We are finished! After a lot of trouble


                            and the fonts

                       UMRANDA.MF + UMRANDB.MF

                             version 1.2

are ready for use! This is the first officially distributed version.
With UMRAND.STY you can typeset fancy frames in TeX. This can by done
with \fbox too? Well no one of this type:

                    +                           +
                    +      TeX & METAFONT       +
                    *            for            *
                    +         President!        +
                    +                           +

Instead of + and * there are line elements, meander, fishes, snakes,
flowers, curls and many others in our fonts. The framesize is
automatically computed in respect of the frame's contents. Many
combinations of frame elements are possible.

One restriction we had to made: The fonts only work on devices with
equal x- and y-resolution. With 180x360dpi you will run into
problems. A little comfort: You should try. You may be able to use
some of the chars in our fonts. We don't know, whether that will
change in the future.

PS: Here you see, what we are doing at our ``table reserved for
    regular guests'' (Langenscheid dictionary, "`Stammtisch"' in
    German) in Wuppertal, Germany.

We, that are in this case:

      Andreas H"orstemeier                 Andreas Schrell
      Oberlinweg 7              and        Windh"ovel 2
      D-58675 Hemer                        D-42279 Wuppertal

           E-MAIL: Andreas.Schrell @ FernUni-Hagen.de

Oh yes, you will find the files named

      umrand12.zip       umrand12.readme_g       umrand12.readme_e

in Stuttgart:       ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
in Aston:           ftp.tex.ac.uk
in Texas:           ftp.shsu.edu
in the directory:   tex-archive/macros/generic/umrand

Included are PK-fonts at 101 dpi (screen)
                         300 dpi (Atari-laser SLM)
                         300 dpi (HP-Laser/DeskJet).

We hope other Servers will obtain it from there. The package may be
freely distributed, as always you are not allowed to change the
files. Bug reports and further hints please to one of the adresses

        o                                                  o
        o  Especially we will be happy if all TeXnicians,  o
        o  who like our fonts and use them, would send us  o
        o  a POSTCARD of their home town!                  o
        o                                                  o

A lot of fun and best wishes from Andreas & Andreas