#!/bin/sh # # Everything after a `#' is ignored (in this shell script) # # remove the string `> /dev/null' if you want more log-output # remove the line containing `batchmode' if you want even more # log-information while running LaTeX # #----------------- create a `ltxdoc.cfg': -------------------------- # Put here a list of options to pass to the class: OPT=a4paper echo "Generating configuration file ltxdoc.cfg for youngtab.dtx" # Write the file in one pass: cat > ltxdoc.cfg < /dev/null) then echo;echo "2nd latex $ThisDoc" latex $ThisDoc > /dev/null echo;echo "makeindex -s gind.ist $Base.idx" makeindex -s gind.ist $Base.idx echo;echo "3rd latex $ThisDoc" latex $ThisDoc > /dev/null else echo;cat <