kpse.set_program_name("texlua","lualatex") no_jis_chars = {'⦅','〘','〖','«','〝','⦆','〙','〗','»','〟','‼','⁇','⁈','⁉','〳','〴','〵','〻','ゕ','ゖ','ㇰ','ㇱ','ㇲ','ㇳ','ㇴ','ㇵ','ㇶ','ㇷ','ㇸ','ㇹ','ㇺ','ㇻ','ㇼ','ㇽ','ㇾ','ㇿ','ㇷ゚','€','№','㏋','ℓ','㌃','㌍','㌔','㌘','㌢','㌣','㌦','㌧','㌫','㌶','㌻','㍉','㍊','㍍','㍑','㍗','㎎','㎏','㎜','㎝','㎞','㎡','㏄','ゔ','か゚','き゚','く゚','け゚','こ゚','ヷ','ヸ','ヹ','ヺ','カ゚','キ゚','ク゚','ケ゚','コ゚','セ゚','ツ゚','ト゚','゠','–','ヲ', 'ァ', 'ィ', 'ゥ', 'ェ', 'ォ', 'ャ', 'ュ', 'ョ', 'ッ', 'ー', 'ア', 'イ', 'ウ', 'エ', 'オ', 'カ', 'キ', 'ク', 'ケ', 'コ', 'サ', 'シ', 'ス', 'セ', 'ソ', 'タ', 'チ', 'ツ', 'テ', 'ト', 'ナ', 'ニ', 'ヌ', 'ネ', 'ノ', 'ハ', 'ヒ', 'フ', 'ヘ', 'ホ', 'マ', 'ミ', 'ム', 'メ', 'モ', 'ヤ', 'ユ', 'ヨ', 'ラ', 'リ', 'ル', 'レ', 'ロ', 'ワ', 'ン','。', '「', '」', '、', '・', '゙', '゚'} if arg[1] == nil then print('Usage: texlua luajfm2pl.lua [--noutf] []') os.exit(0) end local luajfm if arg[1] ~= "--noutf" then no_jis_chars = {} luajfm = arg[1] outputfile = arg[2] else luajfm = arg[2] outputfile = arg[3] end local jfmfile = kpse.find_file("jfm-" .. luajfm .. ".lua") if jfmfile == nil then print("JFM " .. luajfm .. " is not found") os.exit(1) end --. JFMロード jfm = nil luatexja = {} luatexja.jfont = {} function luatexja.jfont.define_jfm(j) jfm = j end dofile(jfmfile) local fp = nil if outputfile == nil then fp = io.stdout else local msg fp,msg =,"w") if fp == nil then print(msg) os.exit(1) end end --. 関数群 local function merge_sort(list,from,to,comp) local tmplist = {} if to - from > 1 then local mid = math.floor((to + from)/2) merge_sort(list,from,mid,comp) merge_sort(list,mid+1,to,comp) local left = from local right = mid + 1 local i = 1 while left <= mid or right <= to do if left > mid then tmplist[i] = list[right] right = right + 1 elseif right > to then tmplist[i] = list[left] left = left + 1 elseif comp(list[right],list[left]) == true then tmplist[i] = list[right] right = right + 1 else tmplist[i] = list[left] left = left + 1 end i = i + 1 end for j = from,to do list[j] = tmplist[j - from + 1] end elseif to - from == 1 then if comp(list[to],list[from]) then list[to],list[from] = list[from],list[to] end end return list end function stable_sort(list,comp) if comp == nil then comp = function(a,b) return a < b end end return merge_sort(list,1,#list,comp) end local function array_uniq(t) local n = 1 for i = 1,#t do local newone = true for j = 1,n - 1 do if t[i] == t[j] then newone = false break end end if newone == true then t[n] = t[i] n = n + 1 end end local m = #t for i = n,m do table.remove(t) end return t end local function exists(t,v) for _,val in pairs(t) do if v == val then return true end end return false end local function isempty(t) return next(t) == nil end local function isemptyornil(t) return t == nil or isempty(t) end --. JFMの改変 -- デフォルト値の設定 for cls,val in pairs(jfm) do if type(cls) == "number" then if val.width == nil then jfm[cls].width = 1 end if val.height == nil then if jfm.dir == 'tate' then jfm[cls].height = 0.5 else jfm[cls].height = 0.88 end end if val.depth == nil then if jfm.dir == 'tate' then jfm[cls].depth = 0.5 else jfm[cls].depth = 0.12 end end if val.italic == nil then jfm[cls].italic = 0 end end end -- charsを書き出す文字列に変換しておく. local no_jis_chars_hash = {} for _,c in ipairs(no_jis_chars) do no_jis_chars_hash[c] = true end alcharclass = nil noxalcharclass = nil for class,val in pairs(jfm) do if type(class) ~= "number" or class == 0 then goto continue end local chars = {} for _,c in ipairs(val.chars) do local ac = nil -- 'alchar'や'nox_alchar'が入っているクラスを記憶 if c == 'alchar' then alcharclass = class elseif c == 'nox_alchar' then noxalcharclass = class elseif unicode.utf8.len(c) == 1 then ac = c elseif unicode.utf8.len(c) == 2 then