% These macros are based on plain TeX. Use them to typeset % calculational proofs and programs written in what Dijkstra called ``dot % notation''. Dijkstra described the proof format in EWD 1300 and % the programming language in ``A Discipline of Programming''. % Don't hesitate to contact me: % Wolfgang Helbig helbig@lehre.ba-stuttgart.de % Stauferstr. 22 http://wwwlehre.ba-stuttgart.de/~helbig % 71334 Waiblingen November 2008 % Sets and quantified operators % The first two parameters are delimited by `: ', they provide the % the quantifier and the range. The last parameter defines the term. % It is delimited by `\>'. If the range is empty, the two colons will not % be separated by space. The quantifier may be empty to give you a set. \def\<#1: #2: #3\>{\langle #1\;:\if#2\empty\else\;#2\;\fi:\;#3\rangle} \let\mx\uparrow % maximum \let\mn\downarrow % minimum \let\fa\forall % universal quantifier \let\ex\exists % existential quantifier \let\su\Sigma % sum \def\nbr{\#} % number of % Space surrounding binary operators. % The lower the precedence of a operator the more space should surround it. % Plain TeX provides \qquad = 36u; \quad = 18u; \; = 5u; \> = 4u; \, = 3u; % \!=-3u where one u is em/18. % logical operators (use mxx for operator xx surrounded by space) \let\eq\equiv \def\meq{\qquad\eq\qquad} % equivalence surrounded by 36u \let\ff\Leftarrow % "follows from" \def\mff{\quad\ff\quad} % "follows from" surrounded by 18u \let\impl\Rightarrow \def\mimpl{\quad\impl\quad} % "implies" surrounded by 18u \let\and\land \def\mand{\;\,\and\;\,} % "and" surrounded by 9u %\let\or\lor \def\mor{\;\,\lor\;\,} % "or" surrounded by by 9u % For most arithmetic operators, we use what plain TeX provides, namely % mathrel is surrounded by 5u space (see p. 170 in The TeXbook) % mathbin is surrounded by 4u space % mathpunct is followed by 3u space % Plain TeXs classification needs some correction however. % ``\mathcode "cfpp'' encodes class, font family and position in the font. % Plain TeX treats '*' as a bin operator, we need it as an ordinary symbol. \mathcode`\*="0203 % class was 2 (binary) % Plain TeX treats ':' as a rel operator, we need it as an ordinary symbol. \mathcode`\:="003A % class was 3 (relation) % \div and \mod should be surrounded by very little space, since % they have a high precedence \def\halfthinneg{\mskip-.5\thinmuskip} \def\div{\mathbin{\halfthinneg\hbox{\bf div}\halfthinneg}} \def\mod{\mathbin{\halfthinneg\hbox{\bf mod}\halfthinneg}} \def\gcd{\hbox{\bf gcd}} % Indented formulas and proofs % A proof is a succession of formula lines and hint lines. % A formula line has one parameter which is deliminated by \\ % Use as `\f formula \\' \def\f#1\\{\tabalign&&$#1$\cr} % like `\f E=mc^2\\' % A hint line has two parameters, a relational operator and a hint. % Use as `\h\eq {hint why the relation holds}' \def\h#1#2{\tabalign&$#1$&&$\{\,$#2$\,\}$\cr} % hint line \def\heq#1{\h\eq {#1}} % Abbreviation for `\h\eq {easily seen}' % A named formula has two parameters: The name, deliminated by % `:' and the formula, deliminated by `\\'. % Use as `\nf R1: formula \\' \def\nf #1:#2\\{\tabalign$#1:$&&$#2$\cr} % like `\nf Einstein: E=mc^2\\' % A numbered formula is similar, it typesets a parenthesized number at % the left side, e.g., `\nrf 1 E=mc^2\\' % Use as `\nrf 1 formula \\' \def\nrf #1#2\\{\tabalign(#1)&&$#2$\cr} % numbered formula % To typeset formulas, named formulas, and hints in double columns, use % the `d'-versions that take twice as much parameters. \def\dnf #1:#2\\#3:#4\\{\tabalign$#1:$&&$#2$&&$#3:$&&$#4$\cr} % named formula \def\df#1\\#2\\{\tabalign&&$#1$&&&&$#2$\cr} % double formula % Use `\dh \relax \relax = {hint}' for empty left columns \def\dh#1#2#3#4{\tabalign&$#1$&&\condhint{#2}&&$#3$&&$\{\,$#4$\,\}$\cr} \def\condhint#1{\ifx#1\relax\else$\{\,$#1$\,\}$\fi} % left column empty % Here are the alignments of (double column) formulas and hint lines. \def\+{\tabalign} % we don't want \outer\def \def\setcols{\settabs\+\qquad&\quad&\qquad&\hskip .5\hsize\hskip-5em& \qquad&\quad&\qquad&\cr} % Macros for programs % comments are specified as `\co {some text}' \def\co#1{\;\{\,#1\,\}} % comment \def\cofl#1{\{\,#1\,\}} % comment flush left % Indententation of a program line is controlled by \& and \decind. % \& sets the indentation of the following lines to its current position. % \decind decrements the indentation level of the following lines \newcount\nskips % holds number of tabstops \def\skipn{\ifcase\nskips\def\j{&}\or\def\j{&&}\or\def\j{&&&} \or\def\j{&&&&}\or\def\j{&&&&&}\or\def\j{&&&&&&}\or\def\j{&&&&&&&} \else\def\j{}\fi\j} % skip nskips tabstops \def\skipnmone{\global\advance\nskips by -1 \skipn\global\advance\nskips by 1} % Set a tabstop, succeeding lines will be left aligned to the new tabstop. \def\&{$\cleartabs&\global\advance\nskips by 1$}% % Decrement indentation, succeeding lines will be left aligned to the tabstop % preceding the current one. \def\decind{$\global\advance\nskips by -1$} % The active character ^^M (end of line) both formats a program line and % deliminates it. \def\eatfirst#1{} \catcode`\^^M=\active % \def\programline#1{\ifx;#1\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipnmone\hfill$;\;$&$##1$\cr^^M}% \else\ifx\eblock#1\def\next{\eblock}% \else\ifx\cofl#1\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipn$\cofl{##1}$\cr^^M}% \else\ifx\od#1\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipnmone\hfill$\rawod$&$##1$\decind\cr^^M}% \else\ifx\FI#1\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipnmone\hfill$\rawfi$&$##1$\decind\cr^^M}% \else\ifx\|#1\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipnmone\hfill$\rawbar\;\;$&$##1$\cr^^M}% \else\ifx\]#1\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipnmone\hfill$]\;$&$##1$&\decind\cr^^M}% \else\def\next##1^^M{\+\skipn$#1##1$\cr^^M}\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\next}% % % Enclose a block of program lines between \bblock and \eblock. \def\bblock{\doparskip\nskips=0\catcode`\^^M=\active \let^^M=\programline }% \def\eblock{\catcode`\^^M=5 \setcols }% \catcode`\^^M=5 % % Identation is controlled automatically be some tokens as follows: % `\[', `\do', and `\IF' set a tabstop right of them and increment % the indent level. The corresponding closing tokens decrement the % indent level. The `;', the `|', the \od and the \]| tokens at the % beginning of a new line are typeset slightly left of the current % identation level. % Tokens in our programming language % block \def\[{[\;\&} \def\nomenclature#1{\mathbin{\hbox{\bf#1}}\>} \def\glocon{\nomenclature{glocon}} \def\glovar{\nomenclature{glovar}} \def\vircon{\nomenclature{vircon}} \def\virvar{\nomenclature{virvar}} \def\pricon{\nomenclature{pricon}} \def\privar{\nomenclature{privar}} \def\]{\;]\decind} % primitive initializing statement \def\vir{${\bf\ vir }$} \def\array{${\bf\ array}$} % assignment \def\:#1{\mathord{\>\,:\!=\>\,}} % use as `\:=' % guarded command list \def\-#1{\;\;\mathord{\rightarrow}\;\;} % use as '\->' \def\|{\;\rawbar\;} % if statement \def\IF{\rawif\&} \def\FI{\;\;\rawfi\decind} % do statement \def\do{\rawdo\&} \def\od{\;\;\rawod\decind} % internal use \def\rawbar{|\hskip -1.4pt]} \def\rawdo{\hbox{\bf do}\;\;} \def\rawod{\hbox{\bf od}\;\;} \def\rawfi{\hbox{\bf fi}\;\;} \def\rawif{\hbox{\bf if}\;\;} % format definitions \parindent=0pt \parskip=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt \def\unparskip{\vskip-\parskip} \def\doparskip{\vskip \parskip} \def\bi{\hfil\break\hbox{\qquad}} \setcols