% Create title frame

% Table of contents
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]


  \framesubtitle{A short introduction to Trigon}
  \themename is a modern, elegant and versatile theme for Beamer, inspired by
  \href{https://github.com/matze/mtheme}{\textsc{metropolis} theme} from Matthias
  \themename comes with lots of nice extra features
    \item Multiple style variations for title, section and normal slides
    \item Simple customization of theme colors
    \item Lots of convenient options to tweak the design


\subsection{Layout variations}

  The general style for the title, section and regular frames can be changed
  easily with simple options. Here are some examples for the title page
      \caption*{style2 (default)}


  This theme is using \textit{Source Sans Pro} font for all elements by default.
  This can be disabled by providing the option \texttt{usesourcefonts=false}.
  Emphasis can be added by using \textbf{bold} typeface, \textit{italic},
  \alert{alert} or {\color{tPrim}{simple colors}}.
  Equations are typeset with this font as well
    F(x|\mu,s) = \int_{-\infty}^x s^{-1}\left(1+e^{-\frac{v-\mu}{s}}\right)^{-2} e^{-\frac{v-\mu}{s}}\;\mathsf{d}v = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\frac{x-\mu}{s}}}



  \begin{columns}[c, onlytextwidth]
    Use the theme color \texttt{tPrim}, \texttt{tSec}, \texttt{tGrey} and
    \texttt{tAccent} to have charts directly fit the main theme of presentation.
      \item Easy variants using \texttt{color!x} to lighten or darken the colors
        \pie[color={tPrim, tPrim!75, tPrim!50, tPrim!25},
        rotate=90, hide number, text= legend]
        {50/tPrim, 32/tPrim!75, 16/tPrim!50, 2/tPrim!25}


      \item Item 1
          \item Subitem 1
          \item Subitem 2
      \item Item 2
      \item Item 3

      \item The Fellowship of the Ring,
      \item The Two Towers,
      \item The Return of the King.

      \item[Trigon] Modern. \item[Default] Outdated.



      \path[coordinate] (0,0)  coordinate(A)
        ++( 60:5cm) coordinate(B)
        ++(-60:5cm) coordinate(C);
      \path[coordinate] (0,0)  coordinate(D)
        ++(60:5cm) coordinate(E)
        ++(180:5cm) coordinate(F);
      \draw[fill=\couleur!\thedensity] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
      \draw[fill=\color!\thedensity] (D) -- (E) -- (F) -- cycle;
      \foreach \x in {1,...,15}{%
        \path[coordinate] coordinate(X) at (A){};
        \path[coordinate] (A) -- (B) coordinate[pos=.15](A)
          -- (C) coordinate[pos=.15](B)
          -- (X) coordinate[pos=.15](C);
        \draw[fill=\couleur!\thedensity] (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
      \foreach \x in {1,...,15}{%
        \path[coordinate] coordinate(X) at (D){};
        \path[coordinate] (D) -- (E) coordinate[pos=.15](D)
          -- (F) coordinate[pos=.15](E)
          -- (X) coordinate[pos=.15](F);
        \draw[fill=\color!\thedensity] (D)--(E)--(F)--cycle;
    \caption{Rotated triangles from


    \caption{A nice table example}
    \begin{tabular}{@{} lccc @{}}
      & \textbf{Velocity} & \textbf{Angle}  & \textbf{Vertical force} \\
      & $U$ & $\alpha$  & $F_z$ \\
      & [m/s] & [$^\circ$]  & [N] \\
      2D simulation  & 9 & 2 & 9.23 \\
      3D simulation  & 10.0 & 3 & 15.039 \\
      Experiment A   & 11.31 & 2.5 & 13.2 \\
      Experiment B   & 11.26 & 2.7 & 12.6 \\
      Experiment C   & 11.33 & 2.47 & 13.6 \\



  \begin{block}{Regular block}
    Just a regular block
  \begin{alertblock}{Alert block}
    Some important thing
  \begin{exampleblock}{Example block}
    No difference with regular block to avoid excessive distraction

\subsection{Frame footer}

  \setbeamertemplate{frame footer}{My custom footer}
    \themename defines a custom beamer template to add a text to the footer. It can be set via
    \begin{verbatim}\setbeamertemplate{frame footer}{My custom footer}\end{verbatim}

  Some references to showcase [allowframebreaks] \cite{knuth92,ConcreteMath,Simpson,Er01,greenwade93}


  Get the source of this theme and the demo presentation from


  As for \textsc{metropolis}, \themename is licensed under a
  \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}{Creative Commons
  Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License}.



\begin{frame}[fragile]{Backup slides}
  Sometimes, it is useful to add slides at the end of your presentation to
  refer to during audience questions.

  The best way to do this is to include the \verb|appendixnumberbeamer|
  package in your preamble and call \verb|\appendix| before your backup slides.

  \themename will automatically turn off slide numbering and progress bars for
  slides in the appendix.