local cs = {} for _,cc in string.utfcharacters(c) do table.insert(cs,cc) end if cs[2] == "*" then ac = cs[1] end end if no_jis_chars_hash[ac] ~= true then table.insert(chars,ac) end end chars = array_uniq(chars) -- charsが空になった場合は消しておく if class ~= alcharclass and class ~= noxalcharclass and isempty(chars) == true then io.stderr:write("Class " .. class .. " has no char, so we omit it\n") jfm[class] = nil else jfm[class].chars = table.concat(chars," ") end ::continue:: end if alcharclass == noxalcharclass then noxalcharclass = nil end for _,class in ipairs({alcharclass,noxalcharclass}) do if class ~= nil then if jfm[class].chars == "" then io.stderr:write("Class " .. class .. " has only Alchar, so we omit it\n") jfm[class] = nil end end end -- 存在しないクラスに対するglue/kernは消す for _,gluekern in ipairs({"glue","kern"}) do for class,val in pairs(jfm) do if type(class) == "number" and val[gluekern] ~= nil then for target,_ in pairs(val[gluekern]) do if jfm[target] == nil then io.stderr:write("Class " .. tostring(target) .. " does not exist, the corresponding " .. gluekern .. " in Class " .. tostring(class) .. " is omitted\n") jfm[class][gluekern][target] = nil end end end end end -- glueやkernが同じ挙動であるか調べる function isthesamespace(gluekern,clses,c1,c2) return isthesamespace_before(gluekern,c1,c2) and isthesamespace_after(gluekern,clses,c1,c2) end -- c1,c2を前とするグルーが同じか. function isthesamespace_before(gluekern,c1,c2) -- 片方がnilの場合 if jfm[c1][gluekern] == jfm[c2][gluekern] then return true end if jfm[c1][gluekern] == nil or jfm[c2][gluekern] == nil then return false end --この段階で両方tableなはず local targetclses = {} -- c1とc2のglueやkernのunion for c,_ in pairs(jfm[c1][gluekern]) do table.insert(targetclses,c) end for c,_ in pairs(jfm[c2][gluekern]) do table.insert(targetclses,c) end targetclses = array_uniq(targetclses) for _,chk in ipairs(targetclses) do if jfm[c1][gluekern][chk] == jfm[c2][gluekern][chk] then goto continue end if jfm[c1][gluekern][chk] == nil or jfm[c2][gluekern][chk] == nil then return false end if type(jfm[c1][gluekern][chk]) == "number" or type(jfm[c2][gluekern][chk]) == "number" then return false end if jfm[c1][gluekern][chk][1] ~= jfm[c2][gluekern][chk][1] then return false end if gluekern == "glue" then if jfm[c1][gluekern][chk][2] ~= jfm[c2][gluekern][chk][2] or jfm[c1][gluekern][chk][3] ~= jfm[c2][gluekern][chk][3] then return false end end ::continue:: end return true end function isthesamespace_after(gluekern,clses,c1,c2) for _,c in pairs(clses) do if jfm[c][gluekern] == nil then goto continue end if jfm[c][gluekern][c1] == jfm[c][gluekern][c2] then goto continue end if jfm[c][gluekern][c1] == nil or jfm[c][gluekern][c2] == nil then return false end if type(jfm[c][gluekern][c1]) == "number" or type(jfm[c][gluekern][c2]) == "number" then return false end if jfm[c][gluekern][c1][1] ~= jfm[c][gluekern][c2][1] then return false end if kernglue == "glue" then if jfm[c][gluekern][c1][2] ~= jfm[c][gluekern][c2][2] or jfm[c][gluekern][c1][3] ~= jfm[c][gluekern][c2][3] then return false end end ::continue:: end return true end -- 同じ挙動を示すクラスをまとめる local classes = {} for k,_ in pairs(jfm) do if type(k) == "number" then table.insert(classes,k) end end classes = stable_sort(classes) for _,from in pairs(classes) do for index,to in pairs(classes) do if to <= from or to == 0 or from == 0 then goto continue end if jfm[from].width ~= jfm[to].width or jfm[from].height ~= jfm[to].height or jfm[from].depth ~= jfm[to].depth or jfm[from].italic ~= jfm[to].italic then goto continue end if isthesamespace("glue",classes,from,to) and isthesamespace("kern",classes,from,to) then io.stderr:write("Class " .. tostring(to) .. " is merged to Class " .. tostring(from) .. "\n") jfm[from].chars = jfm[from].chars .. " " .. jfm[to].chars jfm[to] = nil classes[index] = nil for _,cls in pairs(classes) do if jfm[cls].glue ~= nil then jfm[cls].glue[to] = nil end if jfm[cls].kern ~= nil then jfm[cls].kern[to] = nil end end end ::continue:: end end -- 番号を連続的にする. -- classmaptable[JFM内クラス番号] = JPL内クラス番号 classes = {} for k,_ in pairs(jfm) do if type(k) == "number" then table.insert(classes,k) end end classes = stable_sort(classes) local classmaptable = {} local jplclass = 1 for _,class in ipairs(classes) do if type(class) == "number" then if class == 0 then classmaptable[class] = 0 else if class ~= jplclass then io.stderr:write("Class " .. tostring(class) .. " is mapped to Class " .. tostring(jplclass) .. "\n") end classmaptable[class] = jplclass jplclass = jplclass + 1 end end end fp:write("(COMMENT JPL file from jfm-" .. luajfm .. ".lua)\n") fp:write("(CODINGSCHEME TEX KANJI TEXT)\n") fp:write("(DIRECTION " .. string.upper(jfm.dir) .. ")\n") -- fp:write("(DESIGNSIZE R 10.0)\n") fp:write("(FONTDIMEN \n") fp:write(" (SLANT R 0.0)\n") fp:write(" (SPACE R " .. tostring(jfm.kanjiskip[1]) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (STRETCH R " .. tostring(jfm.kanjiskip[2]) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (SHRINK R " .. tostring(jfm.kanjiskip[3]) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (XHEIGHT R " .. tostring(jfm.zh) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (QUAD R " .. tostring( .. ")\n") fp:write(" (EXTRASPACE R " .. tostring(jfm.xkanjiskip[1]) .. ")\n") -- 下二つはFONTDIMENの下で良いのかな? fp:write(" (EXTRASTRETCH R " .. tostring(jfm.xkanjiskip[2]) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (EXTRASHRINK R " .. tostring(jfm.xkanjiskip[3]) .. ")\n") fp:write(")\n") classes = {} for k,_ in pairs(jfm) do if type(k) == "number" then table.insert(classes,k) end end classes = stable_sort(classes,function(a,b) return classmaptable[a] < classmaptable[b] end) for _,class in ipairs(classes) do if class ~= 0 then fp:write("(CHARSINTYPE D " .. tostring(classmaptable[class]) .. "\n " .. jfm[class].chars .. "\n)\n") end fp:write("(TYPE D " .. tostring(classmaptable[class]) .. "\n") fp:write(" (CHARWD R " .. tostring(jfm[class].width) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (CHARHT R " .. tostring(jfm[class].height) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (CHARDP R " .. tostring(jfm[class].depth) .. ")\n") fp:write(" (CHARIC R " .. tostring(jfm[class].italic) .. ")\n") fp:write(")\n") ::continue:: end fp:write("(GLUEKERN\n") for _,class in ipairs(classes) do if (jfm[class].glue == nil or isempty(jfm[class].glue) == true) and (jfm[class].kern == nil or (type(jfm[class].kern) == "table" and isempty(jfm[class].kern) == true)) then goto continue end fp:write(" (LABEL D " .. tostring(classmaptable[class]) .. ")\n") if jfm[class].glue ~= nil then for _,targetcls in ipairs(classes) do if jfm[class].glue[targetcls] ~= nil then fp:write(" (GLUE D " .. tostring(classmaptable[targetcls]) .. " R " .. tostring(jfm[class].glue[targetcls][1]) .. " R " .. tostring(jfm[class].glue[targetcls][2]) .. " R " .. tostring(jfm[class].glue[targetcls][3]) .. ")\n") end end end if jfm[class].kern ~= nil then for _,targetcls in ipairs(classes) do if jfm[class].kern[targetcls] ~= nil then fp:write(" (KRN D " .. tostring(classmaptable[targetcls]) .. " R ") if type(kernval) == "number" then fp:write(tostring(jfm[class],kern[targetcls]) .. ")\n") else fp:write(tostring(jfm[class].kern[targetcls][1]) .. ")\n") end end end end fp:write(" (STOP)\n") ::continue:: end fp:write(")\n")