\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{The output}
The pdf generated, has automatically, some properties:
\item the title
\item the name of the author
\item the subject:
\item Thesis Presentation by using the english language
\item Presentazione Tesi di Laurea by using the italian language
This is possible thanks to the available options of hyperref. To create references in the text, use:
\item \verb!\label{name-reference}! in the starting point
\item \verb!\ref{name-reference}! in the point you want to show the reference
\item \verb!\href{url}{name-url}! to specify web addresses

\item To realize a frame it is possible use the environment \emph{frame} with top (t), center (c) or bottom (b) alignment: I suggest you to use the top alignment; this is the basic code:
\item To make things easier, it has been introduced a new environment which is able to have the top property property intrinsic:

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Suggestions (II)}
\item To realize the titlepage with all options, it has been introduced the command \verb!\titlepageframe!
\item Of course, it is also possible to use the \emph{standard} approach\\
\verb!\titlepage! \\
\item In this case \textbf{do not} provide a title for the frame
\item If you have to insert some code using \emph{verbatim} or \emph{listings} \textbf{do not exploit} \emph{tframe} environment, but:\\

\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{Suggestions (III)}
\item If the title does not fit in the footer box, it is possible to exploit the so called \highlight{shorttitle}; an example:
\title[short title]{Long title of the thesis}
In this way the long title is just placed in the titlepage.
\item In case there are more than two supervisors or assistansupervisors, I suggest you to insert them through commands reported in \ref{secondrel} and separate names thanks to a comma.

\begin{tframe}{On Facebook}
The relevance of Facebook is known to everybody: due to this reason, you can find:
\item the group \href{https://www.facebook.com/\#!/groups/beamer2thesis/}{Beamer2Thesis}
\item the page \href{https://www.facebook.com/\#!/pages/Beamer2Thesis/112814205489099}{Beamer2Thesis}
In this way you can post your comments, hints, suggestion and questions in more familiar way. Morevoer, you can find further examples.

Here are shortly reported the main features of the releases:
\item basic version (2011-01-17):
\item colors, second logo, second candidate, tframe environment, titleline, bullets, languages, separator string for slide numeration; 
\item release 2.0:
\item third logo, assistant supervisor, new ways to highlight, new command for the titlepage, new enviroments \emph{adv} and \emph{disadv}, \XeTeX\, and \XeLaTeX\, support, blocks;
\item release 2.1:
\item coding option, second supervisor, second assistantsupervisor;
\item release 2.2:
\item language, short title, highlighting formulas.

I would like to thank people that, with precious hints, help me:
\item Alessio Califano
\item Alessio Sanna
\item Luca De Villa Palù
\item Mariano \emph{Dave} Graziano
\item Giovanna Turvani
\item Mattia Stefano
\item Nicola Tuveri
\item Giuliana Galati
A special thank to Claudio Beccari for very precise comments on the first version.