% !TeX root = ../easyfloats.tex \section{Used packages} \label{used-packages} This package uses the following packages (but depending on the package options it may load more or less packages, see \cref{package-options}): \pkgdoc{float} for `placement=H` and `float style`. It also gives you the possibility to define new float types. \pkgdoc{caption} In the standard document classes there is no distance at all between a table and it's caption above. The caption package fixes this. It also defines the `\phantomcaption` command which I am using in case that no caption is given. (The documentation of `\phantomcaption` is in the \pkg{subcaption} package.) It also gives you the possibility to customize the layout of captions but I am not changing the default layout. And it is a dependency of the \pkg{subcaption} package. \pkgdoc{subcaption} for \hyperref[subobject-environment]{subobjects} \pkgdoc{graphicx}/\pkgdoc{graphbox} for inserting graphics (see \cmd{\includegraphicobject}) \pkgdoc{pgfkeys} for parsing key=value lists \pkgdoc{etoolbox} is a collection of small helpers for programming. \pkgdoc{environ} to define environments which save their content in a macro. I am using this for the `subcaptionbox` backend of the \env{subobject} environment. \endpkgdoc