% This file is public domain. % This document additionally requires the datetime2-english module % to be installed. % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[italian]{article} \usepackage[datesep=/,showzoneminutes=false]{datetime2} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \DTMsetup{showdow} \DTMsavetimestamp{mydate}{2014-06-03T12:45:02+01:00} \begin{document} \tableofcontents The use of \verb|\typeout| is to test the expansion in the event that the date/time needs to be written to an external file. Use \texttt{\href{http://www.dickimaw-books.com/latex/novices/html/texdoc.html}{texdoc} datetime2} to read the main user manual for the \texttt{datetime2} package and use \texttt{texdoc datetime2-english} for the English module documentation. \section{Default date: \today} Today: \today. Time: \DTMcurrenttime. Zone: \DTMcurrentzone. Now: \DTMnow. TWO DIGITS: \DTMtwodigits{2014}. \DTMtwodigits{2999}. \DTMtwodigits{-2}. \typeout{Date Stamp (Default): \DTMnow} Saved date: \DTMusedate{mydate}. Saved time: \DTMusetime{mydate}. Saved date-time: \DTMuse{mydate}. \typeout{Date Stamp (Default): \DTMuse{mydate}} \section{Default time: \DTMusetime{mydate}} \DTMsetstyle{iso} ISO: \DTMnow. \typeout{Date Stamp (ISO): \DTMnow} Saved date: \DTMuse{mydate}. \typeout{Date Stamp (ISO): \DTMuse{mydate}} \DTMsetstyle{italian} \section{(Italiano) \DTMusedate{mydate}} Today: \today. Time: \DTMcurrenttime. Zone: \DTMcurrentzone. Now: \DTMnow. TWO DIGITS: \DTMtwodigits{2014}. \DTMtwodigits{2999}. \DTMtwodigits{-2}. \typeout{Date Stamp (Default): \DTMnow} Saved date: \DTMusedate{mydate}. Saved time: \DTMusetime{mydate}. Saved date-time: \DTMuse{mydate}. Italiano: \DTMnow. \typeout{Date Stamp (IT): \DTMnow} Saved date: \DTMuse{mydate}. \typeout{Date Stamp (IT): \DTMuse{mydate}} \end{document}