, world!\n"); } \EndC \hrule \bigskip And now a program inserted from a separate file. \medskip \InputC{prog/sun.c} \vfill\eject And now programs written in Pascal. This one was typed directly into this file. \medskip \BeginPascal program Hello_world; begin writeln('Hello, world!'); { writeln('Hello, world!'); } end. \EndPascal \hrule \bigskip This one was imported from another file. \medskip \InputPascal{prog/guess.pas} \vfill\eject And now, my latest addition: programs written in Python. The first one is typed directly into the file. \medskip \BeginPython def fib(n): """Calculates Fibonacci series. It returns the first member of Fibonacci series larger than n""" a,b=1,1 while b <= n: a,b = b,a+b # see how we use multiple assignment? return b fib(10) \EndPython \hrule \bigskip This one was imported from another file. \medskip \InputPython{prog/fib.py} \bye